Leonardo DiCaprio: "I had to eat raw liver"
Leonardo DiCaprio: "I had to eat raw liver"

Video: Leonardo DiCaprio: "I had to eat raw liver"

Video: Leonardo DiCaprio:
Video: The Revenant- Bison Liver Scene 2024, June

Alejandro González Iñárritu and Leonardo DiCaprio present their new masterpiece. The film "The Survivor" starring Leo promises to be one of the most impressive films of the year. The shooting was carried out in the most difficult conditions, and DiCaprio did not at all seek to make his life easier.

  • Photoshoot for Variety
    Photoshoot for Variety
  • Photoshoot for Variety
    Photoshoot for Variety
  • On the set of the film
    On the set of the film

On the set of the film about climber and pioneer Hugh Glass, Leonardo caught a cold several times and, according to rumors, he was almost raped by a bear. But these are all trifles compared to filming the "snack" scene of the protagonist.

Earlier, the actor said that he often finds himself in difficult situations and has already been on the verge of death three times. “If I were a cat with nine lives, I can say that I have already used several. The first case was while diving in South Africa: a great white shark swam into my cage, which is supposed to protect against sharks. When I flew to Russia, I was sitting by the window in business class, and the engine exploded right before my eyes: it looked like a comet, such a huge fireball. The third time I jumped with a parachute and he got confused. The instructor took out the second parachute - it was also out of order! They unraveled him almost at the very ground."

According to the plot, trying to survive in harsh conditions, the main character is forced to eat the liver of a bison. As DiCaprio said in an interview with Variety, a jelly dummy was prepared for him, but the actor refused. Despite the danger warnings, Leo decided to eat real raw liver in front of the camera. “The worst thing is this membrane around the liver. Something like a balloon. When you bite, it explodes in your mouth,”said DiCaprio.

Iñarritu worried that the actor might get sick after such experiments, but, fortunately, nothing happened.

The Survivor is out soon, and Leonardo's fans are hoping that this time he will finally win an Oscar. By the way, the artist has already been nominated for a Golden Globe for his role in The Survivor.
