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Everything we know, and even more about Andrei Malakhov
Everything we know, and even more about Andrei Malakhov

Video: Everything we know, and even more about Andrei Malakhov

Video: Everything we know, and even more about Andrei Malakhov
Video: 2 часа назад / проклинаю вас../ Андрей Малахов 2024, June

Russian journalist and producer Andrei Malakhov is known not only in the Russian Federation, but throughout the world. The biography and personal life of the showman, who tells scandalous stories of public figures in his own programs, attracts the attention of fans and ill-wishers.

But the most surprising thing is that his wife and children often appear in the photo with the head of the family. A lover of interesting stories does not hide people close to him from his fellows in the profession and does not seek to protect his personal from the attention of the public.


Interesting details from childhood

Andrei Nikolaevich Malakhov prefers openness. Therefore, fans know many details from his biography and personal life. And his wife and children are happy to pose for photos of glossy magazines.

The world famous showman was born on January 11, 1972 in Russia. A native of the city of Apatity in the Murmansk region, from early childhood, he showed his exclusivity. But due to his restless nature and thirst for adventure, he graduated from school not with honors, but with a silver medal. In parallel with secondary education, Malakhov received a certificate of graduation from a music school in the violin class.

Refined hearing and a desire to stand out against the background of peers and became the reason that he chose this particular instrument.


The boy's father, Nikolai Dmitrievich, had a mathematical mindset. He graduated from the Faculty of Geophysics and worked in the prestigious specialty of civil engineer. Mother Lyudmila Nikolaevna devoted herself to children who needed vision correction and a special approach to teaching.

Initially, she came to the kindergarten as a teacher, but having shown professionalism and special leadership qualities, she was promoted to the head.

Growing up in a family of intellectuals, Andrei Malakhov decided that his biography would necessarily be associated with an interesting profession that would allow him to develop and travel. He grew up in a family where personal life was not on display, and the wife obeyed her husband just like children. Perhaps that is why the photos of the journalist's parents rarely appeared on the network. They are not used to such an open life.


Student years

In 1995, Makhalov graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU). The father and mother fully approved the choice of their son to become a journalist and become a "shark of the feather". In a higher educational institution, training was more interesting, so Andrei graduated with honors.

In parallel with his studies, he worked in the culture department of the popular newspaper "Moscow News", and was also the author and presenter of the "Style" program on the air of the American-Russian company Maximum.

Moscow State University and his talent helped Malakhov go on assignment to the public research University of Michigan in the United States. There he received an internship as a media representative of the European level and understood how to build his career in order to achieve success in the journalistic field.

Foreign experience of representatives of the press has shown how important it is to know the legislation in order not to face troubles in the future. Therefore, Andrei Nikolaevich decided to get a second higher education in the legal field. For this, he graduated from the Russian University for the Humanities in Moscow. Then he began to teach journalism on its basis, showing talents of good diction and the ability to keep the attention of the public.

This practice with students became for him a new stage in the development of the skills of a journalist, for whom it is important to present the material in such a way that the viewer is interested.


Career start and popularity

Back in his student years, Malakhov showed himself as a person who can deal with several projects at the same time. Wishing to develop and grow as a professional, he got a job at the Ostankino TV channel in 1992. There he hosted the program "Sunday with Sergei Alekseev" and received practical skills in working with the camera.

In parallel with this, he honed his skills as a journalist, writing texts for the "Weather on the Planet" column.

Having barely defended his diploma, Andrei Nikolayevich receives an invitation to an article by the editor of the international program "Morning", and in 1996 he holds the post of a special correspondent on the ORT TV channel. Here he works until 2001 in the program "Teleutro", which since 1997 will be called "Good Morning". During this time, the presenter becomes one of the most recognizable persons in the country.

About how the biography and personal life of the showman is being written by his colleagues, covering all aspects, except for information about the wife and children of Andrei Malakhov. Photos of the showman appear on posters of the Russian Federation in the subways and on the streets of different cities.


Your programs with a special plot

In July 2001, the TV presenter appears before the public in a new role. He became the host of the talk show Big Washing, which later became known as the Let Them Talk program. The program, which highlights the problems of Russian stars in the everyday and family-dramatic aspect, is received by the public with special enthusiasm. A unique emotional show hosted by Andrey Malakhov, telling the most intimate details from the biography and personal life of the stars, is rapidly gaining a viewer rating.

On the program, unexpected turns occur when the wife and children contradict the husband's words, providing photos and video evidence of betrayal or deception.


During the live broadcast, Malakhov, not being embarrassed in expressions and, at times, allowing himself to be rude towards the guests who came to the show, reveals their most terrible secrets. Often, the presenter is accused of the fact that, through his fault, someone became ill and the person from the program was taken away by ambulance.

But this only adds "pepper" to the scandalous stories broadcast on TV.

