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When eggs and cakes are consecrated for Easter in 2021
When eggs and cakes are consecrated for Easter in 2021

Video: When eggs and cakes are consecrated for Easter in 2021

Video: When eggs and cakes are consecrated for Easter in 2021
Video: How Russians Consecrate Easter Eggs and Cakes. Orthodox Church on the Eve of Easter 2017 2024, May

In 2021, Easter falls on May 2, you should prepare for the holiday in advance, keep a strict fast, and most importantly - familiarize yourself with the traditions and prohibitions of the great Orthodox holiday. Find out when eggs and Easter cakes are blessed.

History of the Orthodox holiday

Easter is equated to the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. By order of the prefect of Judea, Pontius Pilate, he was crucified on the cross. The execution took place on the sacred mountain of Calvary in the Jewish capital - Jerusalem. The exact date of death is unknown.


The story says that the Savior was prepared, clothed in a shroud, laid in a coffin, and locked in a cave. On the eve of the Passover of the Jews from Saturday to Sunday, the women came to the cave, but no one was found there. An angel appeared to them and announced the resurrection of Jesus.

The name of the holiday of Easter came from the Jewish word "Pesach", which means the exodus - the time of the liberation of the Israeli people from the oppression of the Egyptian pharaohs, which lasted 400 years. The event began to be celebrated on the night from Saturday to Sunday. The date is rolling, it depends on the lunisolar calendar, falls on the time period from April 4 to May 8.


Easter traditions and symbols

Many traditions and customs are associated with the great and main holiday in the life of Orthodox Christians, for which one should begin to prepare long before its onset.

Let's consider in order:

  1. Great post. Its beginning in 2021 is marked on March 15, and it will last until May 1.
  2. Maundy Thursday (last week before the holiday). On this day, you must definitely visit the church, buy a candle (it is called "passionate"). It is believed to be able to cure any disease. It is also recommended to make Thursday salt on this day: for this, a small amount of it is placed in a tight bag, calcined in the oven and consecrated in the church. Housewives on this day wash the windows and carry out general cleaning throughout the house, then bake cakes, make cottage cheese Easter, paint eggs. Before proceeding with all the above actions, read the prayer "Our Father".
  3. On Good Friday, the Orthodox do not eat, they fast. This is the great day of the crucifixion and torment of the Savior. On Friday, church candles should be burned in each room, preferably several times, this will clear the space of negativity.
  4. Saturday is a day of mourning, it is forbidden to have fun, drink alcohol and watch TV. In the evening, the church service begins - Midnight Office, then at 00:00 - Matins. In the middle of the reading, the clergy conduct a procession around the church with icons and lighted candles in their hands. If you cannot attend church on this day, it is recommended to stay awake in order to attract goodness and good fortune to your home. On Saturday, all Orthodox Christians are allowed to ring the bells.

There is such a story about the tradition of painting eggs: on the day of the Resurrection of the Lord, Mary Magdalene hurried to notify the emperor, deciding to present the symbol of the birth of a new life - an egg. She presented it with the words "Christ is Risen".

In response, the emperor laughed and said that the dead cannot be resurrected, this is obvious, like the white egg that is in his hand. Then the egg took on a blood red hue. Tiberius was surprised and echoed Mary: "Truly is Risen."


What day and why are Easter cakes and eggs consecrated?

Eggs and cakes for Easter in 2021 are consecrated when Saturday comes. This should be done prior to the commencement of the service. It is believed that consecration takes place during the night service, on the night from Saturday to Sunday.

Why are eggs blessed? The answer is simple: from under the inanimate and hard shell a new life is born, so the dead rise from the grave for eternal life on earth.


To consecrate food, Orthodox Christians must collect a basket, putting Easter cakes, Easter eggs, and dyed eggs in it. At the same time, you should not impose a lot, since there is a tradition that everything that is consecrated must be eaten 7 days after Easter - nothing is allowed to be thrown away.

In addition, you can add to the basket:

  • cheese;
  • dairy products;
  • spices;
  • salt;
  • Cahors

You can also bless food at home, it is allowed if there is no church nearby or there is no way to get to the Midnight Office. To do this, you should:

  1. Light a church candle.
  2. Read the prayers "Our Father", "Theotokos", "Holy Spirit".
  3. Sprinkle holy water on food three times.
  4. Read the following words of the prayer: “This food is blessed and sanctified by sprinkling this sacred water, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

On Bright Easter, it is customary to visit relatives and meet guests. To this day, the custom has been preserved to walk "christening". Little children exchange sweets, eggs and cakes with neighbors. It is imperative to say the main phrase: "Christ is Risen" and answer it "Truly Risen".


What to put on the festive table

At home after the service it is customary to break the fast. The table is covered with a beautiful white tablecloth with embroidery or lace. The festive feast is "decorated" with light food. You can drink some Cahors or red wine.

Cakes, cottage cheese Easter, eggs painted red are considered to be the dominant ones. First of all, it is the consecrated products that are eaten, then you can taste other dishes.

According to tradition, you can break the fast with jellied meat, goose, meat of a young pig or his lard, pies with meat, cabbage or jam. Before you start eating holiday delicacies, you should read a prayer and light candles.

The main holiday of Orthodox Christians should be held in fun, purity, holiness. It is not allowed to be sad, quarrel with relatives and refuse alms to those in need. You should definitely attend the service and receive Holy Communion.



  1. Preparation for the holiday is important. Fasting should be strictly followed, especially during the last week.
  2. Easter cakes and eggs are consecrated on the night of May 1-2, 2021.
  3. It is possible to consecrate food both in church and at home.
  4. On the day of the holiday, the mood should be elevated, you should not indulge in quarrels and grief.
