Table of contents:

Diet for constipation and what not to eat
Diet for constipation and what not to eat

Video: Diet for constipation and what not to eat

Video: Diet for constipation and what not to eat
Video: Best Food To Relieve Constipation | Best Food To Eat When You Are Constipated | The Foodie 2024, April

Diet for constipation sometimes becomes a necessity due to dysfunction of the intestines. Various factors contribute to this. Let's consider the key aspects of such a diet.

Basic principles of nutrition for problems with bowel movements

People with constipation are assigned a table number 3. This diet for constipation clearly delineates what is allowed and what is not. Its basic principles:

  1. Include in the menu more foods rich in plant fiber and fiber. They normalize intestinal motility, due to which the stool is restored.
  2. Drinking plenty of fluids. It is necessary that the daily volume of clean water is at least 2 liters. This volume should not include juices, broths and other liquids. This approach guarantees a more comfortable bowel movement and no constipation.
  3. Fractional food. People who eat less than 5 times a day rarely experience constipation. With this approach, the healthy ingredients of the dishes are better absorbed. At the same time, it is not necessary to consume large portions, volumes of 250-350 g per 1 intake will be quite enough.
  4. Inclusion of products of natural origin in the menu. You need to forget about fast food, foods rich in preservatives, if the task is to get rid of this delicate problem.

In addition to constipation, the development of dysbiosis is added to the number of unpleasant effects. And this is fraught with serious consequences for the body.


Diet - what food is strictly prohibited

Like any other diet, this meal plan involves a number of inhibitions. Should be excluded from the menu:

  1. Fatty meats and fish. It is worth forgetting about the strong broths prepared on their basis.
  2. Smoked products, canned food.
  3. Fried or hard-boiled eggs.
  4. Turnip, river, mushrooms, onions and other spicy vegetables.
  5. Spicy sauces, which have added various fatty components, pepper, mustard.
  6. Strong coffee and tea.

Alcohol is strictly prohibited, as well as any drinks that increase gas production.

Unnatural fats such as margarine, industrial creams, various sweets will not bring any benefit to the body. From cereals, rice and semolina should be abandoned. Pasta and legumes can have a firming effect. As for berries, blueberries and dogwood are prohibited. The constipation diet requires that the consumption of eggs be limited to 2 eggs per day.


Recommendations for the elderly

In elderly people, constipation is observed several times more often. The causes of intestinal dysfunction can be age-related diseases, such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, hemorrhoids, etc. In accordance with the diet, for constipation, elderly patients are recommended:

  1. Cereals. They are very useful for the normalization of the rectum. Buckwheat, oatmeal and wheat porridge are especially helpful.
  2. Fermented milk products. Emphasis should be placed on natural yoghurts, kefir, yogurt. They are rich in beneficial bacteria that restore the intestinal microflora.
  3. Lean fish and poultry.
  4. Vegetables. Better to include fresh on the menu. Cucumbers, zucchini, beets, carrots and pumpkin are recommended.
  5. Fruits. Natural plant fibers are found in all fruits. But for constipation, apricots, apples, peaches and plums are especially useful.
  6. Dried fruits. Nutritionists recommend using prunes, raisins and dried apricots.

If you include sweets in the menu, then it should be homemade desserts: marshmallows, marmalade, fruit jelly, prepared on the basis of natural ingredients.

Steamed food should be eaten without the use of fats. The amount of sour cream and butter in dishes, in accordance with the diet for constipation, should not be too large. It is recommended to bake the meat in a whole piece in the oven.

Cereals for cereals should not be overcooked, it is better if they are crumbly. For constipation, bran-containing foods are helpful. Also, regular use of fermented milk products will allow you to normalize the stool.


Recommendations for children

Basic advice for parents of children who suffer from constipation - what is allowed and what is not:

  1. Give your child enough water.
  2. Include in the menu foods rich in fiber and lactic acid bacteria. This is kefir, natural yogurt.
  3. Children, as well as adult patients, are prescribed a table number 3. The rate of the liquid drunk varies depending on age and is, for example, in the period from 1 to 3 years from 500 ml to 1 liter.
  4. When it comes to fiber-rich foods that should definitely be added to a constipated child's diet, it is found in green peas, soybeans, almonds, whole grain breads, raisins, and peanuts. It is present in smaller quantities in lentils, various greens, carrots, apples and cabbage.

