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Nastya Zadorozhnaya: Breaking stereotypes
Nastya Zadorozhnaya: Breaking stereotypes

Nastya Zadorozhnaya is one of the most famous blondes in Russian cinema. She is smart, charming and beautiful. Amazingly, such a beautiful girl in her childhood had complexes about her appearance! She still has many roles ahead of her, but despite her young age, she also has a lot of worthy work in cinema and theater, and even shooting in Hollywood … GITIS. About her refusal to eat meat and her taboo and overriding task at work. Among other things, especially for "Cleo" Nastya shared her beauty secrets, transmitted from her mother-cosmetologist.


You had a shoot in Hollywood. In Love in the City, you co-starred with Sharon Stone. What is she like in life?

In life, she is as beautiful as in the movies! That's all I can say with confidence. There was no opportunity to communicate, and there were no joint scenes either. There was an opportunity to observe her in the process of work and see how professional she is in the filming process, how fully she gives herself, plunging headlong into the work. As for work, it was rumored that Sharon was very worried if something did not go according to the set schedule. I think these shootings were also very exciting for her. Still, a Russian film crew, the first comedy in his career. What a joke here!

What is your impression of America, Hollywood?

I will note in parentheses that I did not work directly in Hollywood itself, but filmed in Hollywood for a Russian film - these are slightly different things. I have not acted in American cinema, so I cannot say anything about it, but I had experience in European cinema, I know how they work there, because I was part of this process. Do I want to go to Hollywood? There is no purposeful purpose of such a goal yet, but it is high time to learn, finally, English. But what if? (Smiles.)


Do you think the standards for filming Hollywood cinema will ever come to film sets in Russia?

Unfortunately, I cannot answer this question. I will say for myself - I try very hard to do everything possible that is necessary from me as an actress. Even during force majeure on the site, when any department has a problem, I try to provide assistance if necessary. It so happened that our film process is like a family business, where everyone insures and supports each other.

You mentioned working in European cinema. Please tell us more

It was a long time ago. I took part in the sensational project "Matryoshka", this is an international project, filmed by a Belgian film studio. They filmed girls - actresses from ten or more countries. This story is about the traffic of girls who are sold for striptease and prostitution. This story is by no means vulgar, this is a story about an existing problem. And the Belgian company wanted to film it. I played in one of the seasons. Filmed in different countries, including Belgium. On days off from work, I managed to ride from Antwerp to Paris and Amsterdam! Wonderful trip, well-coordinated team and delicious catering! (Laughs.)

And the most pleasant impressions were left from working in Belgium, in Hollywood or in Russia?

You know, relationships within the team, the atmosphere on the set are very important for me. And it doesn't matter what picture outside the window - Hollywood, Thailand, Belgium … All this is just a pleasant addition, but the main thing is the film crew, the process, the way we do things together. And this leaves me much more impressions than the location itself, in which the shooting takes place.


Nastya Zadorozhnaya on the set in Hollywood

What is your favorite movie?

"The Grand Budapest Hotel", one of the favorite paintings of the last few years. Enchanting cinema.

What about your favorite foreign actors?

Recently, I have been paying more and more attention to artists representing the British school. Very talented and interesting. The first to come to mind, for example, were Emma Thompson and Martin Freeman.

Have you followed the Oscars this year?

No, I was not looking. I went from filming on the night train. I think that everyone received their well-deserved awards. My favorite this year is The Danish Girl. Awesome movie!


Nastya, do I know that you have recently become a vegetarian?

Well, that's too loud. I just gave up meat products, including poultry, for a few weeks. I decided to listen to the body: is it comfortable without meat or not?

And how do you feel?

You know that "oh, at that moment I felt this …" did not happen to me. Maybe a small amount of lightness has begun to be present, but there are no global changes yet. I have not set myself any deadlines, if I want meat, I will eat it.

Have you done this before?

Voluntarily - no. But once I had to skip meat for 37 days, when I participated in the Ostrov television project on NTV, there was practically nothing of food, not even fish. Some coconuts!

What do you eat?

