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Why do cucumber leaves wither in a greenhouse and what to do
Why do cucumber leaves wither in a greenhouse and what to do

Video: Why do cucumber leaves wither in a greenhouse and what to do

Video: Why do cucumber leaves wither in a greenhouse and what to do
Video: 3 Reasons Your Cucumber Plants Suddenly Wilt 2024, April

Sometimes it happens that even with regular watering, the leaves of the cucumber bushes begin to turn yellow and fall off. This can be caused by various reasons. The main thing is to determine them in time in order to save the culture. Why do cucumber leaves wither in a greenhouse and what to do, we will analyze further.

Overview of the main reasons

Many gardeners prefer to plant cucumbers in the greenhouse in order to protect them from adverse external environmental influences. But even such a measure sometimes does not save the culture from wilting of foliage.


Key adverse factors:

  1. The gardener irrigates cucumbers irregularly, or allows excess moisture when watering.
  2. The greenhouse does not provide the comfortable conditions necessary for the culture. Usually, if the leaves begin to wither, this indicates that the room is too hot.
  3. Another common reason is that the bushes were planted too tightly together. Accordingly, the lashes intertwined, forming dense thickets, due to which the plant lacks air.

Cucumbers should never be watered with cold water. The optimum temperature is between 20 and 22 ° C.

Various diseases, when pathogens infect crops, also contribute to the wilting of plants in the greenhouse. Cucumbers don't like being planted next to unsuitable crops. For example, with tomatoes.


Also, sometimes gardeners do not know a sense of proportion when they treat crops with special drugs that help prevent diseases. This leads to the formation of burns on the green part of the plant. The lack of fertilizers, as well as their excessive amount, adversely affects the appearance of the foliage.

An important part of crop care is loosening the soil. But it should be carried out correctly, without getting too close to the roots, otherwise there is a risk of damaging them.


What to do in order not to lose the planting of cucumbers in the greenhouse

If the summer is hot, then even in a greenhouse, the sun's rays can negatively affect plantings. In order to prevent the adverse effects of this factor, it is necessary to shade the upper part of the greenhouse, regularly ventilate the room and water only in the morning and evening, when the sun is not baking.

Cucumber varieties that require bee pollination may suffer from a lack of pollination. To make insects more willing to fly into the greenhouse, you can put a small bowl of jam in it as bait.

Self-pollinated varieties also sometimes require special measures. To prevent damage to the foliage, you should periodically shake the branches.

Lack of nitrogen

It often manifests itself precisely in the form of wilting foliage. If you feed using urea, the lack of this element can be compensated without problems.

If, during loosening, the roots of the plant were accidentally touched, then you need to immediately feed the bush with nitrogen and spud it. If the damage affects only the area of the lower leaves, this means a lack of sunlight. To solve the problem, dried leaves must be removed.

Sometimes the lack of magnesium, potassium, phosphorus contributes to wilting of foliage. You can use drugs that have been tested by time. Among them: Topsin, Bayleton, Previkur. The seedlings will quickly begin to recover.


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Treatment of diseases

Damage to foliage, in which it withers and falls off, can be observed due to infectious diseases. Cucumbers are most susceptible to root rot and fusarium.

Root rot can be a little misleading for the gardener, because under its influence the foliage withers during the day, while in the evening it regains its former strength. But the next day, a similar pattern repeats itself. In such a situation, one cannot sit idly by; urgent measures should be taken.

How to get rid of the problem:

  1. Look closely at the base of the bush. If there are small white dots that indicate the rudiments of roots, they must be sprinkled with soil, and then watered with a special preparation. Soon there will be roots that will provide the plant with nutrition.
  2. A good solution is to use the drug Fundazol. The quantity to be used is indicated on the package. You can not apply more than the specified rate. Watering is allowed after 10 days.

People who are engaged in growing vegetables in their personal plot often use the drug Fitosporin. If the culture is in the active stage of damage by fungal microflora, then the amount of the drug should be doubled. Watering should be carried out strictly at the root. The procedure must be repeated after another 10 days.



The microscopic causative agent of this disease can lead to the death of the entire plant if urgent measures are not taken. Such an ailment affects the upper foliage, after which stem rot is observed, which is located near the roots. The rest of the foliage also withers and dries up.

To eliminate the problem, you can use various drugs: including Fitosporin, Trichophyte, Kornevin. If the lesion takes on a large-scale nature, and several plants are ill at once in the garden, you must use more potent agents, such as Actellik and Aktara.


Interesting! Diseases of cucumbers in the open field

The use of folk remedies

In a greenhouse, pests such as spider mites and whiteflies should be especially wary of. A folk recipe based on onion peels and soap shavings will help to cope with them in the case of small-scale lesions. You can immediately take a large amount of onion peel (but not less than 1 cup), which must subsequently be poured with hot water.

Let the product brew for several hours, then pour into a container, dilute with 5 liters of water. Grate a bar of soap separately and add it to the onion infusion. Process the lashes of cucumbers.


An alternative remedy in case of wilting of cucumber foliage in the greenhouse is ash. It is necessary to take 100 g of ash, pour boiling water into a bucket and leave to infuse for a day. Strain the solution, then rub soap into it, preferably household soap. Use for processing bushes.

Another folk remedy that helps with problems with cucumber foliage. For him, you will need potato tops in the amount of 350 g. It is poured with hot water, a little grated soap is added to this mixture. After 4 hours, you can use a solution for spraying vegetable plantings.


Soda application

Soda is an excellent disinfectant. It helps to prevent not only wilting of cucumber foliage, but also any other problems. To soak the seeds, take soda, prepare a not too concentrated solution, soak the seed for 20 minutes. After that, it is left to dry and transferred to the ground.

If pests began to appear on the bushes, then 2 times a week you can process the crops with a soda solution, for which they take 3 tbsp. l. soda and 10 liters of water. This mixture must be prepared strictly according to the recipe, because overfeeding is unacceptable.

It is also an excellent preventive procedure. Soda solution can be immediately sprinkled on the fruits themselves, stems and leaves.



  1. The wilting of leaves in cucumbers can turn into a real problem, but in the case of timely measures taken, you can quickly deal with it.
  2. The reasons for this phenomenon can be different, ranging from diseases and pests to improper growing conditions.
  3. If there are no traces of pests and diseases, it is worth starting with the normalization of the irrigation and feeding regime, proper weeding and thinning of plantings that have become too thick. If these measures do not help, carry out treatment for diseases and insects.
