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Solar and lunar eclipses in 2019 Moscow time
Solar and lunar eclipses in 2019 Moscow time

Video: Solar and lunar eclipses in 2019 Moscow time

Video: Solar and lunar eclipses in 2019 Moscow time
Video: Total Solar Eclipses 2019-2038 2024, April

Solar, like lunar eclipses, are always contradictory phenomena. On the one hand, it is interesting and beautiful, on the other hand, such astronomical phenomena can bring both good and bad changes to life. Every year, in different parts of the world, the inhabitants of the planet observe similar events, in 2019 there will be three more, but only one of them can be seen by the whole of Russia - this is the summer lunar eclipse, which will take place at 0:31 Moscow time.


Solar eclipse July 2, 2019

In July 2019, it will be possible to witness a total solar eclipse, which will gain its full strength at 22.24 Moscow time. Residents of Russia will not see such a phenomenon, so they will have to wait for the lunar eclipse, which will take place in the same month. But those who are lucky are the residents of the southeastern Pacific coast, as well as Argentina and Chile.

Astronomers believe that the solar eclipse on July 2 is a complete copy of the phenomenon that was in 2001 and this type of phenomenon can now be expected only in 2037.

If we consider a solar eclipse not from the point of view of science, but from astrology, then such a phenomenon will take place under the cover of the Cancer zodiac sign. This is not bad enough, since a solar eclipse in Cancer is a good sign that makes people more kind, awakens in them desires and impulses to help, to take care of their loved ones.

Astrologers also assure that the plexus of Cancer and a solar eclipse is an opportunity to change your life and attitudes towards people. For example, move, buy a house, make repairs, beloved couples decide to get married, and married couples to replenish.


Lunar eclipse on July 17, 2019 Moscow time

In July 2019, the solar eclipse will be followed by a lunar eclipse, after which almost all residents of Russia, except for Chukotka, Kamchatka and the Far East, will be able to observe it at 0:31 Moscow time.

The lunar eclipse in July will be private, that is, the Moon will plunge into the shadow with only one edge, the rest of the surface of the natural satellite of the Earth will remain illuminated.


Capricorn will control the eclipse of the moon. It is a symbol of control, order and the manifestation of willpower in achieving a set goal. But it is precisely these qualities of this zodiac sign, according to astrologers, that will bring problems. During a lunar eclipse, some will show a tendency towards total and tough control, while others, on the contrary, will not be able to complete the work they have begun. In such a situation, only the shown willpower and a clearly drawn up plan of action can be saved, from which one should not retreat.

Many people can completely change their attitude towards their work and career. And such realizations will not bring them satisfaction, since they will understand that they have not achieved anything, which means that the time has come to change something. This will lead to the fact that some, having taken on a lot of work, will simply burn out, others will also overestimate their capabilities and simply ruin relations with their bosses or colleagues.


Solar eclipse December 26, 2019

The last solar eclipse can be seen in December, its maximum phase will be at 8:18 Moscow time. Only residents of Primorye and Transbaikalia will be able to observe the solar phenomenon.

The winter eclipse will be annular, which means that the Moon will pass near the center of the Star. When the centers of the Earth's satellite and the Sun coincide, the Moon cannot completely cover the Star and a ring-shaped glow forms around the Sun.


The solar eclipse in December will also take place under the auspices of Capricorn. His qualities of control and power can interfere with a person in many areas of his life, but to a greater extent in his career and social life. For some at work, everything may turn out well, for others, on the contrary, it is a complete failure. In order not to play with fate, it is better not to quarrel with anyone during this eclipse and to do your job accurately.

In relation to the Sun, Capricorn can be called an aggressive sign, so you should not be surprised that contradictory events can occur in life that affect those around you. In order to avoid a mistake, you need to carefully consider all aspects of the current situation, since some concepts and phenomena can be misinterpreted, which means that you should not rush to conclusions.


Who will be affected by the eclipses in 2019

Lunar and solar eclipses that will take place in 2019 can affect the physical and psychological state of a person in different ways:

  1. Some of them can put people into a depressive state, others sow suspiciousness in them or make them reflect on their career advancement and personal life.
  2. The greatest danger during astronomical phenomena is more susceptible to people with chronic diseases, those who are inherent in obsessive and depressive states. Also under the strong influence of natural phenomena fall people who constantly feel anxiety, excitable and suspicious.
  3. According to the results of the research, scientists have established that during the eclipses of the Sun and Moon, the number of criminal acts, crime and attacks does not increase, which cannot be said about cases of suicide. The thing is that under the influence of such celestial phenomena, a person begins to "drip" strongly in his soul and thoughts. And if this person is timid by nature, then you can expect anything from him, sometimes his actions can be simply unpredictable. Indeed, in such people, the mind is dulled, but emotions, on the contrary, are gaining great strength.

A person begins to feel a sense of anxiety, it constantly seems to him that something irreparable and terrible is about to happen. Because of this, he begins to suffer from insomnia, he has conflicts, both with himself and with others.

But eclipses can carry not only danger, but also good moments. Sometimes such phenomena can reveal in a person intuition and conduct. And such a moment must be taken advantage of, it is on such days that he can better understand both the environment and his own world. But here, too, you should not go deep, especially into your personality, so as not to fall into depression.


What to do during an eclipse

The nature of Solar and Lunar eclipses can be called fateful, so it is important to pay attention to even the most subtle moments that may occur on such days. After all, sometimes even the smallest details can have an impact on the future. Therefore, it is important to remember all the events, discuss them and draw conclusions. It is the right decision that will help to achieve only a positive result of this phenomenon.

During eclipses, it will not be superfluous to engage in meditation or simply utter short encouraging phrases. It helps to calm down, find humility and harmony, and it is also an effective way for the Universe to be able to hear about all desires, plans and dreams.


It is believed that it is under the influence of eclipses that information is perceived more sharply, and the impressions from them become brighter. So, this is a good time for the implementation of what was put on the back burner, even from reading a book you can experience such emotions that you will not feel on ordinary days, what can we say about a trip that will be remembered only by pleasant memories.

The most important thing to do during eclipses is what causes only positive feelings and emotions. Perhaps the time has come when you need to fulfill your old dream.

True, not everyone agrees that on such days you need to travel, especially to drive any vehicle. Also, according to astrologers on such days, you do not need to try to change your life, it will only get worse. Make large financial transactions and purchases, get involved in quarrels and unpleasant incidents with others, which can lead to dire consequences.


You can enjoy the lunar and solar eclipses, which will take place in 2019 Moscow time, in different parts of the world. This is not only very beautiful, but also not as terrible as many imagine such astronomical phenomena. On such days, you just need to take care of your state of mind, calm down, dream more and set yourself a goal that will make you live.
