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World Egg Day: Top Best Recipes From Around The World
World Egg Day: Top Best Recipes From Around The World

Video: World Egg Day: Top Best Recipes From Around The World

Video: World Egg Day: Top Best Recipes From Around The World
Video: Tom Daley Recipes from around the World 2024, June

Are you still making scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs for breakfast? Then we go to you! In honor of the upcoming holiday, World Egg Day, which will be celebrated on October 9, we will change your gastronomic preferences, and it does not matter whether you deliberately or unconsciously limited yourself in your choice of dishes - you no longer want to deprive yourself of culinary delights. After all, your attention will be drawn to the top ten recipes … or rather, a list of nine ways to cook eggs. Why not a round number? And so that the date of the holiday is well remembered. So let's go!

Poached egg


Let's start, perhaps, with a French recipe, well known in our country, but rarely used. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is difficult to find time for such experiments. The technique requires skill, and very few people succeed the first time, but it's still worth a try. Eggs cooked in this way are extremely tasty: creamy yolk, delicate white - you will lick your fingers! True, the taste is directly dependent on the degree of freshness of the food. Ideally, you need to cook eggs "right from the chicken", as they say in common parlance. The margin of error is two to three days.

The technique requires skill, and very few people succeed the first time, but it's still worth a try.

The recommendations are simple. Add vinegar to a saucepan with water, put on fire and wait for the appearance of small bubbles rising from the bottom. This moment should not be missed, since one of the secrets of cooking is that the water should not boil. She should be able to "just about." Next, spin the funnel with a spoon or spatula and carefully pour in the egg (the yolk should remain intact). Cook for a minute over low heat, then turn off the stove and set the pan aside for five to ten minutes. We take out the egg bag and put it on a napkin so that the excess liquid is absorbed. We wait a few seconds and put the hot poached egg on the plate - the French breakfast is ready!

Eggs "Benedict"


Since we started with "poached", it is logical to continue with eggs "Benedict". What's the connection? Literally speaking, bread is a traditional American dish, which is a sandwich made from two halves of a muffin with poached eggs, bacon and sauce.

According to one version, the dish was invented by the chef of the New York restaurant Delmonico’s, whose regular customers demanded to diversify the menu. The finicky married couple turned out to be Mr. and Mrs. Benedict. So the surname was fixed in the title.

The cooking process begins with boiling poached eggs, but at the same time, the ollandez sauce is prepared. The butter is melted in a saucepan. Then, in a large bowl, mix two yolks with two teaspoons of lemon juice. The dishes are set over boiling water, and the previously melted butter is poured into it, with constant stirring. A couple of minutes and the sauce thickens. All that remains is to fry the toast and bacon, and then assemble the dish. Voila, eggs Benedict on the dinner table!

Eggs "Orsini"


What was Claude Monet's breakfast served? The esthete and gourmet preferred … ordinary eggs. But they prepared them for him in a special way. How? You will find out now.

To prepare the dish "Breakfast of the Aristocrat" (the second name of the eggs "Orsini") you will need:

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  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • rye bread - 2 slices
  • butter - 30 g
  • salt
  • greens

The cooking process is simple:

The whites are separated from the yolks. The first ones are placed in a bowl and whipped with salt until foamy. The latter are distributed in separate containers to maintain integrity.

A baking sheet or form is covered with special baking paper. Protein foam "nests" are laid out on it. The yolks are carefully placed in the recesses. Then everything is placed in the oven, preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees, for ten to fifteen minutes (until a golden crust appears).

Slices of bread, pre-fried, are spread with butter. "Egg nests" are laid out on top. The dish is decorated with herbs. Easy, elegant, unusual!

Cocotte Eggs


Why cocotte? From the name of the dishes in which they are cooked - cocotte makers. The classic version is a small metal saucepan with a long handle. But there are also ceramic varieties that resemble a small glass. It is in them that it is most convenient to cook this portioned dish.

The traditional recipe includes a minimum of ingredients: eggs, cream, herbs. The mold is oiled. An egg-cream mixture is poured into it and languishes in a water bath. At the end of the process, greens are added.

