Table of contents:

The norm of hemoglobin in the blood in women
The norm of hemoglobin in the blood in women

Video: The norm of hemoglobin in the blood in women

Video: The norm of hemoglobin in the blood in women
Video: Normal Value of Hemoglobin 2024, April

Correspondence of the hemoglobin norm to the age table is checked by a general blood test. Women should pay special attention to this indicator during menstruation and pregnancy.


Hemoglobin rates


Throughout life, the composition of the blood changes regularly. For this reason, the table of hemoglobin norms takes into account the person's age. During pregnancy, this indicator in women also changes, while fluctuations during menstruation are almost invisible due to the fact that blood loss is usually minimal and easily compensated for:

Age Hemoglobin (g / l)
15-40 115-160
40-65 110-175
Over 65 120-165
During pregnancy 100-135

An increase in the norm after 40 years is associated with the preparation of the female body for menopause. During this time, the production of estrogen gradually decreases. In return, the glands begin to produce more male sex hormones, which, in particular, leads to an increase in hemoglobin levels.


In older women, protein levels gradually decrease. This is a consequence of the body's natural aging process. It is harmless if not exacerbated by nutritional deficiencies and chronic illness.

During pregnancy, the decrease in the protein norm in the table is not tied to age. The blood reacts to changes in the woman's body. So, hemoglobin can fall due to:

  • increased production of estrogen;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • improperly organized food;
  • excessive intake of calcium;
  • stress;
  • multiple pregnancy.

The specialists of the antenatal clinic regularly send expectant mothers for a general blood test in order to be able to constantly monitor the approach of anemia and take timely measures.

How to get tested

A complete blood count is a standard diagnostic procedure. It is used both to determine possible pathologies and for a simple assessment of the state of the body. Blood is drawn from the finger. It practically doesn't hurt and is completely safe.


However, in order for a laboratory assistant to accurately determine the level of hemoglobin in the blood, it is important to follow 3 rules:

  1. Do not eat 8-12 hours before the procedure, drink - you can, but only clean water.
  2. Avoid stress. This applies not only to nervous experiences, but also to physical exertion.
  3. Do not attend ultrasound, MRI, X-ray the day before the analysis. Radiation, even short-term, can affect blood cells.

It is better to donate blood in the morning to fight hunger less. And after processing the material and handing out the results, the hemoglobin level can be viewed and compared with the table of age norms for women. The required numbers will be on the line labeled “Hb”.


Reasons for deviations from the norm

Changes in the level of hemoglobin are quite natural and are not always associated with pathological processes in the body. However, only a doctor can determine exactly how safe it is after a comprehensive diagnosis and comparison of all the data obtained during the examination.


Level up

Hemoglobin is a protein primarily responsible for the transport of oxygen. Accordingly, if the body lacks it, then the bone marrow produces more of the necessary blood cells.


This usually happens due to:

  1. Smoking. Cigarette smoke reduces oxygen intake during a smoke break. The body tries to compensate for this deficiency by producing hemoglobin.
  2. Regular physical activity. Muscles consume a lot of oxygen during active movement. The effect is especially noticeable in women who are diving and cardio.
  3. Living in places with problematic ecology. Air pollution leads to a decrease in oxygen supply and the body's adaptive response.
  4. Heights. Mountain dwellers, climbers, pilots and flight attendants are regularly exposed to thin air. In order not to suffocate, the body produces more hemoglobin to transport oxygen.
  5. Medicines. Hormonal drugs containing testosterone increase bone marrow activity and stimulate hemoglobin production. A similar effect is achieved with the inhibition of estrogen production due to sports doping.

Burns, heart and kidney diseases, blood cancer, diabetes mellitus can also cause an increase in hemoglobin levels. However, more often the protein level rises due to dehydration associated with diarrhea, or a banal lack of fluid intake.

Lowering the level

Most often, a small amount of hemoglobin in the blood is associated with nutrition. Lack of vitamins or iron, inadequate calories, and even irregular meals can lead to anemia. This condition is especially pronounced during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Also, low hemoglobin can be due to:

  1. Malfunctions of the endocrine system, excessive production of estrogen.
  2. Large blood loss.
  3. Malabsorption of nutrients. This may be the result of helminthic invasions, dysbiosis, inflammatory processes in the intestines.
  4. Mass death of red blood cells due to infections, autoimmune processes, poisoning.

Most often, the lack of hemoglobin is easily compensated for by changing the diet, including apples, nuts, red meat and liver in the menu. However, it is better to undergo a full examination to determine the exact cause of the change in blood counts.
