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When to transplant currants in the fall to a new place
When to transplant currants in the fall to a new place

Video: When to transplant currants in the fall to a new place

Video: When to transplant currants in the fall to a new place
Video: Pruning and transplanting currant bushes | How to | Alternative Smallholding 2024, June

Currant is one of the most popular crops among summer residents. With proper care, it gives a bountiful harvest, but it grows quickly, which is the reason for transplanting. You need to know when and how to transplant currants to a new place in the fall.

Best transfer time

In theory, young currant bushes will undergo a transplant at any time, but in practice the result is different. Plants take root best during the dormant period, that is, in the spring and autumn months. Only with an urgent need can the procedure be carried out in the summer, but the survival rate decreases sharply, and shortcomings can lead to the death of the shrub.

Summer residents with experience consider autumn to be the best period for digging currants to another area. After the end of fruiting, the plant prepares for rest. The activity of all internal processes gradually slows down, growth stops, the movement of juice decreases.

But it is impossible to transplant currants in the fall in the northern regions. There, a cold snap sets in rapidly, the root system of the plant does not have time to gain a foothold.


Autumn is considered the preferred season for this kind of gardening work, due to the fact that the plant will harvest the next year. This does not happen with a spring transplant. But on the other hand, the roots will be able to safely survive large frosts, which is important for valuable varieties of currants.

When deciding in which month to dig out currants to a new place, you need to focus on the weather in your region.

In the middle lane, the second half of September to October will be a good period. In the southern regions, currants are transplanted in November. You need to have time to plant a shrub 20 days before frost. During this time, the plant will get used to it, the roots will take root, the currants will be ready to survive the coming winter.


Nice place to transfer

By choosing the right place, you won't have to make a lot of effort to get a good harvest. A bright, flat area will be evenly warmed up by the sun's rays, since the location on the south and southwest side will give it an advantage. The soil will allow air to pass through and the water will not be able to stagnate.

Do not plant currants next to perennials. The distance from fruit trees to berry bushes should be left at least 2 meters. Root interlacing will adversely affect growth and yield.


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For currants, areas are suitable where such crops previously grew:

  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • cabbage;
  • corn;
  • potato;
  • zucchini;
  • legumes;
  • buckwheat.

It is not recommended to plant a crop near walnut and apricot. In these trees, the root system grows beyond the crown. They will interfere with the development of the bush.

On the site where it is planned to plant currants, there should be no shading. Deficiency of sunlight leads to a decrease in immunity, damage to fungal diseases.

With a lack of light and heat, already 2 weeks after planting in a new place, currants can get sick with fungal diseases.

Gooseberries are considered a good neighbor for the bush. But the moth is a common enemy for these shrubs. Usually, red and black currants are not planted together, because they have different growing conditions.


Transplant soil

All varieties need sandy loam soil, fertilized with organic matter. With a predominance of loamy soil, mineral fertilizers must be added. From organic fertilizers, you can take compost, peat, ash, humus. For loamy soil, add potassium sulfate and superphosphate.

The soil is carefully dug up, freed from grass, old roots, disinfected 2 weeks before transplanting. Fertilize in a week. Potato peelings are considered a good fertilizer for currants. They are high in nutrients.

When digging up a bush, it is advisable to leave a large clod of earth on the roots. This will help preserve the root system, good survival.


Shrub transplant: process steps

The first step in transplanting is to dig up the plant. To begin with, the bush is prepared for this procedure. For 2, 5 weeks old, sick, damaged stems are cut out, young shoots are shortened. Young shrubs after pruning should be no more than 45 cm tall.

It is necessary to replant the plant from which all the leaves have flown. If a few remain, they will have to be carefully cut off.

When digging up a bush, you need to make a groove around the near-stem zone at a distance of 40 cm. Its depth should be about 30 cm. Then you need to pull the bush at the base. Inspect and prune roots that are still holding the plant in the soil.


The dug out plant should be laid out on a film, dragged to the transplantation site. It is necessary to carefully examine the root system. If there are dried, rotten roots, they must be trimmed.

Place the plant in the center in the prepared hole, carefully distribute the roots, cover with earth. It is imperative to make sure that the root collar is about 5 cm above the ground.

When filling in the roots, the earth must be tamped. The presence of a void leads to the formation of rot.

Next, a hole is formed, watered with warm, settled water. For the first time, two buckets per plant will be enough. Watering should be done slowly, waiting for moisture to be absorbed into the soil.


Further care

On autumn days, the main care for transplanted currants is timely watering. At the same time, the soil should be loosened. When oxygen is supplied, the roots grow actively. Watering should be done frequently, this stimulates the formation of roots. If autumn is rainy, then watering is reduced.

Top dressing in cold weather is not carried out, but it is necessary to protect the transplanted shrub from pests. It should be sprayed with a 1% Bordeaux mixture solution.

In the last autumn month, you need to insulate the trunk circle with mulch. The thickness of the mulch layer should be about 20 cm. The branches of the shrub should be tied up, overlaid with spruce branches.

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Tips from experienced summer residents

Transplanting is stressful for any plant. To make this procedure gentle, you need to heed the advice of experienced summer residents:

  1. It is not recommended to divide the bush for propagation. This is an injury to the plant. Both parts can die.
  2. The soil in the pit must be moistened before planting. To do this, pour out 1-2 buckets of water.
  3. The red variety does not survive the autumn transplanting well compared to black currant.
  4. It is better to replant young plants. They take root more easily and require less maintenance.
  5. Climate warming is making its own changes to the summer resident's calendar. In which month to transplant currants, you should be guided by the weather. White, black and red currants grow almost the same. Only early varieties are best transplanted in the fall. They need to be covered before winter, even in warm winters.
  6. Currants with black berries are shade-tolerant. It can be planted on the north side of the site. It even tolerates temporary shading and produces a bountiful harvest at the same time.
  7. A weakened shrub is best transplanted in the spring. In the fall, it is recommended to replant a plant that does not develop well in its old place.
  8. For red currants, you need to carefully select the soil, add a lot of sand to it. The roots of this plant do not resist fungal infections poorly, therefore they need loose soil.

After transplanting to a new place, the shrub rejuvenates, begins to develop well, and gives a bountiful harvest. It is important to know when to transplant currants in the fall to a new place and how to do it correctly.

There are many subtleties to consider. Currant is an unpretentious plant, but it is prone to numerous diseases. Some can be avoided by choosing the right site for planting.



  1. Bushes need to be replanted for healthier and better yields.
  2. It is important to know how to transplant the culture correctly. This is necessary to improve the survival rate of the shrub.
  3. A competent transplant will help to avoid some diseases, such as rot.
  4. An autumn transplant will allow you to get a good harvest of berries for the next year.
