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Metabolism: how to speed it up for weight loss
Metabolism: how to speed it up for weight loss

Metabolism is metabolic processes that determine the state of human health, the absorption of nutrients, and the effective fight against extra pounds. Disorders are caused by various reasons, but in any case, it is required to maintain metabolic processes at the correct level.

Everyone should know how to speed up the metabolism in the body when the need arises.


Causes of Potential Metabolic Problems

Metabolism slows down for the following reasons:

  • age;
  • improper nutrition;
  • lack of physical activity.

It is important to note that metabolic processes can be accelerated if you take care of the following nuances:

  • adherence to the correct diet;
  • maintaining muscle tone through a well-thought-out lifestyle;
  • adherence to sleep - wakefulness.

Only comprehensive health care will be effective. The fastest metabolism occurs from 4-5 am to 12 noon. For this reason, it is recommended to think over your lifestyle correctly, to get used to healthy nutrition.

The effectiveness of the proposed fight against extra pounds directly depends on this.


Metabolic acceleration principles

Metabolism is accelerated in compliance with the principles:

  1. A full breakfast is recommended. It guarantees the acceleration of metabolic processes by about 10%. Avoiding breakfast will cause the body to doze off until it gets food. This rule is one of the most important.
  2. It is recommended to drink warm water on an empty stomach. The water balance depends on this. In the future, during the day you need to drink the optimal amount of water to maintain good metabolic processes.
  3. Regular meals is required. It is recommended to eat in small portions every 3 hours. It depends on how efficient and correct the metabolism will be.
  4. Expedient limit yourself from consuming extra calories … Otherwise, the body will suffer from a calorie deficit, as a result of which metabolic processes will slow down. The amount of incoming calories depends on age, weight, level of physical activity.
  5. Recommended limit the use of certain foods … Certain raw foods negatively affect the functioning of the thyroid gland, on which metabolic processes largely depend.
  6. Desirable include foods high in protein in the diet … The diet includes fish, beef and chicken, eggs and cheese, dairy products. Getting the optimal amount of protein is considered imperative.
  7. Recommended avoid intake of polyunsaturated fatty acidswhich are found in vegetable oils. Experts note that unstable unsaturated fats threaten with hormonal disorders and a slowdown in metabolic processes. The most beneficial are olive and coconut oils.
  8. Balanced diet is important. Proteins, carbohydrates, fats are indispensable substances.
  9. Healthy sleep is required by every person for good health. It is recommended to sleep 7-8 hours a day. Otherwise, overwork occurs.
  10. Physical exercises play an important role for those who take care of their physical condition. Fitness is recommended. Regular physical activity is useful for the shape and condition of muscle tissue, the speed of metabolic processes.

The correct approach to speeding up your metabolism is imperative, so it is advisable to take care of the correct lifestyle.


Healthy foods for metabolism

Certain foods improve metabolic processes, make it easier to maintain a beautiful figure.

Increased protein intake

Increased protein levels are essential for weight loss and muscle health. For this reason, dietary meat, lean fish, eggs are included in the diet.


Fiber is essential for metabolism. Fiber is found in large quantities in fruits and vegetables, beans and cereals. In addition, it takes a long time to assimilate the substance, therefore, the rapid appearance of a feeling of hunger after a meal is excluded.

Citrus fruit

Many citrus fruits improve metabolic processes, stimulate the digestive tract, reduce blood cholesterol levels, remove harmful substances and excess water.

Oranges, tangerines, lemons, and grapefruits are considered especially useful. At the same time, grapefruit successfully eliminates hunger for a long time.

It's important to note that grapefruit is a negative calorie food, so more energy will be needed to digest it.

Unsurprisingly, grapefruit and other citrus fruits are recommended for inclusion in the diet.



Spices help speed up metabolic processes:

  1. Ginger contains a unique enzyme that improves digestion and assures complete absorption of nutrients. Fresh, dry, pickled ginger is recommended.
  2. Cinnamon lowers blood glucose levels, which speeds up metabolism and destroys body fat.
  3. Red hot peppers are successfully used for weight loss. Moreover, this spice is considered one of the most effective.

The above 3 spices are the most beneficial for boosting metabolism.


Correct drinking regimen

The correct drinking regime is imperatively required. In this case, the 3 most useful and important drinks can be noted:

  1. Water very important for the human body as it prevents dehydration. With a lack of water, metabolic processes are always activated. It is recommended to drink 1.5-2 liters per day.
  2. Coffee required to activate metabolism. A cup of coffee usually contains 200 mg of caffeine. It is recommended to drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day. However, you need to gradually increase the number of cups you drink.
  3. Green tea is considered one of the healthiest drinks. It is advisable to drink up to 3 cups a day.

The above drinks are important for a proper drinking regime and fast metabolic processes.


Many people are interested in how to speed up the metabolism in the body and prevent further excess weight gain. The most important thing is to lead an active and correct lifestyle, adjust nutrition, taking into account existing needs, and monitor your health. Fast metabolic processes prevent weight gain.
