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Orthodox prayer on Easter night for all diseases
Orthodox prayer on Easter night for all diseases

Video: Orthodox prayer on Easter night for all diseases

Video: Orthodox prayer on Easter night for all diseases
Video: Orthodox Morning Prayers 2024, June

Prayer on Easter night helps from all diseases and is considered one of the most effective of the year. During this period, Orthodox Christians around the world offer prayers to the Lord. But in order to heal or help relatives, you must follow certain rules of behavior.

Obligatory prayers

On the day of Easter, Easter cakes, boiled and dyed eggs, as well as all those products that will serve as a treat for family and guests should be blessed. It is also recommended to bring water from the church, because the night before Easter is the period when all the consecrated food and water gain tremendous power.


Water brought from a church or temple is placed under the icon of the saint to whom it is most often customary to address with righteous words. And it is in front of her that a prayer is read on Easter night for yourself and loved ones from all the diseases that are in the world.

In order not to deviate from the Orthodox canons, you must:

  • cleanse the body by fasting, and the soul by prayer;
  • open your soul and heart before the Lord;
  • show sincerity and humility.

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It is believed that it is on Easter that prayer helps to find peace and cure all diseases that torment believers. Therefore, we must believe and trust in God, who never leaves those who keep the commandments, helps the church and the poor with donations.

After all, it is on this day that all those who are in need receive a blessing, and those who believe with all their hearts and lead a righteous life - according to their merits.


When the work schedule or other reasons did not allow you to visit the temple on the night before Easter, it is imperative to say a prayer at home. One of the most important is the one that tells about the great joy of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and comes from the heart.

It is called "Christ is Risen" and is read on the night of Saturday to Sunday, and then in the morning. And according to Orthodox canons, it is customary to pronounce it for 40 days after Easter:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Mother Mary wore Christ, She gave birth, baptized, fed, watered, She taught prayers, saved, protected, And then she sobbed at the Cross, poured tears, lamented, Together with her dear Son, she suffered.

Jesus Christ resurrected on Sunday, Henceforth His glory is from earth to heaven.

Now he takes care of us, his slaves, Graciously accepts our prayers.

Lord hear me, save me, protect me

From all troubles now and forever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever.


This prayer, uttered with pure thoughts and sincerity on Easter night, will not only help to heal from the disease, but also protect from any evil and the one who said it, and all family members. It will also attract good luck, prosperity to the believer's life and bring happiness and peace.


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However, it is absolutely not necessary to memorize the words in advance; prayer on Easter night should come from the depths of the heart and reflect all spiritual impulses. It was then that she would help against all diseases coming from the Enemy of Man.

After the words directed to God have been pronounced, it is imperative to drink the miraculous holy water and sprinkle it on the head of the believer three times. This is the final stage on the path to healing. As a result, the Orthodox feels the incredible joy and blessing of the Lord that descended from Heaven.


Accompanying Prayers

One of the most significant prayers that must be said every day, and it is also customary to pronounce in front of icons, is the "Our Father", familiar to the Orthodox since childhood:

“Our Father who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name;

Thy kingdom come;

Thy will be done, as in heaven, on earth;

Give us this day our daily bread;

And forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors;

And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.


Such a prayer is read without fail in the morning and in the evening in front of the icons, as well as on weekends in temples and churches. After pronouncing the main part, you can supplement it in your own words, making a request to the Lord about what you need.


An important prayer that helps to find unity with God is a special "Angel who cries out more gracefully", which must be said:

“The angel cries out more gracefully: pure Virgin, rejoice!

And pack the river: rejoice!

Thy Son is risen three days from the grave and raised up dead, people, rejoice. Sanctify, sanctify, New Jerusalem, the glory of the Lord ascend upon you.

Rejoice now and rejoice in Zion, You, Pure One, show off, Mother of God, about the rebellion of Your Nativity."

It is this that must be pronounced in the morning, when Saint Mary received the news of the resurrection of the son of Jesus.


At the same time, one should not forget about one of the short but significant prayers in Orthodoxy directed to the Most Holy Theotokos:

"Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice, gracious Mary, the Lord is with you, blessed are you in wives and blessed is the fruit of your womb, as Spasa gave birth to our souls."

You can supplement these prayers, which give joy and praise the saints and the Lord, with any others that are in the prayer book.

However, do not forget that during the first 50 days after Easter, the church does not recommend reading "Heavenly King, Comforter."

It is considered inappropriate in the days of great Christian joy, when the Orthodox praise the Lord and thank him for taking upon himself all earthly torments and atoning for their sins.


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The most powerful prayers on Great Easter

To be heard and receive healing or pray for it for loved ones, one must lead a righteous lifestyle. We need to help everyone who needs material and spiritual help, make donations regularly and keep the commandments.

And also regularly go to services, receive communion, observe fasts in order to curb carnal desires. It is then that any prayer uttered both on Easter night and after, will help to heal from the disease and gain spiritual happiness.


It is customary to read it on the day of Great Easter, but it is not forbidden to pronounce it as in the evening before a festive dinner:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Matera, reverend and God-bearing our father

and all the saints, have mercy on us.


In order for the prayer uttered on Easter night to help the Orthodox to protect himself from all diseases and heal from existing ones, it is necessary to pronounce it in a special way. To do this, you need to stand in front of the icon of Jesus Christ and put in front of you a cup of holy water with a lit candle lowered into it. And then, after the end of the prayer, drink from this cup.


There is a special prayer for those in whose family a misfortune has happened, or someone close to them has suffered a serious illness. According to church canons, she is the strongest and is able to create a miracle.

In order to receive protection for relatives from all illnesses and the consent of God to heal a sick person, one must read a prayer to Saint Panteleimon the Healer on Easter night.

Regardless of what kind of prayer is read by believers, it is necessary that every word in it should receive a response in the heart. And if it is read not in the church, but at home, the Lord will surely hear it and give a blessing, as well as protect from diseases, misfortunes and temptations.


  1. Water consecrated on the night before Easter acquires miraculous power. They put it in front of the icon and drink it after saying a prayer in order to receive healing from diseases and to protect themselves from any misfortunes.
  2. The main and obligatory prayer is "Christ is Risen", which is read in the evening from Saturday to Sunday, on Easter and for 40 days after. And the most powerful one that helps to cope with diseases is the prayer for healing to Saint Panteleimon the Healer.
  3. To be heard by God, one must learn basic and obligatory prayers. This is the "Angel crying more gracefully", an appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos and "Our Father". It is with their help that you can get healing, attract happiness and prosperity to the family.
  4. For 50 days after Easter, the prayer "Heavenly King, Comforter" is not read.
