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How to quickly clean a silicone phone case from yellowness
How to quickly clean a silicone phone case from yellowness

Video: How to quickly clean a silicone phone case from yellowness

Video: How to quickly clean a silicone phone case from yellowness
Video: How to Clean Yellowness of Transparent Mobile Cover | Clean Silicon Cover at Home 2024, June

How to clean a silicone phone case from yellowness? Every gadget owner sooner or later asks this question. Many people immediately decide to buy a new cover, but over time, it also loses its presentation. To extend the life of the product and not to spend money on more and more new accessories, you need to provide the case with proper care.

Wet wipes

Wet wipes, of course, will not remove old yellowness, but they will be good as a preventive measure. If you periodically remove the case from the phone and wipe it with wet wipes, it will stay clean longer.

Choose antibacterial wipes to disinfect the product, and at the same time wipe the phone case. You've probably heard that smartphones are breeding grounds for germs, so make it a rule to clean your favorite gadget and case every day. Instead of wipes, you can use a cotton swab dipped in alcohol (provided the screen has a screen protector).


To less often have to puzzle over how to wash a silicone phone case from yellowness, refuse to buy cheap products. They quickly deteriorate and even the most gentle cleaning procedure can damage the cover.

Toothpaste or tooth powder

How to clean a silicone phone case from yellowness at home? It is enough to buy the cheapest toothpaste without dyes or powder in the store and clean the case. Toothpaste whitens perfectly and is one of the most gentle remedies.


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Nail polish remover

Life hack: a colored or silicone case can be wiped with a liquid that we use to wash off the nail polish. The main thing is that it does not contain acetone, otherwise the product can be damaged! Then the cover should be rinsed with water and wiped dry.

We suggest watching a video in which a blogger is experimenting with caustic soda, bleach and other means. Will they be able to clean the silicone case?


Lemon juice

You will need the juice of half a lemon. With its help, you need to process the entire surface of the silicone cover and leave for 20 minutes. Then the cover is washed under running water and wiped dry.

Lemon juice has the same whitening effect as paste.


Among the effective ways to remove yellowness from a silicone case, soda mixed with ammonia is in the lead. Prepare the mixture: mix soda with ammonia and water in equal proportions. After 20 minutes, thoroughly rinse the cover under the tap.


If you can't find ammonia at hand, you can get by with baking soda alone. You rub the cover on it, leave it on for a few minutes, rinse it off and enjoy the result. Here's how to clean any yellow case, including a transparent silicone phone case.

Soap solution

Prepare a soap solution based on shampoo, liquid soap, or dish soap and soak your case in it for an hour. Before rinsing it under water, you can rub the most dirty areas with a soft brush.

If the desired result is not achieved the first time, you can repeat the procedure with soaking. By the way, chlorine-free bleach like Vanish can help with yellowness and dirt. Make a solution, dampen a sponge in it and wipe the cover. This method is especially good for transparent silicone cases.


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Sodium tetraborate, vinegar and onion

On the Internet, users leave comments on how to wash a silicone phone case from yellowness, and, according to reviews, it copes well with the problem of borax (sodium tetraborate). The cover must first be soaked in soapy water with the addition of a small amount of borax and left for half an hour. Then you should thoroughly rinse the product under running water and dry.

You can get rid of yellowness on a silicone case with table vinegar. Wipe the product with a vinegar solution and rinse under the tap. Some people use onion juice instead of vinegar. They say it is also quite effective.


Whichever product you choose, the main thing is not to use it when cleaning:

  • chemical solvents;
  • chlorine-based bleaches;
  • abrasive powders;
  • sharp objects;
  • hard brushes.

They can damage the cover and cannot be restored.
