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How to deal with aphids on currants
How to deal with aphids on currants

Video: How to deal with aphids on currants

Video: How to deal with aphids on currants
Video: How to get rid of aphids on currants/ Granny's secret way / Plants 2024, April

Pests can significantly reduce the yield on the personal plot. Aphids are especially troublesome. It spreads quickly, and it is not easy to remove it. It is useful for every summer resident to know how to deal with aphids on currants, which this pest loves very much.

Danger of aphids to plants

Small flea aphids in the last stages of reproduction can destroy a small currant bush. They extract juice from berries, leaves, stems. The plant is deprived of nutrition, receives extensive damage. Aphids can infect a shrub with a viral, fungal disease.

Aphids lay their eggs for the first time in summer on weeds that grow near the bush. The new generation of aphids begins to destroy the plant with passion. The second time she lays eggs in the fall in currant buds.


Aphid eggs are able to overwinter at low temperatures on open branches of a bush.

In spring, the leaves will swell and turn red where the aphids are most concentrated. Young shoots will not have enough nutrition for development, so the leaves will curl.


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Aphid treatments

Currants require careful care. Aphids often appear on the bush. In this case, you need to immediately process the plant. The pest can quickly spread and destroy the shrub.

Means must be chosen so that they do not affect the berries, leave them usable. For this, it is better to use folk recipes. But if there are a lot of pests, then chemical preparations will be required.

Aphids attack in whole colonies, the plant can dry out in a short time. Pests can attack bushes at different times - at the very beginning of spring, after flowering, during fruiting. Hot and dry weather encourages the spread of aphids.

There are different types of fighting this pest:

  • spraying;
  • root processing;
  • hilling;
  • tillage.

Each method must be applied in a timely manner and correctly. Spraying is considered one of the effective methods. It is better to conduct it in the morning before the sun appears or in the evening, already at sunset. It is not recommended to spray the bushes in strong winds, rainy weather.

The solution should be applied correctly before the buds open on the plant. This will prevent beneficial insects from harming. The final treatment should be carried out one month before harvest.

During the period of fruit ripening, spraying is not carried out.

Root processing is carried out in the spring after the snow melts, when the buds have not yet begun to swell. During this period, you can use any means. It is necessary to clear the root circle around the currants, dig up last year's foliage.


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The top layer can be treated with chemicals. Effective in this case "Aktara", "Aktellik", "Inta-vir". In the summer, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the root circle, to prevent the appearance of weeds. They are used by aphids to reproduce larvae.

Soil cultivation means its disinfection. The procedure is carried out in spring. From chemical agents, Bordeaux liquid or a solution of copper sulfate is used. These are inexpensive but effective drugs against most harmful bacteria, fungi and aphids.

This treatment can be carried out throughout the season. In the fall, you can use bleach. It is effective but toxic. It must be applied carefully.


Folk remedies against aphids

Folk remedies will have to be used several times, since they are less toxic than chemical preparations. But these methods can be used when the berries have already appeared.

Soap solution and any alkaline composition effectively defeats aphids. Any product (3-4 large spoons) must be dissolved in water (1 liter). This can be laundry detergent, dishwashing detergent, liquid soap, or grated household soap.

It is useful to make a solution of tar soap. Dissolve 100 g of the product in 10 liters of water, spray the bushes. The smell of tar repels aphids and other pests.


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A good remedy is a soap solution with the addition of soda ash. For 4-5 liters of hot water, you will need one bar of laundry soap and 4 large tablespoons of baking soda.

Boric acid helps fight aphids. Dissolve half of the package in 10 liters of water and spray the affected plants. With this solution, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini and fruit trees can be treated against parasites.

When using mustard, the result will not appear immediately, but the effect will last a long time. For spraying, mix water (1 l) with mustard powder (15 g). Insist in a warm place for 2 days. Dilute the resulting mixture with water (5 l). Spray or rinse the leaves with this solution.


Not all gardeners know how to deal with aphids on currants during fruiting. During this period, an infusion of onion husks will help. This recipe is used if you need a quick result.

Mix boiled water (10 l) and onion peel (200 g) in a zinc bucket. Boil in a water bath for half an hour and insist for 10 hours. The resulting product is sprayed with shrubs.

A simple but effective method is the treatment of affected plants with ammonia. First you need to prepare a solution:

  1. Dissolve any detergent and soap (40 g) in warm water (10 l). You can take household, tar, green liquid soap (2-3 large spoons) is also suitable. Soap is required for the stock solution to adhere better to the plant.
  2. Pour in 30-40 ml of ammonia.
  3. Stir the solution thoroughly, spray the currant bush (work with gloves). Turn all the leaves, process from the bottom side, unfold the folded leaves, spray inside.
  4. It is necessary to cultivate the entire bush and the ground in the near-trunk circle, and not just diseased branches. This will help prevent pests from crawling.

Such processing is useful for currants, it is a nitrogen feeding. It can be done during fruiting. The solution is harmless to berries.

Since it is possible to fight aphids on currants with folk remedies during all periods of plant growth and development, these measures must be repeated several times per season.


Organic remedies

Often, gardeners use chemicals for spraying. It is convenient and does not need to be cooked. They act faster because they contain a lot of toxic substances. The result lasts longer, there is no need to repeat treatments. But there are nuances in how to deal with aphids on currants, if there is already a berry.

In this case, drugs that are of organic origin will help. They do not harm beneficial insects such as bees. Such preparations are made on the basis of herbal ingredients, bacteria, fungi: "Aktofit", "Fufanon", "Fitoverm".

The disadvantage of these funds is a delayed result. The effect will appear one week after treatment. The destructive substance must accumulate in the body of the aphids.


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The effectiveness of the drug may decrease if it rains. Repeated treatment with drugs of this series is often required after 10 days.

Effective chemicals

Chemical preparations will quickly and permanently get rid of aphids. There are contact agents that instantly kill pests when they come in contact with them. There are "intestinal" agents that must penetrate the insects with food. Poisonous preparations guarantee a long-term effect, because they saturate the leaves of the plant, protecting them from parasites.

Among the effective formulations: "Intavir", "Fufan", "Karbofos", "Aktara", "Vofatox", "Rovikurt". The first spraying of chemicals is done in the spring before the buds open, the second is done a month before the fruits appear. When working with chemicals, it is imperative to protect the body and hands from pesticides.



Aphids are considered a common pest that can significantly reduce yields and destroy the plant. It is difficult to fight aphids on currants during flowering, fruiting. To do this, you need to make a lot of effort and know effective ways. It is necessary to start fighting aphids immediately upon detection. If there are berries on the bush, it is better to use folk methods of struggle. Chemical methods show quick results, but they cannot always be applied.