I switched to vegetable stews. Healthy eating is good food. It is important for the body to receive the required amount of vitamins. I can’t say that detoxes like juices are good, they oxidize the body. Maybe one or two days, but not more. I try to eat small and frequent meals. The main thing is not to starve. Well, if you really want something, I will not deny myself the pleasure. Someone cheers up sweet, but I prefer gunkans and sushi.


How do you feel about fast food?

I cannot say that I have a negative attitude towards him. This is a real entertainer! (Laughs.) When you want this very second something that will bring you happiness. From the series: "God, I ate a burger!" Yes, it is not useful, even harmful, but sometimes we need to reap the joy of this centrifuge! The main thing is not to abuse it.

And as a child, what was this very centrifuge of joy for you?

Probably, it was just fast food! The first McDonald's appeared in Moscow on Pushkinskaya, when I was about 6 years old. It cost a lot of money to eat there in those days, and I remember very well how I loved it. I liked absolutely everything there. There was a standard set, and not like now, when your eyes run wide and you do not know what to choose. I remember that I especially liked the cherry pie, although I am now calm about sweets, but the cherry pie is the taste of childhood.


Nastya Zadorozhnaya with her mother Alla Viktorovna

And how did you manage to give up your sweet tooth?

The thrust dropped by itself. After graduating from school, I lost interest in sweets. Yes, there were some chips, sweet water, but not chocolates and candy with cakes.

Do you have a desire to visit any place - in Russia, abroad?

I really want to see the Northern Lights in Lapland! It seems to me that it is very beautiful, and I would like to see it with my own eyes. I spend my vacation in different ways, sometimes spontaneously. As a rule, my weekdays are scheduled, so on vacation I want to succumb to an impulse! The most important thing is the right company.

That is, you are easy-going?

It all depends on the possibilities and desires. And spontaneous relaxation is always cool.

Are spontaneous decisions more a plus or a minus for you?

Spontaneous decisions are good in matters of choice of leisure, but in no way in solving serious issues - life, everyday, professional.

Do you have any phobias?

No phobias. There was a fear of snakes, but, as you know, I rarely meet them in my life. There was a moment of mild aerophobia, but it ended.

How did you overcome it?

I just stopped thinking about it. Everything comes out of your head: if you are fixated on it, it turns into a problem. If not, let go.

And when you entered GITIS, was it scary?

I was afraid, of course! And after she entered, she became even more afraid. We were kept in tight-knit gloves, discipline was developed under the threat of expulsion. So it wasn't that sweet.

What are the most memorable subjects, teachers of GITIS?

I was incredibly lucky to learn from great teachers, some, unfortunately, are no longer with us. She preferred "mobile" subjects: stage movement, dance, fencing, acting. I didn't really like theoretical subjects: I had to read too much. Not everything was assimilated in my head.

Do you still do the splits?

Yes, given my past in which I had a classic machine, this is not a problem. The question is, is it dangerous. You can sit on the twine very quickly, but this can affect the ligaments, which will then take a very long time to recover. Therefore, the twine can cost you too much and give you a lot of unpleasant sensations. When I decided to return to my former form, I was in no hurry. When practicing two or three times a week, I sat on the twine after a month and a half. The twine is a very individual story. Someone has been struggling for years and cannot go through these unfortunate couple of centimeters, while someone sits down in 2-3 weeks. My recommendation is to take your time, take care of the bundles. Better to do it slowly, but successfully, than quickly and … overstrain. You need to take care of yourself, this is much more important.

You mentioned the habits you got at GITIS. What are these habits?

When the theatrical world appeared in my life, everything became different - how disciplined you are, how you delve into the details of work on the set, what a stage is. Before that, I had a musical experience, in Fidgets. The theater world is a different story. This is a different perception of oneself in general. Before entering GITIS, I had a huge bunch of complexes, which evaporated after GITIS.

What kind of complexes did you have?

Well, I'm a girl, each of us has complexes. I lisped, and I was teased a lot for it. I had trouble smiling … I didn't even smile for a while! At the age of 16, it seemed to me that I had a very small fifth point. Yes, you will laugh, but there was such a thing in my life. There was a complex at school due to small breasts. Each of us has a reason to find fault with ourselves. I also struggled with this, overcame. I can say more - and now they are.


