Dangerous age
Dangerous age

Video: Dangerous age

Video: Dangerous age
Video: Dangerous Age 2024, April
Dangerous age
Dangerous age

In an interview with the eminent fashion magazine, Madonna was asked:"

This is probably why Madonna still amazes with her youth and energy, it seems that time bypasses her stellar body. Twenty, thirty, forty, the years are in a hurry to step over the "fifty" mark, and Mrs. Ciccone-Ritchie is still beautiful! It is only here in Russia that they react to female age as to some kind of secret chronic disease that is transmitted in an incomprehensible way. It affects women after twenty and is difficult to cure. (Remember the everyday morality of mothers: "You are already 25, and you are still not married! Look at your friends, each has a second child on the way …"). Men rarely get it.

Today I propose to carry out the prevention of the disease called "Age". It's no secret that constant stress, surrogate nutrition, bad habits, bad ecology provoke skin aging. And if earlier scientists had a headache over the problem - to create a tool that turns back time - today their goal is to delay the appearance of signs of aging, protect the skin and optimize the work of its cells at every stage of life. Cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing the skin as needed is complemented by a lack of key substances (vitamins, fats, minerals, hormones). After all, the type and need of the skin change over time. It is important to notice the changes in time and take the necessary measures, which is not difficult with the current development of the beauty industry.

Dangerous age. Picture taken from the VICHY laboratory website
Dangerous age. Picture taken from the VICHY laboratory website


The most important functions of the skin begin to slow down from the very age when most of us finally get rid of adolescent acne. In adolescence, the high activity of cells is associated with the intensive growth of the organism, and when this process stops, their activity becomes simply normal. Theoretically, in the next decade, the skin will be in its best shape and will be able to stay in it for a long time if you follow the basic rules.

The most important thing is that there is no nicotine, which means preserving the capital of health and fertility (smokers have a much higher percentage of miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies), make their skin velvety, shiny hair, and fresh breath.

Do not forget to take care of your face, because the first wrinkles do not sleep. Perform cleansing in the morning and in the evening even in the absence of makeup: particles deposited on the face contaminate the skin not only mechanically, but also enter into chemical reactions with cells, damaging them. Never wash your face with ordinary soap, which dries out your skin. For this, there are a lot of cosmetics (gels, lotions, milk) for young problem skin. They need to be washed off with water (best of all with mineral water without gases or boiled), and then wipe your face with a tonic.

In addition to cleansing, young skin needs hydration. To do this, apply a daily moisturizer daily. Pay attention to the choice of cream: it is very important to use products specifically for young skin! Now it is not difficult to do this, because manufacturing firms have begun to pay more attention to young people. Do a peeling and cleansing mask once a week - for example, white or green clay.

And after 25 years, you need to switch to a new skin care regimen, in which moisturizing and protecting the skin from the harmful effects of the environment come to the fore.

If you are 20 years old and there are no special problems, then the cream is needed only to maintain a normal level of skin moisture and protect against adverse external factors. In this case, the simplest moisturizer is enough (but preferably with UV filters). Such creams are found in mass-market cosmetics (such as Nivea, L'Oreal, Lumene, etc.). In this case, you should not splurge on a very expensive cream.

Nivea Visage a-Alpha Flavon Day Cream was specially created for 25-year-olds. It is aimed at combating the main factor of skin aging - oxidative damage, which must be prevented as soon as possible. And Vishy Lab has created Oligo25, a complexion-improving moisturizer. Avon Milr Comfort Nourishing Night Cream nourishes young skin with fig milk and calcium, perfectly moisturizes and soothes it. By the morning, the skin is reborn, it becomes fresh and rejuvenated.

Your hair is in excellent condition now, try not to harm it with thoughtless and risky experiments. Hair chemistry and dyeing should only be done in a hairdressing salon with a specialist in whom you are confident.

Remember that it is during this period of experimentation that the birth of a personality and you, as a real woman, takes place. Therefore, everything that you do at this time will become the basis for the future.


Right now you have reached the peak in your physical and intellectual development.

After 30, the skin gradually loses its elasticity and becomes drier. Early wrinkles deepen, new ones appear. The amount of pigment in the hair decreases, and the first gray hair has already become silvery. Blood pressure rises (by 20%). The muscles are no longer as docile as they used to be, so do not exceed reasonable physical activity when playing sports. Remember that after 35 years, our bones become more fragile and brittle.

In order to withstand the frantic rhythm of life, the body needs energy. Vitamins (especially C and E), magnesium (it will save you from the effects of stress), calcium (it will strengthen bones and skin), iron (a lack of it leads to anemia that is fatal to the beauty) will help to recharge it.



