Sir with instrument
Sir with instrument
Robbie Williams shows off his genitals in a photo
Robbie Williams shows off his genitals in a photo

Reason number three: they think that we are telling each other about them, and therefore they are afraid of becoming a laughing stock. In principle, this is how it happens. How not to share with your best friend! Well, even if you seal your mouth, it still won't help. Holy cause! Especially if a man is not an object of insane passion, but rather … an accidental misunderstanding.

There is only one way to console the strong half of humanity: not everyone will know! And there are five or six people … Well, or more, if it's a completely caricatured version.

It is what they know about our talkativeness that makes them attach special importance to their body movements. His inflamed mind draws pictures one more nightmare than the other, where the most important thriller: HE did not get up! OH, this … is a centimeter-long traitor whom you so cherished and cherished, whom you hoped for so much, he took and … let down at the most inopportune moment. She will now tell everyone! Everyone will find out, they will squint, whisper and stigmatize until the end of their days. In order to avoid such a guillotine, men double, triple care of their"

One of my friends told me how her husband, having read in some magazine that classical music affects potency, listened to a couple of pieces in the nude every day. And they had the following ritual of going to bed: a shower, a Beethoven symphony (why it seemed to him that the member liked this, remains a mystery to this day), then the fulfillment of marital duties.

Such things sometimes happen!