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How to lose 10 kg in a month without harm to health
How to lose 10 kg in a month without harm to health

On the eve of summer, every woman has thoughts on how to lose 10 kg in one month at home so as not to harm her health. Of course, this is a colossal work that requires iron willpower, but the results should be a reward for patience and struggle with oneself.

Golden rules for losing 10 kg in a month


Before you completely rebuild your diet and change your lifestyle, you need to consult with a qualified specialist and make sure that there are no chronic diseases and hormonal imbalances.


The basic rules of how you can lose 10 kg in one month at home without harm to health are based on three pillars:

  1. Cleansing the body.
  2. Regular physical activity.
  3. Compliance with a competent daily routine. Correct diet food (diet menu).

In order to rid the body of toxins and toxins, you can use the following methods:

  1. The introduction of fasting days into the diet.
  2. Regular visits to the bath / sauna.
  3. The use of medicinal decoctions and herbal infusions.
  4. Mono-diets.

How many calories do you need to consume in one day

A key condition for weight loss is a calorie deficit per day. In the event that the daily consumption of energy consumed begins to exceed its intake with food intake, then the body will begin to gain strength through its own reserves.

First of all, carbohydrates, which are located in blood cells and glycogen depots, will begin to “burn in the reactor”, and then - fatty fuel.


In order to get rid of 1 kg of pure fat, you need to create a deficit ranging from 7,700 to 9,000 calories. On average, each person consumes about 3000 Kcal in one day, so reducing the diet by ¼ will result in savings of up to 4000 Kcal per week. A similar amount can be left in the gym or for cardio workouts if you attend them regularly.

So, only partially reducing your usual diet and leading an active lifestyle, you can lose from 2 to 4 extra pounds in one month.


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However, it should be borne in mind that weight loss is directly proportional to the individual characteristics of the body and can proceed in different ways depending on the mass of factors (initial weight, level of physical fitness and stress, as well as metabolism).

With a dietary diet, the calorie intake is as follows: breakfast - 200-300 Kcal, afternoon snack - 70-100 Kcal, lunch - 400-600 Kcal, evening snack - 70-100 Kcal, dinner - 100-140 Kcal.


Nutrition principles and techniques for losing weight by 10 kg

Nutrition is the most crucial and significant moment in the battle with fat stores. That's why you need to plan your diet for a month in advance, counting calories and lost pounds.

Thinking about how to lose 10 kg in a month at home without harm to health, it is worth remembering that a diet is, first of all, a series of rules and attitudes that contribute exclusively to the health of the body.


Breakfast is one of the most important components of a healthy diet. It is he who should be satisfying, healthy, saturated with useful carbohydrates and proteins. On the contrary, supper can be minimized by cutting it to a minimum.

Among other things, you should pay attention to snacks (fruits and vegetables, dairy products, sandwiches with whole grain bread).

The main technique for proper weight loss is to exclude the following list of food products from the diet:

  • fatty, salty, oil-fried dishes;
  • bakery and bakery products;
  • confectionery;
  • canned foods;
  • sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise;
  • sugar.

One of the main enemies of proper nutrition is "fast food" (hamburgers, hot dogs, sandwiches, sandwiches). Composing even about a menu for a whole month, you can understand how to lose 10 kg in a month at home without harm to health and without diets.

It is worth remembering that food must be steamed, in the oven or by boiling. You will need to enrich your menu with vitamins: vegetables and fruits enriched with fiber, healthy cereals, dried fruits, nuts.

It is very important to remember that in the process of losing weight, it is necessary to consume a lot of fluids, which can improve the metabolism and the functioning of almost all organs. It is best to drink purified mineral water without gas. Among other things, drinking fluids can make you feel full, speed up your metabolism and have a beneficial effect on your hair and nails.


An effective workout plan at home and in the gym

The daily regimen is an important component of a competent path to weight loss. This is why it is so beneficial to exercise, go jogging, and do yoga or Pilates after waking up.

Physical activity and correct exercise in the morning will lead to significant calorie loss and help you understand how to lose 10 kg without dieting.


At home, training can be done daily, given only 15-20 minutes and the result will already be felt and without harm to health. As a rule, the most problematic areas are the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and arms, sides.

Based on the basic exercises for the whole body, the following plan can be developed:

  • 15-20 deep squats with arms raised up;
  • 10 drops on each leg with jumping out (holding hands behind head);
  • Balance on each leg (with a delay of 5 breaths-breaths);
  • 10-15 push-ups from a lying position (possible on bent knees);
  • 10-15 transitions from an emphasis lying to a squat and back;
  • 15-20 raises of arms and legs lying on the stomach;
  • 10-15 forward bends on straight legs with dumbbells in hands;
  • Plank (starting at 15 seconds).

The home workout program can be changed every week depending on preferences and problem areas.

In the gym, you can also develop a personal program for yourself without harm to your health. The most important thing before a workout is a good warm-up (bike, treadmill, ellipsoid). Then you can start working on those zones that require correction.
