Psychology 2024, June

Lunar health calendar for may 2021

Lunar health calendar for may 2021

Healthy days in May 2021 lunar calendar. Table showing procedures and the influence of the phases of the moon

Auspicious days for beauty treatments in May 2021

Auspicious days for beauty treatments in May 2021

When is the best time to do cosmetic procedures according to the lunar calendar in May 2021: the most favorable and unfavorable days, table

The wife does not want a child, but I want

The wife does not want a child, but I want

What if my wife doesn’t want a child, but I do. Why does a woman not want to have children. Psychologist's advice on changing the situation

Where to find a husband after 40 years?

Where to find a husband after 40 years?

Finding a husband after 40 is possible. This is the perfect time for marriage. In Europe, women in general up to 30, at least, take care of themselves, their development and career. It's time to forget the echoes of already outdated traditions and complexes due to their age

Why can a lost tooth dream?

Why can a lost tooth dream?

Why dream of a lost tooth without blood: for a woman (interpretation). From popular beliefs to modern interpretations. Interpretation of a dream according to different dream books

How not to spend the weekend

How not to spend the weekend

Why does the weekend, the thoughts of which help us work all week, fly by unnoticed and boring?

Creditomania: why do we love to live in debt so much?

Creditomania: why do we love to live in debt so much?

Now we are intensely fighting a new mania - the desire to buy everything on credit, even if we know in advance that it will be very difficult to pay it off

New Moon December 2021

New Moon December 2021

The New Moon calendar indicates the date of major cycles for the entire period of December 2021. Favorable and unfavorable days in December according to the lunar calendar

Lucky days for conception in December 2019

Lucky days for conception in December 2019

What does the lunar conception calendar for December 2019 look like. Favorable and unfavorable days for conception. Main rules

Lucky days for a wedding in December 2019

Lucky days for a wedding in December 2019

What are the favorable days for marriage in December 2019, according to the lunar calendar. Chinese horoscope and church calendar

The best days for surgery in December 2019

The best days for surgery in December 2019

Favorable days for surgery in December 2019, according to the lunar calendar. On which days it is better to carry out surgery, and which is undesirable. table

The most favorable days for business in December 2019

The most favorable days for business in December 2019

What does the lunar calendar of affairs for December 2019 look like. The most auspicious days. What days is it better not to do anything

Lucky days for beauty treatments in December 2019

Lucky days for beauty treatments in December 2019

What does the lunar calendar of cosmetic procedures for December 2019 look like? The most favorable days for skin care. What days should you not agree to cosmetic procedures?

Auspicious days for conception in December 2020

Auspicious days for conception in December 2020

When is it better to conceive a child according to the lunar calendar in December 2020: the most favorable and unfavorable days, a table by the phases of the moon

What the interior of our apartment says about us

What the interior of our apartment says about us

It is very convenient to be able to correctly interpret certain solutions in the interior and learn through them about the character of the person you are interested in

By itself: why it is worth traveling alone

By itself: why it is worth traveling alone

Traveling alone, you need to be very vigilant, but this kind of rest has its own charms

Auspicious days for manicure in October 2020

Auspicious days for manicure in October 2020

Manicure lunar calendar for October 2020: the most favorable days (table). Moon and zodiac sign. The influence of lunar days. Recommendations from astrologers

Auspicious days for manicure in September 2021

Auspicious days for manicure in September 2021

We do a manicure according to the lunar calendar in September 2021: a table with favorable and unfavorable days

Auspicious days for manicure in January 2021

Auspicious days for manicure in January 2021

When is the best time to do a manicure according to the lunar calendar in January 2021: the most favorable and unfavorable days, table

Auspicious days for manicure in November 2020

Auspicious days for manicure in November 2020

When is the best time to do a manicure according to the lunar calendar in November 2020: the most favorable and unfavorable days, table

Auspicious days for manicure in July 2021

Auspicious days for manicure in July 2021

When is the best time to do a manicure according to the lunar calendar in July 2021: the most favorable and unfavorable days, table

