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How to care for a potted money tree
How to care for a potted money tree

Video: How to care for a potted money tree

Video: How to care for a potted money tree
Video: Money Tree (Pachira Aquatica) Care 2024, April

Among indoor plants, there are those that have magical powers. These plants include the Money Tree. In this article, we will talk about how to properly care for the Money Tree at home, if it is grown in a pot.

Plant care rules

The money tree or Fat, as it is also called, requires special treatment and care from the owner, despite the fact that it is quite unpretentious in care. The plant has the power of magic, brings good luck and financial well-being to the family.


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Basic rules of care:

  • placement on the north side is not recommended, as the plant will suffer from a lack of light. On a south-facing window, Money Tree can get leaf burns. The best placement option would be a window facing the southeast side. In order for the tree to grow, and its leaves are deep green, the pot should not be placed in a place where there is direct sunlight. It is best to place the pot on the loggia. In winter, the plant can be rearranged on windows facing south;
  • for the tree to be healthy, the air temperature in the room should be + 23 C, and in the winter time +15 C;
  • it is necessary to feed the plant, but not often, since the Money Tree does not like the presence of a large amount of mineral components. Top dressing is applied at any time of the year, except for winter. You need to use fertilizers marked "for succulents";
  • watering should be moderate but regular. Watering should be done at least 2 times a week (in summer). The ground should not be dry or excessively wet. Watering is an important point in plant care. If you make a mistake, the plant will die. It is better to use settled water at room temperature for irrigation;
  • plant transplantation should be done not often, only when the plant becomes cramped. Transplanting is best done every three years.

In the summer, the Money Tree should definitely be put out on the street, since fresh air is simply necessary for it.

Possible growing problems

If you are a beginner gardener, it is important to know not only how to care for a money tree growing in a pot at home, but also what possible problems you may encounter when growing it.


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The plant is quite unpretentious, but at the same time you can often observe yellowed leaves, devoid of strength. If you notice that the leaves of the plant have changed color, have begun to fall off, then you should take emergency measures that will save the money tree from death.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the problems that flower growers often face and solutions if you notice that something is wrong with the tree.

Possible problems What to do
The money tree grows slowly

Considering that in nature a tree grows in a semi-desert, for a comfortable existence it needs to provide the plant with bright light without strong sunlight, and proper watering. If you notice that the plant is stretching upwards, then pinching can be carried out periodically.

Leaves are falling Thus, the plant shows that it is not comfortable to grow in the created conditions. This is most often due to the fact that the tree is watered with cold water, a large amount of moisture enters the ground, a large amount of mineral fertilizers in the soil. Therefore, if you water the plant with cold water, while the volume of water is large, you need to fix everything. If you see that the tree after the changes began to turn green again, and its leaves no longer fall, then everything was done correctly.
The trunk starts to rot

The plant is used to surviving in dry conditions. Its trunk stores the required amount of moisture. Therefore, if you water the plant frequently, the plant will die. The trunk begins to rot only when the plant receives a large amount of moisture. In winter, the plant should be watered rarely. If the transfusion of the money tree is allowed, it is necessary to transplant the plant, before cutting off the roots that have begun to rot.

Leaves turned yellow It is required to rearrange the plant to a place where there is sufficient lighting. It is better if the plant will be illuminated by the sun's rays, but make sure that they are not burned. You can use a special lamp that will provide the plant with the required amount of light.
Leaves become soft In this case, it is worth giving up frequent watering. The land should not be waterlogged. It is required to change the drainage in the pot and the ground
Black spots on the leaves Black spots are burns that appear as a result of exposure to sunlight. In this case, it is worth rearranging the plant to a different location.
Falling flower from gravity

This problem can occur as a result of the plant not turning during growth. The trunk of the money tree leans to one side. In order for the flower not to break, it is necessary to purchase a special support stand.


Winter care rules

The question of how to care for the Money tree at home in a pot in winter is of concern not only to novice gardeners, but also to those who have encountered problems when growing a money tree.

An important point in caring for a plant in winter is moderate watering. In winter, watering is practically stopped. It is also not worth feeding, since the tree is dormant. If you plan to feed, then you should reduce the concentration. It is required to add a little light in winter. You can also use a special lamp.

In the winter period, it is not worthwhile to make a plant transplant. If a transplant was required, remember that the root system is superficial, so you need to take care when pulling the plant out of the old pot.


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Spring and summer care

When growing a money tree at home, it is important to know how to care for it in the summer and spring if it grows in a pot.

Spring and summer is the period when direct sunlight can harm the plant. Therefore, if the Money Tree stands on the windowsill, in the open sun, then it is worth rearranging it where the rays will not directly affect the plant.

Do not flood the plant, but remember to keep the soil in the pot moist during spring and summer.


How to care for a tree to bloom

Not many people know that the Money Tree also blooms. If you want the plant to bloom, you need to learn how to properly care for it at home. The plant will bloom, but only if all of the above conditions of care are met.

Observe the temperature regime, water the plant correctly, and provide the plant with the necessary amount of light.

Flowers appear only if the florist transplants the money tree from March to the first half of April.



  1. The money tree is a plant that will bring comfort to your home.
  2. It is not difficult to take care of him, but nevertheless the Money tree requires some attention from the gardener.
  3. Improper care will lead to the death of the flower.
