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When and how to plant onion sets in open ground in spring 2020
When and how to plant onion sets in open ground in spring 2020

Video: When and how to plant onion sets in open ground in spring 2020

Video: When and how to plant onion sets in open ground in spring 2020
Video: Planting Onion Bulbs: A Complete Guide From Start To Finish 2024, April

Onions are a healthy vegetable that gardeners love to grow. To obtain a high-quality harvest when planting onion sets in open ground in spring, it is important to know the optimal timing, planting rules.

Planting period

There is no exact date. The timing is influenced by the climate, weather conditions. You can focus on the phases of the moon. In spring, it should be planted after a stable temperature has been established, there is no danger of returning night frosts. Otherwise, the bow will go to the arrow.


Optimally - when the soil temperature at a soil depth of 11 cm will be +13 degrees. Sevok is not a thermophilic plant, but it is better to grow it in a warm place.

Depending on the region

The choice of the planting date is mainly influenced by the climate of the region.

  1. In the southern part of the country (Stavropol, Kuban, Crimea), planting begins in late March.
  2. In the Volga region - at the end of April.
  3. In the suburbs - throughout May.
  4. In the Urals, in Siberia, due to the harsh climate, planting dates: the last decade of May - early June.

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Moon landing in 2020

Auspicious days:

  • March 17-18;
  • April 6-7, 10-14, 18-21, 28-29;
  • 3-5, 11, 21, 30 May;
  • June 8, 12, 13.

When planting in open ground in spring, you should refrain from agrotechnical work with onion sets during the full moon and new moon.


When the moon wanes, the sap of the plant is directed to the root part. A good period for planting tubers, bulbs.

The growing moon has a beneficial effect on the movement of juices in the ground part of plants. You can plant crops, the fruits of which ripen from above.


Purchase of planting material

When purchasing onion sets for planting in open ground in spring, you need to know the following nuances:

  1. Terms of purchase. Experienced gardeners stock up on bulbs in February - March. If later, the desired grade and quality may not be available.
  2. Bulb quality. The heads should be evenly colored, dry, free from mold, stains. Damp ones should be well dried.
  3. Head shape. The onions must be even, the same.

Preparing the bulbs for planting

Presowing seed preparation:

  1. Prevents bulb decay.
  2. Increases resistance to adverse weather changes.
  3. Disinfects.
  4. Stimulates growth.
  5. Increases immunity, enhances resistance to diseases, pests.
  6. Let's consider the main stages of processing.

Stage 1. Sorting

To get good results, you need to know how the size of the planting material affects bulb growth.

  1. Heads 3, 2-3, 9 cm in size are warmed up before planting, then planted on a feather.
  2. Sevok of 2, 6-2, 9 cm in size is grown for greens, it is possible for a turnip.
  3. A bow of 2, 2-2, 3 cm in size, if planted early, will go to the arrow.
  4. Sevok size 1, 5-1, 9 cm is ideal for planting on a turnip. Doesn't give arrows.
  5. From bulbs up to 1, 4 cm, small heads are obtained: they do not have time to grow if planted in spring.

Stage 2. Warming up

To prevent shooting when planting onion sets in open ground in the spring, it is necessary to warm up the planting material. Warm up before landing in the ground for 5 days for 65 hours at a temperature of 38 degrees. You can fill it with water (temperature 45 degrees) for 15 minutes, then cold.


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Stage 3. Hardening

The procedure reduces the risk of shooting, increases disease resistance. The shelf life is lengthened.

Hardening is carried out in March. The planting material is placed in a box, lowered into the cellar for 9 days. You can put it in the refrigerator on the top shelf. Provide storage at temperatures from +1 to +7 degrees. Then the onions are transferred to a warm room.

Quick hardening: pour water over the bulbs before planting after soaking. After drying, warm up in the sun.