Lunar health calendar for December 2021

Lunar health calendar for December 2021

Lunar health calendar for December 2021. A table with a description of procedures and an indication of favorable days

Lunar monetary calendar for December 2021

Lunar monetary calendar for December 2021

Lunar monetary calendar for December 2021 showing financial transactions. Auspicious days table

Auspicious days for manicure in August 2021

Auspicious days for manicure in August 2021

When to do a manicure according to the lunar calendar in August 2021: favorable and unfavorable days according to the table

Auspicious days for manicure in May 2021

Auspicious days for manicure in May 2021

When is the best time to do a manicure according to the lunar calendar in May 2021: the most favorable and unfavorable days, table

Why dream of fingernails and toenails in a dream

Why dream of fingernails and toenails in a dream

Why dream of fingernails and toenails in a dream, warnings and prophecies. What do the seen nails say, their own, someone else's, cut off, without varnish, short, painted, sick (dream book)

Why do carrots dream in a dream

Why do carrots dream in a dream

For the most accurate interpretation of sleep, you need to remember all the nuances and details. Who and how exactly dreamed of carrots - a man or a woman. Dream books will help dispel all doubts

Why does sausage dream in a dream

Why does sausage dream in a dream

In most cases, sausage dreams of good luck and good news, which is confirmed by numerous dream books. Each of them has its own version. The interpretation depends on the details of what was seen during the night's rest, which is why, you should remember all the nuances

Why dream of a wedding ring for a married and unmarried woman

Why dream of a wedding ring for a married and unmarried woman

Why does a married and unmarried woman dream of a wedding ring, how to correctly interpret such a vision. What does the dream book say about decoding the meanings

Why does a hedgehog dream in a dream for a woman and a man

Why does a hedgehog dream in a dream for a woman and a man

Why does a hedgehog dream in a dream? An accurate interpretation of a dream for women and men. What do Wanga, Miller, Freud and Aesop say about this?

Why dream of fire in a dream

Why dream of fire in a dream

Why can a fire dream in a dream? Interpretation of episodes with him: a dream book for men and women

Why does the boat dream in a dream

Why does the boat dream in a dream

Why does a boat dream in a dream - the interpretation of a dream. What is the dream of a boat for a woman, for a man. Dreaming of a boat on the water, a sinking boat, sailing in a boat. Interpretation of sleep according to the dream book of Wanga, Miller, Freud, Hasse, Tsvetkov

Why dream of a road in a dream for a woman and a man

Why dream of a road in a dream for a woman and a man

Why is the road in a dream dreaming. What determines the interpretation of a dream. Why dream of the road for a man and a woman. Dream Interpretations of Vanga, Hasse, Freud, Miller, Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Why does a monkey dream in a dream

Why does a monkey dream in a dream

Why is the monkey dreaming? Interpretation of a dream depending on the sex of a person. What does the dream book of Freud, Miller and Loff say?

Why dream of a flood in a dream

Why dream of a flood in a dream

Why is there a flood in a dream? Interpretation of sleep for men and women. The most popular dream books, interpretation of sleep

If a Scorpio man really loves how he behaves

If a Scorpio man really loves how he behaves

How a scorpio man will behave if he truly loves a woman. What actions can be used to determine that the chosen one is a scorpio in love. What actions does he carry out in relation to his chosen one. How to understand that a scorpion fell in love with a girl

What is unlucky and how to deal with it

What is unlucky and how to deal with it

No one is immune from failure. Sometimes these periods can be prolonged. But there are people who seem to attract problems to themselves, the dark phases of their lives are rarely replaced by light ones. What to do when chronically unlucky? What if you are labeled as a poor fellow?

What to do if you become the subject of gossip

What to do if you become the subject of gossip

We just need to learn how to get out of such situations with the least mental loss

Covid anxiety: what to do

Covid anxiety: what to do

Patients who have had covid disease complain of constant stress due to the disease. A professional psychologist will tell you how to deal with such conditions

Fatima - the meaning of the name, character and fate

Fatima - the meaning of the name, character and fate

What does the name Fatima mean? History of origin, fate and character of a woman named Fatima. Family life and career