We are interested in another option, popular in the south of France - cocotte eggs with seafood. To prepare one portion you will need:

Why cocotte? From the name of the dishes in which they are cooked - cocotte makers. The classic version is a small metal saucepan with a long handle.

  • 1 chicken egg
  • 50 ml cream
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of finely grated parmesan
  • a handful of peeled shrimp or boiled seafood cocktail
  • 1/4 leek stalk
  • a piece of butter

The onion is chopped and fried in oil, then cream is poured into the pan. As soon as the mixture boils, cheese is added. Then the dishes are removed from the heat. Seafood is added to the hot mass. Everything is mixed and poured into cocotte makers. The last step before the oven is pouring an egg into each mold. Baking takes place at a temperature of one hundred and eighty degrees for ten minutes. Nothing complicated - even a novice cook can handle it.

Scottish eggs


Almost the oldest British recipe is considered to be eggs baked in minced meat. According to some sources, this cooking method was first used in 1738 by the London company Fortnum & Mason, a supplier to the royal court. In printed form, the cooking process was described in the book "The New Home Kitchen System", published in 1809.

You will need:

  • eggs
  • ground meat
  • favorite spices
  • bread crumbs

Eggs are boiled and cooled. Minced meat is divided into parts, from which cakes are formed with a thickness of one centimeter. An egg is placed in the center of each of them, then the edges of the cakes are pinched. Next, the meat bags are dipped in the egg mixture and rolled in bread crumbs. You can start frying after the meat and egg cutlets have cooled in the refrigerator for ten to fifteen minutes. Here's a simple old recipe!



Shakshuka is a traditional Israeli dish. Although, according to some sources, Tunisia is considered his homeland. The dish with an unusual name for the Russian ear is eggs fried in a spicy tomato sauce. In fact, this is our scrambled eggs and tomatoes.

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  • eggs
  • tomatoes (one per egg)
  • bell pepper
  • onions and garlic
  • spices: cumin, paprika, hot pepper, black pepper, salt
  • vegetable oil for frying

The basis of the dish is sauce. Finely chop onions, garlic, bell peppers, hot peppers and tomatoes. The oil is heated in a small skillet and vegetables are fried in turn. Then spices are added and everything is mixed. The mixture is stewed until the tomatoes turn into a thick sauce. It is into it that the eggs are poured (so as not to damage the yolk). Over low heat, bring the dish to readiness and put on plates, sprinkling with herbs.

Sardinian Eggs


How about fried-boiled eggs? If you prefer a light breakfast, then Sardinian eggs are the way to go. In fact, they are a snack. The set of ingredients is a minimalist's dream: eggs, olive oil, wine vinegar, garlic, salt and … bread crumbs. The eggs are boiled, cut in half and fried on both sides in a mixture of oil, vinegar and salt. In another pan (or in the same, after cooking the eggs) garlic, herbs and crumbs are fried until golden brown. The finished mass is laid out on the halves of the eggs - the Italian dish is ready!

Pancakes ableskiver


What have the eggs got to do with it? And the fact is that a traditional Danish dish is made from dough, in which there are more eggs than the rest of the ingredients. These are, in general, fried eggs. The cooking process is simple if you have special dishes. The whites are whipped into a foam. Mix flour, yolks, salt, sugar, butter and buttermilk in a separate bowl. Protein foam is added to the mixture. Then the dough is poured into the holes in the mold and cooked under constant control (the pancakes must be rotated in the cavities).

Frozen eggs


The whole secret lies in pre-preparation: eggs are kept in the freezer for three days!

And in the end - the strangest dish of unknown origin. If you cook scrambled eggs, then such an unusual one. The whole secret lies in pre-preparation: eggs are kept in the freezer for three days! Then they are taken out and laid out in containers, making small holes in the shells. The protein flows down, the yolk remains. The first is fried as usual. The second - frozen, dense and elastic - is simply laid out on top. It looks unusual, but attractive.

Here are how many different dishes you can make with regular eggs. Every country has traditional recipes. Take advantage of the culinary discoveries of overseas gourmets and diversify the menu. Celebrate World Egg Day with a record number of new dishes!