Use the gifts of life further, but listen more carefully to yourself. It's time for hormonal changes in the body. Mood swings can poison the life not only for you, but also for those close to you.

See your gynecologist regularly. Remember breast control - early diagnosis of breast cancer greatly increases the chances of a cure. Watch your diet. "Keep the line", tk. it is after 40 that there is a tendency to be overweight.

Microcirculation of blood slows down and blush appears on the cheeks less and less. It doesn't matter: blush, bronzing powder, golden correctors perfectly refresh the complexion.

Massage becomes not a whim, but an obligatory action. It helps to get rid of edema, strengthen the skin, stretch the muscles, makes it possible to listen to yourself and relax perfectly.

Reduce your time in the sun. French women say that a month on the beach after 40 ages the skin more than 10 years of life.

With regards to prolonging the youthfulness of the skin, here are some tips:

Use rich creams, they provide the skin with a daily dose of nutrients, especially lipids, as the secretion of sebum is drastically reduced.

Do not forget about stimulants that revive the activity of cells, strengthen their connections and activate metabolic processes.

Your new friends are serums that improve complexion, strengthen its contours, moisturize the skin, tighten it, smooth out wrinkles.

For an instant, effective, but short-lived effect (publication, for example), it is recommended to use the Skin Caviar Revitalizing Eye Mask and Essence of Skin Caviar Cellular Eye Complex with Caviar Extract containing caviar extract from Rivoli. For permanent care, the Age Management line is perfect. In particular, Age Management Eye Repair is also from Rivoli.

Cream 40+ with Pani Walewska phytohormones is a safe hormone therapy for mature skin. The cream is especially effective in restoring the skin at night, when it is most sensitive to the effects of active substances.

The older you get, the more careful you should be with exfoliants, that is, means for exfoliating the skin. Soft foods are ideal. The so-called "Scrabs" ("Scrubs" - skin cleansing creams containing hard particles, such as almond shells, apricot kernels, or synthetic particles) are more suitable for cleaning silverware than for cleansing skin after thirty. There is always a risk of irritation and injury to the skin.

Quit smoking if you haven't already: tobacco triggers the production of enzymes that destroy collagen, which causes the number of wrinkles to triple.

Black makes you look old! Do not draw in eyeliner and do not apply black mascara to the lower lashes, and only the tips of the upper ones. In your makeup, also avoid saturated colors and pearlescent tones: they accentuate wrinkles and draw attention to all skin imperfections.


Menopause sets in. This is not the best period in life, but you will have to put up with it. Think back to the advances in medicine: maybe you should consider hormone therapy. Be sure to check with your doctor about this. Hormone replacement therapy (a combination of estrogen and progesterone that reproduces the menstrual cycle) relieves all problems. These drugs also reduce the risk of heart disease.

More than usual, follow the correct diet. Lack of calcium and minerals can lead to osteoporosis (brittle bones). Every second woman who has reached fifty suffers from this disease. Watch the work of the heart, now it is less protected from diseases.

Daily walks are a form of prevention. By being physically active, you will avoid the typical rise in blood sugar in this age and protect your bones from osteoporosis.

Be sure to visit an optometrist. You may need new glasses: changes in the structure of the eye often lead to farsightedness.

Buy nourishing creams for your skin as it gets completely dry.

Tightening the skin, sharpening facial contours and smoothing out wrinkles requires products that act on the dermis and stimulate collagen production.

Fight skin pigmentation: Whitening products will help prevent and eliminate age spots (memories of youthful sun abuse).

Strengthen your hair, in addition to a special shampoo, apply masks and serums, which will help keep your hair thick and shiny.


The general physical condition worsens, there are problems with digestion. Nerves often fail, but all this is controllable. There are still years of life ahead of you! Live them as fully as possible. Now the opportunity has just appeared to complete the pending cases. Or to satisfy interest in a forgotten hobby.

Aging of the brain is not accompanied by a loss of intellectual ability! The only condition is constant training! The brain wears out if not used. Solve crosswords, read - the main thing is not to lose interest in life and not write yourself down as an old woman.

Take care of yourself as much as possible. Listen to your doctor's advice. Prevent osteoporosis closely by increasing the daily intake of calcium to 1200 mg per day (dairy products, mineral water, almonds, cabbage). Include in your diet foods containing B vitamins, a guarantee of good mood and memory (pears, cabbage, cereals).

Don't forget about cosmetics too. Gray hair and deep wrinkles do not adorn anyone. Your appearance creates not only a good mood, it prolongs life!

For a gentle enlargement of the eyes, you can use brown or purple mascara.

Lipstick - satin texture, beige-pink or red-burgundy, these tones enliven the face.

A brown or gray pencil line on the outer corner of the eyes will accentuate them without making them sunken.
