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How to help your child cope with a cold faster
How to help your child cope with a cold faster

Video: How to help your child cope with a cold faster

Video: How to help your child cope with a cold faster
Video: How To Get Rid Of A COLD FAST!! (Remedies That Actually WORK!!) 2024, June

Can a child's cold be quickly cured? It depends on what you will be doing when the first symptoms of the disease appear in a child.

The first step is to call a doctor at home so that he can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. We cannot independently determine whether it is a viral or bacterial infection, what medications are needed, and what it is better to do without.

However, we can provide the baby with proper care and create all the conditions for his speedy recovery! To do this, you need to follow these important rules:


1. Create the necessary conditions for recovery

From the first day of illness, it is better for a child to stay at home so that the body spends its energy not on physical activity, but on fighting viruses. Moreover, it will not infect other children this way.

It is very important what kind of environment awaits the baby at home. And the task of parents is to do everything to ensure that the air in the room is:

If the child has a fever, doctors recommend to cool the room to 16-18 degrees - so it will be easier to transfer this condition.

  • Fresh. For this, the patient needs to be taken to another room and end-to-end ventilation should be arranged for a few minutes. So the air will have time to renew itself, but the walls and furniture will not have time to cool down yet, and the temperature will quickly recover. This should be done several times a day.
  • Wet. First, do a wet mop every day. And secondly, monitor the humidity with a hygrometer. The optimum moisture content is 40-60%. This can be achieved with the help of a humidifier or improvised means - put a damp towel on the battery, put containers with water, spray water with a spray bottle, etc.
  • Chill. It is desirable that the air temperature in the patient's room be no higher than 20-22 degrees. However, if the child has a fever, doctors recommend cooling the room to 16-18 degrees - this will make it easier to transfer this condition. Of course, this does not mean that the baby should freeze in a cool room - it is better to put an extra blouse on him to make him comfortable, just do not wrap it up too much!

2. Gargle and rinse your nose

While you are waiting for the doctor, you can start gargling and rinsing your nose yourself. This can be done with sea water (made by yourself or bought in the pharmacy in the form of drops, spray), you can also use special rinsing solutions.

So the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx are moistened and edema is removed, dust and mucus that contain pathogenic bacteria are removed. After the rinsing procedure, the effect of ointments and drops will be more effective, as they get into a clean environment.

It is better to let the child eat in small portions and then if he wants it.

3. Do not overfeed the baby

It is very important that the child does not force-feed! Better to let him eat in small portions and then if he wants it.

Food should be light and familiar for the baby, since immunity is weakened during illness and there is a risk of digestive problems.


4. Observe the correct drinking regime

The patient's metabolic processes are activated, more toxins are formed, which come out with sweat, urine, feces, mucus. That is why the amount of liquid that the baby drinks during a cold must be increased.

Most of the fluid consumed should be clean water at room temperature. Feed the child in small portions, fractionally. And do not force him, he does not want to drink water - then offer weak tea, juice, fruit drink, a decoction of raisins or dried fruit compote.

If your child is already an adult and drinks on his own, then put water near his bed or on the table so that he can get drunk at any time.

At least 2-3 times a day, give sweet tea to a child with a cold, and it is with sugar, since it is pure glucose and is absorbed faster than honey.

5. Do not bring down the temperature below 38 degrees

When the body temperature is elevated, it is easier for the body to fight off viruses. Usually, children tolerate low temperatures quite well, play and behave as always.

But if your child has a tearful mood, drowsiness and some apathy, then apply cold compresses on the wrists and forehead - it should become a little easier.

Does the temperature rise above 38 degrees? Then give the antipyretic agent in accordance with the instructions and recommendations of the doctor.


And your support and a healthy psychological environment in the family are also important for your baby! If the baby is playing and behaving normally, then do not focus on his illness - just do not leave him unattended. Well, if he needed your affection and care, then for a while forget about employment and severity and give the crumbs maximum attention.
