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How to remove greasy stains from clothes without washing
How to remove greasy stains from clothes without washing

Video: How to remove greasy stains from clothes without washing

Video: How to remove greasy stains from clothes without washing
Video: How to Remove Grease Stains from Clothes That Have Already Been Washed and Dried With Vinegar 2024, June

Oily stains are considered the most persistent and difficult to remove. They bite very deeply into the fibers, making them difficult to remove. Fresh stains cause a lot of trouble, let alone old ones. It's a shame to throw out a good thing because of an annoying misunderstanding. Therefore, many housewives are wondering: how to remove fat from clothes at home. Here are the most effective ways to deal with pollution.


If a greasy stain appears on your clothes, do not rush to carry it to the dry cleaner. There are many ways to deal with the problem at home. Not all housewives know how to remove a greasy stain from clothes. But learning the wisdom is not difficult.

It is necessary to start fighting fat immediately after it gets on your clothes. In this case, there is a much better chance of getting rid of the dirt. Stubborn stains are much more difficult to remove. To quickly and easily deal with dirt, you need to apply salt to a fresh stain. Sprinkle it liberally over fresh fat and leave for 5 minutes.


The salt will absorb the oil, after which the item is easily washed off. This advice works if you immediately notice the appearance of the stain. But you can also fight old pollution.

Salt solution

How to remove a greasy stain from cotton clothes at home? For cleaning, you can use salt, or rather brine. To prepare it, you need to dissolve 5 tablespoons of salt in 0.5 liters of water. Soiled clothing must be kept in the resulting solution until the fat dissolves. The place of contamination can later be rubbed with laundry soap. After washing in the machine, there will be no stain left.


Dish gel

It's no secret that dishwashing gels can easily remove grease. They contain components that dissolve fats. Therefore, it can be used to remove old stains. To do this, you can apply the gel directly to the stain, and then soak the item in a cool solution of detergent. It is prepared quite simply. For 3 liters of hot water, you need to put 4 tablespoons of the gel.

The thing must be kept in saline solution for 3 hours. After the stain is washed with hands and the clothes are sent to the washing machine. Detergent is an effective way to get rid of greasy dirt.



How to quickly remove a stain (greasy) without washing from clothes? The ammonia will help to do without radical intervention. A greasy stain should be treated with a solution. It is not difficult to prepare it. A teaspoon of ammonia is added to 100 grams of water. The resulting solution is abundantly moistened with a stain. In this form, the thing is left for 5-6 hours. Then it can be rinsed in clean water and dried. If the fat has not had time to get old, ammonia will help get rid of it.

The product is suitable for cleaning white and light-colored fabrics. But for dark things, ammonia cannot be used, since it has a slight whitening effect.


Laundry soap

If you do not know which product to use to combat greasy stains, pay attention to ordinary laundry soap. It is enough just to rub off the stain with it. The thing should lie in a soapy solution for 2 hours. After that, the stain must be wiped off with your hands and sent to the machine.

In addition, things can be soaked in soapy water for an hour. It is prepared as follows: 100 grams of crushed soap is diluted in 2 liters of water. After soaking, things are put into the washing machine.



How to remove greasy stains from clothes without washing? You can use alcohol at home. It is poured onto a cotton pad, which is then moistened with a stain. After 30 minutes, you can repeat the procedure. The alcohol treatment may need to be repeated several times. This method is good for items that cannot be washed, such as carpets or sofas.


You can quickly get rid of grease stains with ordinary toothpaste. This method is good because it helps to save any fabrics and even raincoat fabric, silk or wool. A greasy spot must first be wetted and then rubbed with a paste. The thing should lie in this state for two hours. After that, the cloth is washed with ordinary laundry soap.


If you need to remove an old stain from cotton fabric, you can use a bleaching paste. But for colored linen, it is better to use gel paste.


With mustard, you can get rid of stains on any fabric. To do this, you need to wash things with mustard powder. Two tablespoons of dry seasoning are mixed with water until a homogeneous gruel is obtained. The resulting mass is applied to the stain. After 20 minutes, the fabric is washed with laundry soap, after which it is sent to the washing machine. By the way, mustard is ideal for removing stains from raincoat fabric.



Potato starch is considered a good but gentle grease stain remover. Even delicate fabrics can be processed with starch. The stain on the clothes is first soaked in water. Then it is abundantly sprinkled with starch. An hour later, a paper napkin is placed on the stain, which is then ironed with an iron. During the heat treatment, all the fat is absorbed by the starch and transferred to the paper. During the cleaning process, the napkin must be changed several times. If there is no starch in the house, it can be replaced with baby powder.

Steam treatment

You can remove greasy stains with steam. To do this, you need to use an iron with steam function or a steam generator. You can also hold the item over a saucepan of steam.

When the stain gets wet, wash the fabric with laundry soap or powder.



You can get rid of the greasy stain with the help of ordinary pharmacy glycerin. This method can be used for all types of fabrics. Glycerin can handle even the most capricious things:

  • atlas;
  • silks;
  • wool.

A drop of glycerin is applied directly to the stain. After 30 minutes, the fabric is washed in warm water.


In addition, a cleansing mixture can be prepared from glycerin. To do this, mix a teaspoon of glycerin, water and ammonia. The solution is applied to the stain, and after 30 minutes the item is washed in the machine.

Salt and ammonia

Even the oldest stains can be removed with salt and ammonia. To process the fabric, mix a tablespoon of ammonia and a teaspoon of sodium chloride. After dissolving the crystals in the solution, a cotton pad is moistened and the places of contamination are treated with it. The cleaned item is machine washed.



Oily stains can be treated with table vinegar. It is used for processing colored fabrics. White things cannot be treated with acid, as they may turn yellow.

The contaminated areas are poured abundantly with vinegar and left for 30 minutes. After the specified time, the item must be rinsed in water. Vinegar makes the colors of fabrics brighter, and greasy stains disappear after it.



Shaving foam is an excellent remedy for all types of stains. It is applied in a thick layer on clothes, after 5 minutes the linen is washed.


Chalk is suitable for removing grease from delicate fabrics such as silk, satin or cashmere. The thing is laid out on a flat surface, the stain is moistened and covered with a thick layer of crushed chalk on top. After 3 hours, the powder must be shaken off. A paper napkin is placed on top of the stain and ironed with an iron. The cleaned thing will only have to be washed in powder.



Small oily spots can be removed with Oily Hair Shampoo. Such cosmetics dissolve fat well. Therefore, it will help remove the stain. Dissolve the shampoo in warm water. The linen is soaked in the resulting solution for 2 hours. After that, the stain must be wiped off.

Tracing paper

You can get rid of old stains without washing with tracing paper. It is applied to the dirty areas and ironed with an iron. Place several layers of blotting paper under the tracing paper.

We suggest watching a video on removing greasy stains.
