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Chinese New Year 2019: When and How to Celebrate
Chinese New Year 2019: When and How to Celebrate

Video: Chinese New Year 2019: When and How to Celebrate

Video: Chinese New Year 2019: When and How to Celebrate
Video: How do we Celebrate Chinese New Year 2024, June

If someone celebrates the Chinese New Year in Russia, then preparations for the celebration begin in the second half of December. This holiday, filled with celebration, delights children and their parents. The Chinese New Year 2019 is already approaching and many are wondering when it begins and ends in China.

The Land of the Rising Sun celebrates this holiday on January 1 and the day corresponding to the lunar calendar. Chinese New Year 2019 is looking forward to every resident of the "Celestial Empire", because this event is very important in their lives.


When the New Year 2019 begins in Russia and China

When European countries and the states of the Western Hemisphere celebrate the onset of the New Year from December 31 to January 1, then in China this event falls on different dates each year due to the influence of changes in the lunar calendar. The Land of the Rising Sun celebrates this event during the second new moon, that is, from December 21 to February 20.


For those who wish to know when the Chinese New Year begins in 2019, you need to focus on the fifth of the last winter month.


When the New Year according to the Chinese calendar comes, life is filled with bright events and general fun. In 2019, the change of the annual period in the Land of the Rising Sun will occur on February 5.

For 14 days, the Chinese population adheres to the following customs and traditions:

  • giving gifts to friends and family;
  • visiting each other;
  • commemorate relatives who have passed away;
  • are launching Chinese lanterns into the sky.

Those who are especially inspired by the Chinese state and their culture are advised to visit the country precisely during this period, when the cities are transformed, a holiday and folk fun reigns around.


When it becomes known about the Chinese New Year 2019, in particular, when it begins, then it is considered equally important when it ends. The final day of the celebration will be February 19, 2019, after which the population, having rested, will again join the working week with the previous regime.


The traditional celebration of the Russian New Year has been going on for several centuries on the same date, but with changes in months. Starting from 1700, to this day, the change of the annual period occurs on January 1, although there was a time when it was celebrated in March or September.

New Year 2018 in Russia will also take place from December 31 to January 1 with the same customs that are accepted in every family and in the country as a whole.


If we compare the Russian holiday with the celebration in Europe, then the Russians relate to this event much more significantly. Russians consider it one of the most important days in their life, when they have the opportunity to gather the whole family at one table, congratulate each other and say many warm words. Almost every Russian does not sleep on the night from 31 to 1, but celebrates the New Year.

Europeans, on the other hand, consider Christmas to be an important holiday in the coming period. On Christmas Eve, they gather family and close friends, set a festive table, celebrating the event on the night of December 24-25. One of the strange events, incomprehensible to Europeans, is the farewell of the old year and the meeting of the new one. In Russia, this day has already become a tradition.


Feng Shui Celebration Secrets

For those who decide to follow the rules of Feng Shui, you need to know the most important recommendations that should be followed to bring the success of family well-being into life:

  1. Freeing the house from unnecessary things. When preparing for the holiday night, it is important to clean up and clean the house. Cleanliness provokes the formation of harmony in the room where a person lives. According to the advice of experts, you need to get rid of the weight of the past, which is in everyone's closet. Any stale thing traps positive energy that seeps into the house.
  2. Changes in the home environment … To create an expressive and unforgettable New Year's celebration, it is important to organize around you a new environment with a changed arrangement of furniture. Thanks to the rearrangement, a path will be opened for the penetration of an energy flow that can fill the entire house as a whole. You need to overcome your laziness and perform a general cleaning throughout the house. You can call all household members for help to deal with the dirt faster. The New Year will bring clear consciousness, purity of thoughts, and will also be filled with love and success in any plans.
  3. Installation of an elegant Christmas tree. Residents of China never put a living tree in their homes, but prefer an artificial one. And this is wrong, because a natural plant contributes to filling the room with a special energy field and incredible comfort.
  4. Room decoration. A decorated Christmas tree is considered an important element of every home during the New Year period. According to the canons of Feng Shui, it is important to find the right place for the winter tree. When placing a Christmas tree in a wealth zone, it is necessary to decorate with balls, garlands and golden toys. In the love sector, red and pink jewelry is hung. The health zone provides toys in the form of cones, personifying constancy and flowering.
  5. Festive table decoration. It should be covered with a beige, yellow, gold, brown tablecloth. Those who prefer white fabric are recommended to supplement the table with napkins, dishes or candles of the indicated tones. As for food, you need to prepare a meat dish.
  6. Festive outfit. An important aspect when celebrating the New Year is what each member of the family will wear. Each shade in clothes corresponds to certain characteristics, therefore, it is important to approach the selection of clothes responsibly. To attract love feelings into your life, an outfit of a red or gold hue will do. White robe - to a change in marital status or the birth of a child. Green, blue tones will make life harmonious and calm. Yellow clothes - to replenish energy and positive emotions.

Despite this, the main thing is to think positively yourself and believe in miracles.


New Year traditions in China

If we take into account all of China, then the customs on the occasion of the New Year in each region are different. However, there is a list of traditions that are inherent in most of the Land of the Rising Sun.

  1. New Year's Eve Dinner … A feast on the eve of the upcoming holiday is considered an important event for the Chinese population, as it helps to unite all family members, especially those who have long left their parental home. Fish dishes are usually prepared on the table, and in the north of China, dumplings are preferred, as they characterize prosperity. As for other food, each family prepares what they want. Many Chinese people choose to change their home environment for dinner at a restaurant.
  2. Fireworks on the occasion of the New Year. Long ago, the use of fireworks was caused by the need to get rid of the evil spirits that roam China. But now and for many years now, the release of fireworks after midnight is considered a traditional event and means a change in the annual period. It is believed that those who launch fireworks will be the lucky ones in the coming year.
  3. Shou Sui. It is considered a holiday time when the Chinese can be alone with their family after the chimes. Many people go for walks throughout the night, launch fireworks, and watch holiday TV programs. But there are those who go to bed before dawn.
  4. Gift envelopes in red. They usually contain from one to several thousand yuan. The financial amount must be even and obtained from fresh banknotes, even in denominations of 30 or 50. The parity of the money is due to the fact that the odd amount is laid for the funeral. It happens that chocolate coins are put into an envelope, addressed to married couples with children. There is a legend that the red color of the envelope will help rid any child of evil spirits, give them health and extend their life.
  5. Giving each other gifts. Apart from red envelopes, there is a tradition of giving small gifts such as food or pastries. Such a tradition operates between children, when an older child gives something to a younger one, or friends present pleasant little things to each other. Fruits, biscuits, pies, sweets, and the like are often bestowed.
  6. Holiday fairs. When the New Year comes, stalls are organized along with it, where you can find New Year's goods. These include clothing, fireworks, accessories, souvenirs, food, and more. All fairs are often decorated with garlands, lanterns and other decorative elements.
  7. Cleaning the house. On the eve of the holiday, order is being restored in Chinese houses and a general cleaning is arranged. This means that the living space is freed from stale rubbish and lets in new acquisitions. In the distant past, people in China who had a bathroom would arrange water treatments for themselves to celebrate a new era with a clean body and clear thoughts.

As for Russia, the celebration of the Chinese New Year fades into the background, because only a few, if at all, celebrate it. For those who use this event to see friends and family, the Chinese holiday is a joy.


But following the traditions and customs of the people of the Land of the Rising Sun is not included in the plans of the Russian people. This is due to the fact that not every Russian will be able to accept the traditions of a foreign people and understand their meaning. Based on this, celebrating the Chinese New Year is the prerogative of every citizen.
