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Egypt canceled: winter alternatives to Sharm el Sheikh
Egypt canceled: winter alternatives to Sharm el Sheikh

Video: Egypt canceled: winter alternatives to Sharm el Sheikh

Video: Egypt canceled: winter alternatives to Sharm el Sheikh
Video: Top 10 Things To See And Do in Sharm el Sheikh 10 Highlights not to be missed Egypt, Ägypten, Египет 2024, June

The suspension of flights between Russia and Egypt has confused the plans of many travel lovers "from winter to summer". Changing plans and habits is, of course, difficult, but sometimes we simply have no choice but to … choose an alternative. Fortunately, Egypt has it. The main thing is to perceive the situation not as a problem, but as an invitation to experience something new in your life. Who knows, maybe, having visited a new place, you will no longer feel that you have lost something by not going to Egypt this winter.

By the way, we already passed the ban on flights to Egypt in August 2013. Like 2 years later, the reason for the cancellation of flights with Egypt was the security concerns of our citizens in connection with the unstable situation in this southern country. So, the tour operators, taught by past experience, this time quickly found their bearings in the situation and are already actively offering interesting alternatives to fans of "summer" rest in winter. In fairness, it should be noted that, unlike budget Egypt, many countries where you can sunbathe from November to March will come out more expensive.

1. UAE


To travel to the Emirates, you must obtain a visa.

Rest in the UAE is one of the most relevant alternatives to rest in Egypt now. Here you will be happy to sunbathe and swim at an air temperature of + 28-29 degrees, you can visit colorful oriental bazaars, shop at the grand sales that take place here in time for the end of the year, and taste dishes of national cuisine. The service is also excellent here. But the prices too. A week in a 3 * hotel with breakfast will cost at least 58,630 rubles for two. Holidays in the UAE, similar to the usual package of services in Egypt, i.e. a 5 * hotel and all-inclusive meals will cost 127,035 rubles per week of rest. By the New Year, prices are even higher. So if you are not ready to increase your vacation budget, planned for a five-star hotel in Sharm el-Sheikh, you will have to choose a simpler hotel.

To travel to the Emirates, you must obtain a visa, the cost of which at the visa center is $ 85. The duration of the flight from Moscow is about 5 hours.

2. Goa


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Goa provides its tourists with sea, sun and white sand, as well as exotic nature, special Indian cuisine and ancient attractions. Goa is a 110 km coastline with 40 beautiful beaches. The weather in November is up to 32 degrees of heat, the water is +29 degrees. Hotels in South Goa are expensive, so it is better for a budget tourist to go to North Goa, where prices are more democratic. A stay in a 2 * hotel with breakfast for eight nights will cost 65,400 rubles for two adults, and a ticket to a 4 * hotel with all-inclusive meals will cost 100,600 rubles. You can find cheaper tours with less comfortable hotels, especially since nature and attractions are still the same for everyone.

You do not need a visa to travel to Goa. The flight from Moscow to Dabolim airport will take about 6.5 hours.

3. Thailand


A tour here can be found at about the same cost as a trip to Egypt at that time.

Another option for a fall / winter holiday is Thailand. This Southeast Asian destination has already earned the love of tourists from all over the world. Here you can find rest for every taste and fulfill any of your desires: some go there to relax, restore physical and psychological health, others - to have fun and have fun all night long. The weather in the main resorts from September to March ranges from +21 to +32 degrees C. Tours here can be found at about the same cost as a trip to Egypt at this time. But you have to sacrifice the "star" of the hotel. A 3 * hotel for 10 nights in Phuket can now be bought for about 42,640 per person with breakfast. A trip to Pattaya for the New Year will cost more, but on the same conditions, a three-star hotel with breakfast will cost about 45,500 thousand rubles.

No visa required. The duration of the flight from Moscow to Bangkok is 9.5 hours.

4. Vietnam


Vietnam has recently been popular with our fellow citizens, and in connection with recent events, this is a very good alternative to summer vacations in winter. Numerous excursions, ancient temples, beautiful beaches, outdoor activities, cheap diving, sports, healthy food, good service and at the same time quite low prices.

Autumn and winter are the peak of the season, when there is no rain and the weather is hot - + 28-30 degrees.

Autumn and winter are the peak of the season, when there is no rain and the weather is hot - + 28-30 degrees. Rains do happen, but mostly cloudy. Another significant plus is that there are not so many Russian tourists. You can take a break from compatriots. True, the cost for November may upset many: a week in a 3 * hotel with breakfast will cost 85,778 rubles, and a similar stay in a 4 * hotel with half board will cost 114,300 rubles. In this case, the main cost of the voucher is the price of the flight, since it is long here.

You do not need to get a visa if you do not plan to be in Vietnam for more than 15 days.

5. Dominican Republic


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Another place where the rainy season ends just in November and the tourist season begins is the Dominican Republic. This destination is famous for its pristine beaches, picturesque lagoons and coral reefs. The Dominican Republic is a tropical paradise. There are almost no sights here, but with such wonderful weather as at this time of the year (+27 - 30 degrees, water - + 25-27 degrees), there is no need to complain about their absence. This place, in addition to a beach holiday, is also famous for its rare black amber.

In November, a week's vacation in a three-star hotel in Punta Cana will cost about 49,400 rubles per person on an all-inclusive basis. The trip in December will not cost much more. But rest in hotels of 4 * and 5 * categories starts from 65,000 rubles per person.

The flight will take 13 hours. Russian citizens do not need to apply for a visa if you do not plan to spend more than 30 days in the Dominican Republic.

6. Ceylon (Sri Lanka)


Whenever you arrive in Sri Lanka, you will find yourself in a hot summer, because this island is located some 800 km from the equator.

Perhaps one of the most interesting alternatives to Egypt is Ceylon, that is, Sri Lanka. This island is worth visiting at least once in your life. It is not for nothing that it is called the Pearl in the Indian Ocean and the Teardrop on Indy's cheek. Whenever you arrive in Sri Lanka, you will find yourself in a hot summer, because this island is located some 800 km from the equator. Hundreds of kilometers of sandy beaches, incredible underwater world, picturesque waterfalls, exotic flora and fauna. Relaxation in such a paradise on earth is guaranteed. However, in contrast to heavenly heaven, the "entrance" here is paid. Due to the increase in demand, provoked by the situation with Egypt, the prices for tours to Sri Lanka have also risen. For a week's rest in a 3 * hotel for two, you will have to pay at least 85 thousand rubles.

A visa for Russian tourists to Sri Lanka is issued according to the most simplified scheme, in electronic form via the Internet.

Photo: Press Service Archives
