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Otitis media treatment at home
Otitis media treatment at home

Video: Otitis media treatment at home

Video: Otitis media treatment at home
Video: 12 Home Remedies to Prevent or Treat Swimmer’s Ear (Otitis Externa) 2024, April

Otitis media is an inflammation of the ear. Depending on the location, clinical signs, the presence of secretions, several types of this disease are distinguished. Treatment of otitis media in adults at home involves complex therapy, and not just the use of pharmaceutical drugs.

Types of otitis media

The structure of the ear, in addition to the visible auricle and auditory canals, includes the inner tympanic membrane. The task of the shell is to capture sound waves and direct them into the auditory canals.

The tympanic cavity is located in the middle ear, where the malleus, incus and stapes are located. Their function is to transform and amplify incoming sound signals. The stripe separates the structure of the middle and inner ear with its base.


Otitis media usually develops in the middle ear. In accordance with the localization, otitis media are distinguished:

  • outer ear;
  • middle ear;
  • inner ear.

The outer ear is rarely inflamed. Most often, otitis media is manifested by the appearance of boils on the shell, in the ear canal.

If the furuncle is located deep, closer to the middle ear, its treatment in adults at home is difficult, since the tympanic membrane may be damaged. The growth and maturation of boils leads to hearing loss. But after successful treatment, the use of drugs that are prescribed only by a doctor, hearing is fully restored.


Most often, otitis media is localized in the middle ear, which is explained by the anatomical feature of the cavity. Sound waves are retained in the inflamed environment, it presses on the Eustachian tube, which can cause the inflammatory process to pass into the nasal passages.

Inner ear is the most difficult to treat inflammation, which is usually a complication of poorly treated otitis media in the middle ear. Inflammatory processes in the labyrinth of the snail develop quickly, often causing emergency conditions in the form of sepsis, meningitis. These diseases are life-threatening. The least safe thing to do is permanent hearing loss.


It is very dangerous to treat otitis media in adults at home with self-selected drugs from a pharmacy. With the wrong use of funds, serious complications often arise, then medical assistance will be difficult.

With the onset of a disease that gives severe symptoms, it is important to immediately consult an ENT doctor. Special tools allow the specialist to see the localization of inflammation, its development, and then prescribe competent, targeted treatment that can be carried out at home.


Otitis media symptoms in adults

The manifestation of symptoms depends on the location of the inflammation. Otitis media begins with a slight reddening of the skin around the auricle. The pain is given to the temple, jaw, which interferes with chewing, talking. Timely treatment of the inflammation focus quickly relieves pain, the disease recedes.

Otitis media in the middle ear has the following symptoms:

  1. Sharp pains deep in the ear, which can be sharp, aching, shooting.
  2. Deterioration of the general condition - the temperature rises, fever begins. A person often takes these symptoms for the onset of acute respiratory infections, begins self-treatment. This is very dangerous if the inflammation is associated with the ear structures.
  3. Purulent otitis media is accompanied by specific secretions from the auditory canals. This indicates a disease of the tympanic membranes.
  4. Ear congestion, background noises, hearing loss.

Treatment of otitis media in adults at home with arbitrary choice of medication is very dangerous. It is important to see a doctor at the first onset of symptoms. The state of health deteriorates quickly, without qualified help, the prognosis is unfavorable, complicated by the appearance of additional inflammation on neighboring organs.


Treatment of otitis media in adults

Doctors prescribe the patient to be in complete rest. The main therapeutic methods are the use of drugs. Each medicine, traditional medicine in the treatment of otitis media in adults at home should be prescribed by the attending physician.

List of drugs:

  1. Means for vasoconstriction - nose drops. With otitis media, it is important to dry the nasal mucosa so that the inflammation does not spread to the nasal passages. This is the key to a successful cure for otitis media.
  2. Ear drops against inflammation. In pharmacies there are complex preparations containing an antibiotic, a component against inflammation and against pain. But their use should be indicated by a doctor if the use of a compound drug is caused by the patient's condition.
  3. Antibiotics are also used only as directed by a doctor, in accordance with the general well-being of the patient.

In home treatment, the doctor prescribes the use of dry heat in the form of compresses. This is allowed only with catarrhal otitis media.


Home treatment for otitis media

There are several ways to cure otitis media quickly, but only as directed by your doctor. He recommends medications, explains their purpose, chooses the required dosage, frequency of use.

The choice of the method is due to the localization of inflammation. Common in all types of illness is the use of anesthetic medicine, because the ear pains are very strong, give to the head, and cause headaches.

External inflammation is treated with ear drops. With strong immunity, you can get rid of it without the use of antibiotics.


It is also possible to treat otitis media in adults without antibiotics. Moreover, if the problem does not respond to treatment and there is no noticeable improvement in the condition, the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs: Augmentin, Amoxicillin, Zinnat.

An additional home remedy is the use of ear drops. If the eardrum is intact, the doctor prescribes Otipaks, Otinum. When purulent discharge appears, instillation of antibacterial drugs into the ears helps: Normax, Tsiprofarm.


General practitioners for first aid for pain in the ear without high fever and in the absence of purulent discharge advise warming compresses with salt, which is poured into a tissue bag. Heat is good for the onset of illness. Thanks to compresses, blood flow, lymph movement improves, which has a calming, analgesic effect.

Serious timely treatment is complemented by folk remedies. They also need to be agreed with the attending physician. An integrated approach to stopping otitis media will help you quickly get rid of dangerous inflammation.

Before visiting a doctor as an ambulance, you can instill a sick ear with Otipax, Otisol, Otinum. They include:

  • phenazole;
  • lidocaine;
  • antipyrine;
  • phenylephrine;
  • hydrochloride;
  • benzocaine.

These components provide effective pain relief, do not blur the picture of clinical manifestations, and allow the doctor to see the localization of inflammation. Analgin, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Paracetamol have analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory effects.

From simple, time-tested remedies, you can use boric alcohol in the form of drops. With it, you can put tampons in a sore ear at night.

One of the folk remedies is propolis drops, made by yourself or bought at a pharmacy. They relieve pain, reduce inflammation. Pharmacy tincture should be diluted in a proportion of 10 drops per 50 ml of water.

Tincture of calendula well eliminates pain. It can be purchased at the pharmacy. The plant has anti-inflammatory properties, soothes, destroys bacteria.


Before being instilled into the ears, a pharmacy tincture must be diluted in a proportion of 10 ml per 100 ml of water. With the same solution, you can put anesthetic tampons at night.

Traditional healers propose to bury furacilin alcohol in the ear for home treatment of otitis media in adults, after which you need to close the ear canal with cotton wool, calmly lie on the side opposite from the sore side.

They put turundochki with furacillin alcohol at night, to enhance the effect of the medicine, it is recommended to put on a scarf or a thick hat on the head so that the head is warm.


Home treatment for otitis media in adult patients includes dietary intake. It is important to diversify the diet, eat light, but high-calorie food, give up alcoholic beverages, smoking.

The diet should contain dairy products, cereals. It is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of liquid, which will reduce intoxication, give the body energy to get rid of the disease.

The high temperature can be lowered not with medicines, but with folk remedies: tea with raspberries, lindens, honey. Various compresses with medicinal herbs, ointments based on them are useful.



  1. An integrated approach to the treatment of otitis media relieves a person from the disease in a short time.
  2. The inclusion of medicinal folk remedies is allowed as an addition to the drug complex, but it can also be an independent treatment if the disease is at an initial stage.
  3. Otitis media is treated at home for at least 2 weeks until the inflammation is completely eliminated.