From the family archive: young Nastya; Nastya with her mother Alla Viktorovna

Nastya, despite any complexes, you look great, always in good shape. I can't help but ask the traditional question: what are your beauty secrets?

Everything is individual for each person, one suits someone, someone else. Personally, I try to alternate, change the way I care for myself. One period is a gym, which I combine with good stretching. After a while, I resort to wraps, to the bath. I also like to go for a massage, but not a relaxing one, but a correct one, which tightens, tones the body.

Do you do yoga?

I didn't have to. For some reason, this topic is very far from me. I prefer classic stretch marks.

On the question of the vocal cords, how do you protect them?

Ligaments will feel great if they are not used unnecessarily. High-pitched conversations, karaoke, walking in the cold wind are not recommended. Special gymnastics and hot tea before singing are very welcome.

How do you feel about beauty treatments, what do you use, what do not?

In this sense, I am grateful to my mother, she is my beautician. She will always advise on which procedures are worth spending money on and which ones to refrain from. I began to spend several times less money on cosmetics, I understood the advantages of classic methods of skin care, and this is very necessary for me, because my work is inextricably linked with this.


Your recommendations for facial care …

Anyone who wants the skin to be really well saturated and cleaned without chemical intervention, I recommend paying attention to honey, ordinary classic honey. Thanks to honey massage, the face is cleared not even by one hundred, but by all three hundred percent, all unnecessary is drawn out. Honey always saves. Another recommendation is not to get addicted to injections. The longer you don't use them, the better. You need to love yourself, take good care of yourself from a young age. And it is important to remember that there are simple but effective methods of facial care that do not require special expenses and will give excellent results.

That is, you can replace wrinkle injections with conventional products?

Why do wrinkles appear on the face? The skin lacks nutrition. If the skin is nourished in a timely manner and correctly, wrinkles will not appear. I prefer massages, masks, creams appropriate for the season and skin type, and the aforementioned honey.

How much water do you drink?

I drink a lot of water, you should have seen my car. (Laughs.) Bottles of water are scattered everywhere. Water is always necessary for the body. Feelings of hunger are often deceiving. A couple of sips of water - and after 5-7 minutes the feeling of hunger disappears.

What are you willing to go for the role or do you have some kind of taboos?

For the sake of a good role, which is really interesting to me, I am ready to make impressive "sacrifices". This is my job. You yourself know that whoever does not take risks does not drink champagne.

But in our country it may turn out that no one will appreciate it …

This is, first of all, internal growth. Development in acting. Commerce, film awards are a nice bonus, but I really want to expand my horizons in my work. It's great, of course, if one is combined with the other, but this does not happen often.

What is happening now in the life of the actress and singer Nastya Zadorozhnaya?

At the end of last year, after a long hiatus, I returned to music. We recorded a song and shot the clip "Conditioned Reflex", in which the actor Andrei Chadov played. It turned out to be a small dramatic movie. The clip has received over a million views on Youtube. The song plays on the air of radio stations, takes place in the charts, which cannot but please me as a singer. Now I am actively working in the studio on a new track. I also continue to act in films. She recently returned from Kiev, where she took part in the filming of a new project.


Nastya Zadorozhnaya and Andrey Chadov on the set of the clip "Conditioned Reflex"

And what is your top task?

To understand how much I can achieve in this profession, how much I can break stereotypes.


Are you friends with the Internet?


What is an unaffordable luxury for you?

There are potatoes and an earring under a fur coat every day.

Where did you spend your last vacation?

In outskirts of Moscow.

Did you have a nickname as a child?


Are you an owl or a lark?


How do you relieve stress?

I'm dancing.

What turns you on?

Correct radio station.

Which animal do you associate yourself with?

With protein.

Do you have a talisman?


What melody is on your mobile?

A classic piece of music from the iPhone.

What is your psychological age?


What's your favorite saying?

Keep it simple and people will be drawn to you!
