"The award has found its hero": Nikolai Rastorguev was awarded a diploma from the Russian Academy of Education
"The award has found its hero": Nikolai Rastorguev was awarded a diploma from the Russian Academy of Education

Video: "The award has found its hero": Nikolai Rastorguev was awarded a diploma from the Russian Academy of Education

Video: Николай Расторгуев. "В гостях у Дмитрия Гордона". 1/2 (2012) 2024, June

On April 25, 2014, the VII International Forum "Intellectual Property - XXI Century" ended with a solemn ceremony of presenting honorary awards and a concert in the Hall of Church Cathedrals of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.


“This year is not in vain called the Year of Culture - much attention will be paid to culture and its financing,” said Sergei Fedotov, Director General of the Russian Authors' Society, opening the ceremony of awarding Russian art workers.

According to the head of RAO, 2014 should be a major breakthrough in the protection of intellectual rights, and many factors contribute to this, in particular, the opening of the Russian branch of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

An honorary diploma from RAO for an active civic position, a great personal contribution to culture and support in the formation of intellectual property protection was awarded to Nikolai Rastorguev, People's Artist of Russia, leader of the Lyube group.

“Today we took part in the RAO festival, and I was awarded an honorary diploma,” the singer shared after the concert. - When I was a State Duma deputy, I was just dealing with this issue, so, probably, the award finally found its hero. This is, of course, very nice, thank you.

Director General of RAO and RSP Sergei Fedotov presented an honorary diploma of RAO "For great personal contribution to the development of the intellectual property protection system in the Russian Federation" to Olesya Kuznetsova, Director of the Legal Department of Orion-Express LLC and Dmitry, Head of the Legal Department of Prof-Media Broadcasting Corporation Karpenko.

People's Artist of the USSR Inna Makarova and film composer Darin Sysoev became laureates of honorary diplomas of the RSP “For a great personal contribution to the development and preservation of culture”.

Mikhail Bryzgalov, General Director of the All-Russian Museum Association of Musical Culture named after M. I. Glinka, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, received an honorary diploma from the National Fund for the Support of Copyright Holders.

WIPO Director General Andrei Krichevsky awarded the Ginza Project Company represented by Elena Parashchenko, Head of Intellectual Property at the Legal Department, with a diploma “For Contribution to the Development of an Effective System for the Protection of Intellectual Property in the Sphere of Related Rights”.

A special WIPO award "For Contribution to the Development of Russian Musical Culture" was presented to the popular group "Reflex" and musician, author and performer Naik Borzov.

“As an author, I am very pleased that, at last, real actions are being taken to protect our rights,” noted the soloist of “Reflex” Irina Nelson. - Of course, we would like to devote more time to studio work, create content and make it better at a global level, so that Russia is on a par with foreign pop culture. I believe that this process will slowly but surely move in the right direction.

- This is my second award in my life, and immediately such a serious one - for my contribution to the development of musical culture. This is very honorable, especially in such a place as the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The last time I was here was when there was still the Moskva swimming pool, - recalls Nike Borzov. - I want to say a big thank you to WIPO for being presented with this award today, there are simply no words. I just got a new album out and this is a great gift for its release.
