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Albina - the meaning of the name, character and fate
Albina - the meaning of the name, character and fate

Video: Albina - the meaning of the name, character and fate

Video: Albina - the meaning of the name, character and fate
Video: Альбина. Значение имени.Характер ❄⛄❄ 2024, April

Albina is a female name, the meaning of which interests many future parents. It is quite popular in Russia, as it sounds beautiful and has an unusual origin. Before calling a child that, it is worth considering all the features of the name, its advantages and disadvantages.

Origin and meaning of the name

The female name Albina is of Latin origin. It translates as "white", "clean" and "light". Once upon a time, the carriers of this name were girls only with a high social status. Now it is popular not only in Russia, but also in European countries.

Character and destiny

The meaning of the name Albina has a strong influence on the character and fate of the girl. A woman has conflicting qualities. On the one hand, she is a simple, modest, cheerful and active girl. But at the same time, she combines such qualities as: selfishness, unpredictability, irritability and independence.


As a child, Albina is a quiet and calm child. But in adolescence, the girl begins to show her character. Her desire to improve and self-confidence will help you achieve any goals. She is a good student at school, while managing to engage in a hobby. As an adult, Albina begins to attract the attention of the opposite sex. But the girl is in no hurry to get married. She carefully chooses the chosen one in order to live a happy life with him.

Positive features of the name:

  • benevolence;
  • a responsibility;
  • sociability;
  • desire to become the best version of yourself;
  • energy;
  • activity;
  • optimism.

Albina has a negative attitude towards secretive, silent and boring people. He appreciates open and cheerful people with whom he can have fun.



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Astrology name

  • Astrological sign: Cancer
  • Patron planet: Moon
  • Talisman Stone: Moonstone
  • Orange color
  • Wood: fir
  • Plant: jasmine
  • Animal: squirrel
  • Auspicious day: Wednesday


The secret of the name Albina hides an active, emotional, quick-tempered and secretive personality. This girl is overly self-confident and impressionable. She likes community service, but she quickly gets bored if the responsibilities are narrowed to the implementation of specific assignments. A woman understands this activity in a simplified way: "See others and show yourself."

At school, Albina studies mediocre, but she knows how to organize positive assessments for herself with an obliging character, the ability to be useful in time. She has an excellent memory, well-developed imagination. She easily adapts to a change of place of residence, life and living conditions. Her mood changes frequently. Sometimes one look that does not like her is enough to cause a storm of anger and loud accusations.

In the family, she is the beloved child. Albina reciprocates and is ready to do everything possible to protect family and friends. In adulthood, such a trait takes root in her character. She is happy to be engaged in housekeeping, caring for children, raising them, creating coziness in the house, receiving guests, and also helping her husband "make a career."


The baby is incredibly active and full of positive emotions. Loves to fantasize, has a vivid imagination, energetic and restless.

Shows a sense of justice, is always honest and open. Makes friends with ease. However, due to her own exactingness with loved ones, Albina may have conflicts. Shows outstanding leadership qualities.


During adolescence, strong positive qualities are manifested. Albina is very compassionate, responsible and obligatory, always does her job on time, studies well. Incredibly stubborn, so she will not back down until she gets what she wants.

Albina is very principled and ambitious, she does not know how to compromise. She is straightforward and is not afraid to tell the truth in her eyes, which is not always pleasant to the people around her.



The owner of this name knows how to perfectly smooth out conflict situations. She can prove her case without loud scandals or insults to the interlocutor. Thanks to creative thinking, she becomes an excellent leader.

With age, such a quality as arrogance begins to manifest itself. Because of this, Albina literally pushes her close people and old friends away from herself. The situation can be corrected if in any situation you remain calm and prudent, do not immediately express everything that you think about people.

Hobbies and hobbies

In Albina's house, you can find collections of unique flowers, the cultivation of which brings her pleasure and pride. She cooks great food, knows a lot about healthy food, and enjoys fitness. In addition, he loves shopping; he devotes a lot of free time to buying clothes for family and children.


