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Women's health after 30 years: pain points
Women's health after 30 years: pain points

Video: Women's health after 30 years: pain points

Video: Women's health after 30 years: pain points
Video: Women's Health in 20s, 30s, & 40s- Dr Rajeshwari Pawar 2024, April

Over time, changes occur in a woman's body. Sometimes they only lead to minor inconveniences that go away on their own. But some can cause disease. In this article, you will learn what to look for at the age of thirty. So, the health of a woman after 30 years.


Many at this age are experiencing a hormonal storm associated with pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. Therefore, ailments caused by hormonal imbalances may appear. Another reason may be the thyroid gland - it is necessary to control the level of the hormone TSH. You also need to pay more attention to the chest - to do an x-ray.

50% - this is the likelihood that you will have a tendency to migraines if your mother and grandmother suffered from it.


Her seizures are impossible to predict. Each person has a different cause of this terrible headache. The most common is stress, but often it can also be odors, such as perfumes or cooking dishes that contain monosodium glutamate. This food additive is commonly used in oriental cuisine. Migraines can also be caused by eating certain foods: chocolate, cheese, nuts.

The attack can be with a so-called aura or without an aura. The first type is most often accompanied by dizziness and visual impairment, the second - fear of light, fatigue and vomiting. The severity of an attack varies. For some people, it lasts for several hours, for others - up to several days. No one knows for sure the cause of this disease. However, it is known that women suffer from migraines due to hormonal disorders. Sometimes they are associated with the menstrual cycle or taking hormonal birth control pills.

The easiest treatment is to take an aspirin or paracetamol tablet. Or sleep a little in a darkened room. Antiemetics should sometimes be taken. In the case of acute and prolonged migraine attacks, the doctor prescribes drugs from the triptan group.

Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCPO)

Do you have migraines?

What is migraine?

Every tenth woman who has reached puberty has this disease. Due to hormonal imbalances, the ovaries produce too many male hormones, or androgens, and the cycles pass without ovulation. The vesicle produced by the graaf ovaries is not mature enough to form an egg. The ovaries are full of small vesicles that gradually become cysts. First of all, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound of the reproductive system, and then treatment, depending on whether you plan to give birth. Prescribes a hormonal drug to normalize cycles. This treatment lasts about three months. If it proves ineffective, surgery is required, which increases the possibility of returning ovulation.

Anemia (anemia)

The most common cause of anemia is iron deficiency. This element is essential for the production of red blood cells. Lack of folic acid or vitamin B6 also leads to the disease. Anemia can also be a symptom of another disease, such as kidney failure. It often occurs during pregnancy in women with heavy periods.


Patients with anemia feel very tired, irritated, and suffer from headaches. If you notice these symptoms in yourself, go to the doctor. Take a referral for a blood test. The simplest treatment for anemia is iron deficiency and a vitamin diet. If this does not help, you need preparations containing iron and vitamins.

Breast cancer prevention

Your breasts change over time. Gradually, more and more adipose tissue appears in it. Therefore, over the years, it becomes not so easy to detect a tumor during a self-examination of the breast. Therefore, you need to regularly visit a mammologist. After all, examination is one of the most important procedures aimed at preventing breast cancer, and it must be carried out from the age of 20 to the end of life.

It is very important that this control is carried out regularly (independently - every month, with a specialist - once every six months). You need to be especially careful during the period when you are about to give birth. The breast changes during this time to produce milk.

Oncologists believe that breastfeeding protects a woman from breast cancer. However, in order to be sure that everything is in order after 35 years, it is recommended to do an ultrasound scan once a year. This procedure is completely painless and can be done on any day of the cycle.

If alarming changes are found, a fine needle biopsy should be done. Then the cells obtained during the analysis will be carefully examined. The doctor will then be able to determine if the tumor is benign or malignant. In 80% of cases, it turns out that neoplasms do not require treatment - only observation. But if the threat still exists, then with early detection, it is possible to get rid of the tumor in 90% of cases.

Medical calendar: 30+ years

• Morphology, general blood test and glucose level, general urine analysis - once a year.

• Measurement of pressure - once a year.

• Cytology - once a year.

• The level of cholesterol in the blood - every 3-5 years.

• Visits to the ophthalmologist and dentist - once every six months.

• Ultrasound of the reproductive system - every 1-2 years.

• Breast ultrasound - once a year.

• Mammography after 35 years - every 1, 5-2 years.

• Fluorography - once every two years, and if you smoke - once a year.

The most effective breast examination in adulthood is mammography. Women who are at risk (for example, if your mother or grandmother had breast cancer) should have genetic tests done at an oncology clinic.


Women are 10 times more likely than men to suffer from thyroid diseases (hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism). The first problems appear during hormonal changes, for example, during pregnancy or breastfeeding. In expectant mothers, the thyroid gland may slightly increase, and then the doctor prescribes special iodine-containing preparations.

In hyperthyroidism (Graves' disease), an overly active thyroid gland produces too many hormones. At the same time, the pituitary gland produces less hormone TSH - thyroid stimulating hormone. Characteristic symptoms appear: fever, increased sweating. You feel irritated, you constantly want to cry. Menstruation is irregular, you lose weight without much effort. With these symptoms, your doctor will first check the level of the hormone TSH in your blood. If it turns out that the results differ from the norm, he will prescribe medications that will gradually reduce the activity of the gland and slow down its work.


Hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland has no characteristic symptoms. If the gland produces too few hormones, you continually lose weight, and one of the symptoms of this disease is a sudden weight loss. In addition, it can be difficult to concentrate on work, the skin becomes dry, hair falls out.

Hypothyroidism can be caused by a chronic condition. This is due to the malfunctioning of the immune system, which perceives the gland as a foreign body and tries to destroy it at any cost. This is the main cause, for example, of Hashimoto's disease. After diagnostic procedures, the doctor will prescribe hormone treatment.

Expert commentary

Any type of thyroid pathology involves the immediate referral of the patient for an ultrasound scan. Thanks to this study, it is possible to determine exactly what the size of the gland is - whether it is enlarged or not. Even the smallest tumors will be visible. To check what character they have, the doctor directs for a fine-needle biopsy. This standard study allows you to determine the nature of the neoplasms - they are malignant or not. Another method for detecting tumors is scintigraphy, or the so-called map of the thyroid gland. Scintigraphy is necessary to determine the location of the gland, its shape and size. The study also shows whether the tumors are "hot" or "cold". Their treatment depends on it.

Woman's health after 30 years changes and becomes worse, so you should not ignore your diseases, but you should immediately consult a doctor.

Elena Ermachek, MD, PhD, endocrinologist

polyclinic №3 of the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation


You can read about health at 20, 40 and 50 years

in the October issue of Planet Women magazine (# 10).
