Entry - ruble, exit - two
Entry - ruble, exit - two

Video: Entry - ruble, exit - two

Video: Entry - ruble, exit - two
Video: Смотрим первый подводный отель: 1,5 МЛН за ночь! 2024, April
Entrance - ruble, exit - two
Entrance - ruble, exit - two

It is believed that getting a job is not an easy task. Find a vacancy,"

I can say with full responsibility that according to the Labor Code, it is very, very difficult to fire an unwanted employee. But, unfortunately, most modern Russian companies proceed in relations with their employees from the premise that "the severity of Russian laws is compensated by the non-binding nature of their implementation." And dismissal is no exception to the rule. However, in order to "maintain decency" and not spoil your work book, you will most likely be asked to write a letter of resignation of your own free will. By the way, such a wording is beneficial not only for you, but also for the employer: if you quit of your own free will, the employer is not obliged by law to pay you severance pay. In addition, dismissal "of your own free will", even if your boss forces you to leave, de jure is a dismissal on your initiative, so you can be fired instantly (as if you yourself wanted to). But if the dismissal is formalized as a dismissal "at the initiative of the employer", then the authorities must warn you in writing two months before the planned "event".

But all these are legal subtleties and dry formulations behind which real life dramas are hidden. Whether we like it or not, during the time of work, informal relationships are established between you, colleagues and the boss (s), which can be very difficult to break.

Linked by one chain

Some companies, regardless of their size, follow the path of "entangling" employees in dubious (from the point of view of the law) events and projects. You do not always have the opportunity to receive a written resolution from the boss for this or that action. And the chief, in turn, will gladly give you a dubious order orally, so as not to be extreme in "if something happens". The longer you work in such a company, the more often you put your signature on documents, the legal correctness of which you are not sure, the harder it will be for you to jump out of the bundle. You own information about the business of the company, and the bosses "hold you" for your own "antics". By the way, in such offices, the management values very much the frankness of employees, their stories about their family, hobbies, plans.

After all, the more you know about a person, the easier it is to find levers of influence on him. In order to gather information, frequent gatherings with an abundance of tongue-loosening alcohol are well suited. By the way, the careers in such institutions are made not by smart people, but by devotees.

Although there are primordially "risky" professions and positions, for example, chief accountant.

Any employee can become a link in such a chain.

Quitting such an office, even of your own free will, is not easy. Rather, they will let you go, most likely "in peace", but the feeling of some discomfort and fear for past sins may remain for a long time.

Treating people like computers

And this is what modern Russian executives often sin. Indeed, outdated computers can easily be sent to the trash, workers who do not like can be fired and new ones recruited. Statement: "I don't like working on my terms and doing what I say - go away, there are a hundred people like you on the street!" - partly true.

But from such a "indifferent" attitude towards employees, work first of all suffers: only one person managed to get up to speed, he was already fired, while a new one will figure it out - not a little time will pass (and a poorly done job, by the way, scares off clients; so do not worry - in any case, the age of such a company is not long)!

In organizations that adhere to such strict principles, dismissal can be very painful: the manager will notify you of his decision literally on the eve of dismissal and ask you to write a statement "of his own free will."

Don't get lost - demand severance pay. Even if you are denied it, you will not lose anything, and if they do not refuse it, you will gain. It seems to me that, leaving such an enterprise, you shouldn't regret anything - no one would invest money and energy in your education and professional development here anyway, it is not realistic to make a career with such a staff turnover, but you will have a good incentive find a company where people will have a "human" attitude.

"Jealous" chef

There are people who "live" exclusively by the affairs and interests of the company. Moreover, they include not only shareholders who make a profit, but also ordinary employees. If such a subject turned out to be your immediate supervisor, you will not be envied! This monster will demand full dedication from subordinates at work, go home on time or relax on Sunday with such a boss - and do not dream (and no stories about a small child or a husband who caught a cold will help here). And the announcement of your resignation will be regarded simply as a personal insult and insolent betrayal. Get ready for a tumultuous scene and be on your guard! Better not say where exactly you are going.

Chef, following the principle: "so don't get yourself to anyone!" - can easily say not quite flattering things about you at your prospective new place of work.

And the last thing: when quitting, do not forget, in addition to personal belongings, "last" money and a "farewell" bouquet of colleagues, to take with you a work record book and, if possible, positive recommendations. But that's a completely different story!