Albina is very sociable and sociable, so she has many friends. She always appreciates her loved ones and is ready to help in any situation, even if it infringes on her own interests. He knows how to be friends, so he maintains good relations even with friends from childhood.

Difficulties can arise due to the sometimes too strong arrogance on the part of Albina. Constant control of your own emotions will help you not to lose friends. She will never forgive betrayal, especially from a loved one.


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Profession and business

He chooses a practical, monetary profession, but does not always cope with it due to its complex and conflicting nature. A woman named Albina treats work with coolness, even dislike. For her, this is a heavy and unpleasant burden if there is no material interest. She finds satisfaction in working with people, where she needs to communicate, make decisions, feel power.

She is suitable for professions in the police, school, children's correctional institutions, the catering system, as well as entrepreneurial activity, sociology, and floristry.

Suitable professions

Due to the qualities of his character, he can become successful:

  • police officer;
  • teacher;
  • florist;
  • an entrepreneur;
  • producer;
  • editor;
  • doctor.


An amorous character and a desire to quickly escape from parental care can push Albina to an early marriage. Moreover, being in love to unconsciousness, Albina can marry a man who will not at all meet her standards and criteria. The result is one - the first marriage is unsuccessful. But on the other hand, Albina will probably take maximum responsibility for the second marriage. Moreover, the husband will have to meet a whole bunch of criteria: he must respect her opinion, not be a snob, be promising in terms of material well-being and career growth, treat her as gently and tenderly as possible.

It is certainly difficult to find such a person, but Albina is not one of those who give up ahead of time. In a marriage with a husband who meets all of her criteria, she can become an ideal wife and housekeeper. She will succeed not only in the household, but also in household affairs in general. He will always put things in order and prepare food, make sure that a family member is tidy, support everyone and give his attention, devote a piece of himself to everyone.



Unfortunately, not so much is known about what kind of mothers Albins become. But if we rely on the statistics and the previously mentioned features inherent in Albins, then we can say with one hundred percent certainty that excellent mothers are obtained from such women. This is not surprising. Can such traits as purposefulness, responsibility, punctuality, sociability and sociability belong to a bad mother? Excluded … As for love and intimacy, there can be problems.

The fact is that most Albins are too narcissistic women. She can pay regrettably little attention to the child, forget about upbringing and in general, behave as if her child is already an adult and independent person who does not need anything. Dad should take all parental responsibilities upon himself, because the child may otherwise grow up notorious and insecure.


It's time to touch on the compatibility of the name Albina with names for boys. Although, there is nothing to touch on, because the topic has long been solved by researchers of this area … It turns out that the best combination in terms of passion and love can be achieved with Akim, Gordey, Nikolai, Ostap, Pankrat and Spartak. The strength of marriage is guaranteed in relations with Dmitry, Ruslan, Miron, Semyon, Ernest, Nathan and Mark. The combination of the name we are discussing with such as Albert, Yaroslav, Oleg, Platon, Vilen and Georgy is not recommended.

As for the relationship of a girl with the name Albina with representatives of the opposite sex, everything is completely complicated here. The fact is that, on the one hand, she loves strong, principled, domineering men, but on the other hand, she does not like men who are not ready to make concessions. In other words, she can like a man and meet her requirements, but at the same time become that one. With whom she will endlessly conflict. And plus everything, not everyone can withstand her assertiveness and arrogance, too, she is too assertive, and sometimes unapproachable …


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The number of Albin's name in numerology is 9. Nine, in turn, is a symbol of success, perfection, supremacy and greatness. People who are patronized by this number are characterized by a desire to improve, improve, learn new things, achieve success in the material plane, be better than others, rule and command, help and sacrifice. Nine people usually have a well-developed intuition, and, equally important, these people know how to use it, thanks to which they achieve success in their careers. She also helps them in their personal lives. At the same time, people of the number "nine" have excellent imagination and creativity, wonderful imagination.

Nines are admired by everyone around, they are respected, they are authoritative. At the same time, they are impressionable, sensual, sensitive and receptive.

The formula for calculating the number of Albin's name: A (1) + A (4) + b (3) + B (2) + I (1) + H (6) + A (1) = 18 = 1+ 8 = 9