Yogurt and kefir sold in stores are not always suitable for baby food. Most contain colorants, antibiotics, and thickeners. But there are not enough live bacteria for the intestines to function properly.


When choosing fermented milk products for baby food, make sure that their shelf life is not more than 7 days. The lower this indicator, the more natural the product.

For normal bowel function in children, the menu should include lean, dietary meats such as lean beef, chicken breast, rabbit and turkey. Fresh vegetables can be used in salads and can be stewed and boiled. If the child does not have allergies, he can be given a small amount of honey and jam. Eggs should be boiled soft-boiled.

To give juices with pulp or not, parents decide on their own. On the one hand, such a product is rich in plant fiber, but it also contains a lot of sugar. For this reason, many pediatricians recommend replacing it with fresh fruit.


Interesting! Diet for atopic dermatitis in children and adults

Additional products and meals

If you want to effectively get rid of constipation and take into account what is possible and what is not, then be sure to use only fresh kefir, preferably before bedtime. Syrup from the fruits of red rowan berries, which is prepared with alcohol, also has a good effect.

To ensure normal bowel function, experts recommend eating raisins. But few people know that its decoction is even more effective. Even freshly squeezed grape juice can be beneficial, especially if you drink 150 ml of it before lunch.


Try adding 150 grams of sauerkraut to your daily menu. It is a versatile product for bowel problems. It contains plant fibers and lactic acid bacteria, normalizes peristalsis, fights against the manifestations of dysbiosis.

If you suffer from constipation, and the problem needs to be solved quickly, then you should try freshly squeezed beet juice. It is enough for an adult to take from 3 to 5 tablespoons.


Is the diet different for men and women?

Trying to understand what can and cannot be done with problems with defecation, people often look for diets for representatives of a particular gender. There are no differences in nutrition between women and men with constipation.

If we are talking about a spastic form, then regardless of the patient's gender, he is advised to use fruit and vegetable purees, cereals with the addition of butter, kefir, yoghurts, cream.

With atonic constipation in women and men, compotes from dried fruits, including prunes, and carrot juice are needed. Cottage cheese is also very useful - both fresh and as part of dishes. Nutritionists recommend preparing apple salad by adding greens and iceberg leaves to it. Chopped boiled egg can be added to boiled vegetables.


Even after eliminating constipation, you should adhere to a balanced menu so that relapses do not occur.

When planning meals to eliminate constipation, the table of permitted and prohibited foods will help you navigate:

Allowed Products Products to be discarded (in whole or in part)
Porridge: oatmeal, buckwheat and barley Rice, pearl barley and semolina porridge
Bran and bread with their content Cream soups
Sauerkraut White fresh bread
A fish Puree, especially from potatoes
Seafood Lots of eggs, especially fried eggs
Raw vegetables Milk chocolate
Vegetable oils, especially olive Kissel
Fresh fruits Baking

Sample menu for the day

Making a menu will help you take into account what you can and cannot from the products. An approximate list of meals for the day may be as follows.

  1. Breakfast: pumpkin porridge with raisins and milk, a small piece of butter. You can drink such porridge with dried fruit compote or tea based on medicinal plants.
  2. Second breakfast: kefir or yogurt. You can also eat a whole grain bread sandwich with low-fat cottage cheese.
  3. Lunch: squash puree soup, seasoned with a little sour cream and a pinch of herbs. For the second, you can serve fish under the marinade. To do this, take a cod fillet, for example, which was stewed with onions, carrots and tomato puree. You can fill such a dish with lemon juice. Drinks for lunch can be tea or compote. Homemade marmalade is suitable for dessert.
  4. Afternoon snack: baked apples, cottage cheese with dried fruits.
  5. Dinner: meat casserole with grated carrots. Alternatively, the meat can be baked in the oven and served with crumbly buckwheat porridge. The main course can be supplemented with a salad based on grated beets or other vegetables with the addition of vegetable oil.


  1. The menu for constipation must necessarily be rich in dishes with fiber, fermented milk products.
  2. To avoid problems with bowel movements, it is important to consume at least 2.5 liters of clean water per day.
  3. For the normal functioning of the intestines, fractional meals are needed at least 5 times a day.
