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What can a deceased person dream of?
What can a deceased person dream of?

Video: What can a deceased person dream of?

Video: What can a deceased person dream of?

Why can a deceased person dream, who, like a living one, hugs and kisses in a dream? Such visions can speak volumes, including good omens and life changes. We will study a detailed interpretation of traditional dream books.

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The ancient Slavs honored the afterlife and believed that the departed could both help and harm. It all depends on what kind of relationship they had with the dreamer. If they were good, they could help with advice and their words should be heeded.


The experience of the ancestors said that the one who left the clan could put in a word before the gods for the living, because he was now closest to them. But for this it was necessary to observe all the customs of burial, otherwise the soul was considered restless and doomed to wander around the world.

What can a deceased person mean in a dream? Most often, the deceased dream before the rain, or to remind the living of themselves. Visions with a dark shade were considered prophetic and foreshadowed future troubles. But they could also predict what to expect in the future, warning against a wrong step.

The appearance of the dead in a dream was considered a good sign and promised protection for the living from misfortune. Already in modern Christian interpretations, the deceased was attributed the role of a guardian angel for posterity. The current psychological interpretations of dream books are more trivial and say that such visions are caused by the constant thoughts of a loved one about the deceased, his mental pain and bitterness of loss.


The interpretation of such a dream depends on:

  • who is dreaming;
  • how long has this person been away from you;
  • what he does or says;
  • what were your actions;
  • what does he look like;
  • where the meeting takes place;
  • what is the situation around.

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Who comes in a dream

What can a deceased person dream of if it is your loved one? Depending on who it was, the prediction is interpreted for the worse or for the better.


How does one dream:

  1. Like a living father. This hints at changes in your life that could change your destiny. Such a dream is always for a change.
  2. Mother is alive. It is in your power to influence the coincidence of circumstances and turn events in the right direction. The changes that await you will be related to family well-being. Such dreams also indicate that you need care and a reliable relationship.
  3. Living grandfather. You should listen to the advice of loved ones, and if the deceased himself says something, then pay special attention to it. The same applies to dreams, where the grandmother is alive. They, as the founders of the family and its guardians, instruct unreasonable descendants and warn against mistakes in difficult periods of life.
  4. The deceased spouse or spouse in dreams warns of serious trials. You need to gain strength and patience to overcome adversity. If dreams come before 40 days, then these are echoes of your pain and longing for the past. You should visit the temple and order a prayer for the repose of the soul.
  5. A deceased brother or sister warns that soon you will be asked for help. By their behavior, one can judge whether it is worth granting the request. If they dream alive and happy, you will soon have money from an unexpected source.
  6. A distant acquaintance. You should not be engaged in business-related affairs in the near future, so as not to burn out.
  7. Deceased friend. A warning that you should be careful with others and trust them less, otherwise you will get into trouble. If a friend is upset in a dream, then you should establish relationships with loved ones.
  8. If you see a friend who left this world long ago, and she calls you with her, then get ready for a serious betrayal. If you are asked to fulfill any request, then promise and keep your word. Hearing complaints from them is bad news.

Dreams about relatives are interpreted if a lot of time has passed since their departure to another world. If this event happened recently, then the soul cannot find peace and disturbs the living. Maybe this is the reason for the strong grief that does not allow her to go to another world. You need to take action and try to control yourself.



Actions in a dream also mean a lot when interpreted:

  1. What is the dream of a deceased person who hugs and kisses you as if he were alive? Do not be afraid, because such visions can carry information about the past of the departed, or a warning and instruction to the one who is now living. Try to talk to him and carefully memorize all the words and actions.
  2. It is bad when the deceased scares you with their behavior, because this can indicate a series of negative changes. Interpretations are accepted that men in dreams are in order to warn about bad things.
  3. If a long-gone relative is dreaming, then a joyful event will soon occur in the family. Hugs with the deceased banish fears from real life.
  4. Kissing him means to finally find peace of mind and thoughts. To dance is to throw away anxiety and sadness.
  5. Why else is a dead person dreaming, who rejoices as if alive and kisses you? Kisses of a happy deceased bring blessing in deeds and actions.
  6. Why does a dead person dream of being alive when he looks and speaks to you? Do not push him away in a vision, because it promises the help and clue you need in your life now. Perhaps you are hinted to leave bad habits and take care of your health and loved ones. Sometimes in prophetic dreams, spirits try to reach out to us and convey something important that they did not manage to say during their lifetime. The deceased can also come to dreams if a person recently thought about them and remembered them.
  7. In general, to see a deceased person in a dream means to expect a change in life. These can be sudden events and twists of fate. Always pay attention to the words and actions of the visitor.
  8. If the deceased appears before you as if he were alive and gives money, then this is a sign of his special patronage. Many dreams in which your long-deceased relative gives you money are dreamed during lingering illnesses and mean that a cure will soon follow.
  9. If the deceased dreams of you alive, cheerful and healthy, laughs, hugs you, dances, then this is a wonderful sign. Such dreams promise you happiness, protection and bright days. And if they are often repeated, this suggests that all the rituals were performed correctly, and the soul of the deceased is content and at peace. The meaning of such a dream is in the generic connection between loved ones and forces that are not subject to understanding, which protect you.
  10. If in a dream you are engaged in a joint business - to good changes, to the fact that the negative experience of the past will leave you alone, and you will breathe deeply again.
  11. Attending the funeral of the deceased in a dream again promises the end of a difficult period in life. If a stranger lies in the coffin, then pressing problems will be quickly resolved. In such a dream, pay attention to the weather conditions, they will tell you what changes may await you. Bad weather, strong winds and thunderstorms promise sudden events with an unpleasant tinge. The sun promises joy and emotional uplift.

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Dream Interpretations of the World

From the interpretation of different dream books, it follows that kisses with the deceased promise pleasant moments and the favor of fate. Hugs with joy - to happiness and fun, and against your will - portend trials. Tears and hugs - to solve problems and a successful outcome. Feeding the deceased is good luck.


If in a dream you mourn the deceased, this is a bad sign. He will not bring anything but tears and worries.

To follow the voice of the deceased, to go to it promises a long illness and even death. Also, never take personal things that he is trying to give you and don’t give yours. In a dream, you can only give him flowers in his hands.


Dream interpretation of Wangi

The soothsayer was sure that dreams about the dead promise only problems and changes. Seeing a friend is a big change in your life that won't be easy for you to deal with. Some events will drain you physically and mentally. If the deceased in a dream became a victim of a disease - to a terrible epidemic.

Miller's dream book

In the interpretation of the most famous dream book, the departed foreshadow tears and trials. For girls, such visions predict betrayal and betrayal on the part of lovers. And if the deceased dreams in a coffin, then this is to failures and quarrels in the family.
