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Kylie Minogue, Mylene Farmer, Patricia Kaas: Why Stars Don't Have Children
Kylie Minogue, Mylene Farmer, Patricia Kaas: Why Stars Don't Have Children

Video: Kylie Minogue, Mylene Farmer, Patricia Kaas: Why Stars Don't Have Children

Video: Kylie Minogue, Mylene Farmer, Patricia Kaas: Why Stars Don't Have Children
Video: "История жизни" Кайли Миноуг 2024, June

Some women have everything you can dream of. They are fabulously beautiful, famous, rich, surrounded by loving admirers. However, they remain childless. Why is that? This is what they themselves say.

Eva Mendes


This actress is one of those who simply does not want children. “Children are not for me. Don't get me wrong, I really like these little assholes, they are cute. But even more I love healthy sleep and a quiet life. Now, wherever you look, everyone is babysitting children, and looking at this, I said to myself: I will not have this. There are many other, more wonderful activities in life that I dream to try."

In another interview, the 38-year-old beauty admitted that she is afraid of having children, because the paparazzi are constantly watching her, and in such an environment it would be difficult for her to raise a baby.

Kylie Minogue


The singer tried many times to get pregnant, but, unfortunately, unsuccessfully. The 44-year-old Australian admitted to reporters that she wants to have kids, but she does not work out. Today she is ready to resort to the possibilities of modern medicine and is considering options. It does not exclude the possibility of using a donor egg.

“I hate the question: when will you have children? - says the singer. - Surprisingly, I never heard it from my parents. They never put pressure on us (Kylie, her brother and sister -). There was a period when it seemed that none of us would have children. And then - one, two, three. The only thing I can answer to this question is that if it happens, great."

Perhaps the reason for Kylie's infertility is that during her treatment for breast cancer (2005-2006) she used potent medications.

Mylene Farmer


The French singer compensates for the absence of her own children by taking care of our smaller brothers - two monkeys live in her house.

Milen is afraid to give birth to her own children. The fact is that, while attending school, she was forced by her parents to visit the Gachet hospital every week to take care of autistic children. Communication with them made such an impression on the sensitive little Mylene that now the thought of her own heirs does not even occur to her.

The 51-year-old diva is reluctant to answer questions about motherhood. Analyzing her attitude towards children, she each time comes to the conclusion that she is much more comfortable being alone.

“I had one boyfriend, and he really wanted me to give birth to his child. Directly fixated on this. And I don't need children. I am my own beloved daughter! Besides, my monkeys are enough for me."

Patricia Kaas


How do you feel about childfree women?

Very negatively, they lead meaningless lives.
Calmly, everyone chooses his own path.
Well, many people really would have been better off not giving birth.
I'm childfree myself.

Mademoiselle Patricia Kaas also has not yet experienced the happiness of motherhood. Although she herself grew up in a large family. When asked why she has no children, Patricia says she is very busy. She believes that for the birth of a child, you need to choose the right moment. In addition, there must be a beloved man nearby. “Either fate decreed it, or I didn’t meet those men,” Kaas admits.

Although recently the 46-year-old singer is not so categorical and, according to her, is increasingly thinking about the baby.