Step 4. Soaking

From diseases, pests:

  1. Potassium permanganate. The light pink solution has a weak effect on microorganisms for 90 minutes. But it does not harm the bulbs. It is better to apply more pink for 30 minutes. The solution is effective against mold and mildew.
  2. Salt. Destroys harmful bacteria, improves immunity. Composition - 10 liters of water + 5 tablespoons of salt. The bulbs are kept in a solution for 4, 5 hours. Effective against ticks, stem nematodes.
  3. Soda. For 1 liter of warm water + ½ tablespoon of baking soda. The onions are placed for 2 hours. Then they are dried.
  4. Copper sulfate. The planting material is placed in a solution (in a bucket of warm water + 3 teaspoons of vitriol) for 2.5 hours. Then they are dried.
  5. Fitosporin. Effective against fungus. It is a dry powder. Dissolve 15 g in 500 g of water. Soak the set for 10 minutes. Dry.
  6. Birch tar. Fights onion fly. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of tar in 1 liter of warm water. Place the heads for 2, 5 hours, then dry.

To speed up an excellent harvest, the bulbs should be treated with stimulants:

  1. Epin. The capsule is dissolved according to the instructions. The heads are soaked for 12 minutes.
  2. Stimulants Silk, Biostim are used according to the instructions attached to them.
  3. Wood ash. Contains natural antiseptics, potassium. Prevents bulb rot. Half a liter of ash is diluted in a bucket of water, the set is placed for 20 minutes. Dry.

It is necessary to trim the upper woven part of the bulb (tail) so that it is easier for the feathers to break through the top.


Garden bed preparation

Onions grow well in sunny areas without nearby bushes. A full harvest will be if the crop is grown on breathable, loose soil. A place for planting onion sets in open ground in spring is better to cook in autumn.

  1. The site is freed from weeds, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, compost, humus are applied according to the instructions. Digging
  2. Urea is added in the spring.
  3. The bed is loosened, leveled.
  4. For disinfection, the earth is watered with a hot dark solution of potassium permanganate.

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If the acidity of the soil is increased, before digging, it is necessary to add wood ash, dolomite flour - a liter can per square meter.

The acidity of the soil can be checked with vinegar. You need to take a handful of soil, pour vinegar. If there is a large amount of foam, the soil is alkaline, if there is no foam, it is acidic, if it foams weakly, it is neutral.


Onion predecessors

Onions grow well in the area where they grew:

  • zucchini;
  • tomatoes;
  • pumpkin;
  • squash;
  • potato;
  • beans.

It is not recommended to grow seedlings after carrots, corn, cucumbers, onions, strawberries, garlic, and herbs.


Planting bulbs

A simple way to plant onion sets in open ground in the spring:

  1. Along the bed, make grooves 5 cm deep at a distance of 20 cm between them.
  2. Water the rows well.
  3. Burrow the onions with their bottom down into the grooves along the shoulders. The distance between the heads is 10 cm.
  4. Sprinkle lightly with wood ash
  5. Cover the bulbs with a 2 cm layer of earth.

You cannot plant deeper - the onion will grow slowly, and if it is higher, then the roots will not receive the necessary nutrition.


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Tips from experienced gardeners

Simple tips will help to simplify the cultivation of a healthy vegetable, get an excellent harvest:

  1. To accelerate ripening, the culture is planted in beds with sandy loam soil.
  2. Onions will be sharper when grown in loamy soil.
  3. Onions can be grown together with radishes, carrots, if there is not enough space on the site.
  4. The neck of the onion is slightly opened when green feathers appear. As a result, the heads grow larger, the onions ripen more amicably.
  5. Do not use cold water. There is a danger of powdery mildew on the plants.
  6. The last feeding is done in the middle of July.
  7. Watering is best done between rows.
  8. When growing sevka on heads, you cannot cut off the feather. Otherwise, the plant will tend to grow greenery. The heads will grow small, weak.


When planting onion sets in open ground in spring, you must follow the rules that will help you grow a good harvest:

  1. The beds are located in a well-lit place.
  2. Groundwater should not approach the surface of the earth closer than 45 cm.
  3. It is unacceptable to plant sevok after carrots, garlic.
  4. You can plant it after tomatoes, potatoes, pumpkins, zucchini.