In parallel with the work of the presenter, Malakhov takes part in other projects:

  1. From February 2004 to June 2007 he is the host of the Golden Gramophone music festival. The episodes are aired on the First National Channel.
  2. from 2005 to 2008 he moved to Russian Radio, where the Golden Gramophone was released.
  3. In the spring of 2006, he appears in the role of a presenter, working in tandem with the healer Gennady Malakhov on the program, the releases of which are devoted to traditional medicine and non-traditional methods of treating various diseases. It is temporarily called "Malakhov + Malakhov".
  4. In September 2007, he agreed to become the host of the All-Russian Music Competition for Young Performers "Five Stars" in tandem with Ukrainian pop singer Anna Sedokova.
  5. In 2008, unexpectedly for TV viewers, he appears as a member of the jury of the "Higher League of KVN". Takes part in the second season of the music and entertainment program "Two Stars" together with the pop star of the Russian and Soviet stage Masha Rasputina.
  6. In May 2009 he appears as the host of the semi-final of the Eurovision Song Contest in the capital of the Russian Federation, paired with Russian model and philanthropist Natalia Vodianova. Also performs at the opening of the competition together with the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, singer - Alsou.
  7. From the summer of 2010 to July 2012, he acted as a presenter in the psychological show "Lie Detector", which became an analogue of the American program The Moment of Truth.
  8. December 25, 2010 comments on the show talent "Minute of Glory", where anyone can show their special abilities and creative approach to performing on stage.
  9. Since September 1, 2012 he became the host of the talk show "Tonight", continuing his cooperation with Channel One.
  10. In February 2015, he was invited to be a companion to two hosts of the program “First Olympic. A year after the games."
  11. From April 2015 to February 2016, he became the author of the episodes of the program "Flea market" about things and the history of their origin.

The biography and personal life of Malakhov was often covered in the media from a negative point of view. When rumors arose in 2016 that the presenter was leaving the program "Let Them Talk", he was credited with romantic trips with his mistress, because of which he had an accident.

But after a while, Andrei denied this information, and then posted fresh photos on the social network where he, his wife and the child are having fun together.


Participation in other projects

On August 25, 2017, a new era began for Andrei Malakhov after the transition from Channel One to the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. So on "Russia 1" the host of the "Live" program was replaced. Having replaced Boris Korchevnikov, the active showman did not limit himself to a single program. He also hosted the TV game "The Wall" from October to December. And for the New Year 2018, Malakhov became one of the hosts of the Blue Light on Shabolovka.


Currently, Andrei Nikolaevich regularly performs at other shows broadcast on "Russia 1".

Working in the media is not the only thing that makes up a showman's life. Andrei Malakhov also gained some popularity as an author of books. There are only 2 works in his bibliography:

  1. "My favorite blondes" is a novel released in 2006. In it, the writer tried to openly tell how life really looks like inside the famous Ostankino tower, revealing some of the secrets of TV.
  2. "My other half" - another novel. It was published in 2009. Despite the similar title, Malakhov's second book can be considered one of the textbooks that are worth reading for everyone who wants to succeed in their career and personal life.

The presenter, accustomed to the camera, decided not to limit himself only to the frames of television programs. In his busy schedule, he was able to find time to star in the clips "Lilac Paradise" by Natasha Koroleva and "Getting Used" by Anna Sedokova. Also, Andrei Nikolaevich can be seen in a number of films.


In films, he acts exclusively in the role of himself. Cameo Malakhov is in:

  • several seasons of the acclaimed television series "Happy Together" (2006-2012) and "Daddy's Daughters" (2007-2011);
  • the melodrama Kilometer Zero (2007);
  • the romantic comedy "Exchange Wedding" (2011);
  • a humorous musical based on Ostrovsky's work "The Best Day!" (2015);
  • melodramatic comedy “Kitchen. The Last Battle "(2017).

In total, the presenter's filmography consists of 15 roles in various projects.


Personal tragedies

The pages of Malakhov's biography, which remain behind the scenes, are no less eventful than the career of an actor and TV presenter. So the first love, overtook him while still a student at Moscow State University. Andrei's chosen one was the Swedish opera singer Lisa, who moved to Russia for her beloved. The woman was 14 years older than the young man, which did not prevent them from celebrating the seven-year anniversary of their life together in Moscow. But after that the family fell apart.

Liza was homesick, and Malakhov flatly refused to leave Russia. A couple of months after the breakup, Andrei found out that his first love took his own life by throwing himself out of the window.

In 2006, a new tragedy overtook the presenter. Only after recovering from the death of his cousin, Andrei Malakhov was forced to go through several funerals of loved ones at once. First, the journalist's father died of a stroke. Nikolai Dmitrievich did not even come out of a coma so that his relatives could say goodbye to him. Malakhov's grandmother and grandfather followed into another world.


Andrei's mother was very upset by a series of deaths of loved ones. The 68-year-old woman developed health problems due to the outburst of emotions. To cope with her grief and recover, she went to visit her son. Malakhov during this period had to go to work in France.

Therefore, in Moscow, his mother lived alone. After a night service in the church, when she was returning home, Lyudmila Nikolaevna was robbed, hit on the head. The woman went to the hospital. Upon learning of the new tragedy, the host immediately flew home.

Fortunately, everything worked out. The mother of the famous showman is alive and has returned to her native Apatity. Despite her considerable age, she does not want to move to a noisy metropolis. She prefers the familiar environment of a small town filled with memories.


Family and Children

Despite the many novels of a charming man, he remained a convinced bachelor until the age of 38.

Among the women who succumbed to the charm of the TV presenter were:

  • actress Elena Korikova;
  • stage star Anna Sedokova;
  • millionaire Margarita Buryak;
  • business lady Maria Kuzmina and many others.

Despite such activity, the "yellow" press interpreted the stubborn unwillingness to go to the registry office in its own way. Colleagues-journalists began to spread rumors that Malakhov belongs to people of non-traditional orientation. But Andrey destroyed the myth, appearing in 2009 at the wedding of Evgeni Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya arm in arm with the beautiful Natalia, the daughter of the famous Viktor Shkulev.

After 2 years, the newlyweds celebrated their wedding at the Palace of Versailles. On November 17, 2017, Malakhov became a dad. For the sake of raising his son Alexander, the happy father was even ready to take "maternity leave". But now he also continues to actively work on TV, not forgetting to devote time to his family.
