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What date is Christmas Eve in 2019: fortune-telling and a treat
What date is Christmas Eve in 2019: fortune-telling and a treat

Video: What date is Christmas Eve in 2019: fortune-telling and a treat

Video: What date is Christmas Eve in 2019: fortune-telling and a treat
Video: 【FGO】 Christmas 2019 Christmas Nursing Gold Tag 3 turns clear w/ 6 CE Bonus 2024, April

In the Orthodox tradition, there are two main winter Christmas Eve - before the Nativity of Christ and the Baptism of the Lord. Despite the fact that the eve of church holidays has a fixed date, many are interested in the question of what date in 2019 it is worth organizing a special family evening and inviting close relatives to visit.

In this case, you must attend to the correct menu and pay attention to some rituals that can return harmony and well-being to the house.


Christmas Eve: traditions and customs

The Nativity of Christ is one of the non-passing twelve holidays, therefore it has a clearly fixed, constant date - January 7th. Accordingly, it is quite simple to answer the question of what date Christmas Eve is celebrated in 2019. This is January 6, or rather, evening.

The starting point is the appearance of the first "Star of Bethlehem" in the firmament. It is with darkness that all the Christmas traditions come into force.


For a long time, many customs and rituals have been established that are carried out on Christmas Eve:

  1. During the day, you can not do housework or work. So you can lure evil spirits into the house.
  2. If you love sewing, postpone this activity. According to old beliefs, one of the relatives will go blind.
  3. You can not quarrel with family and friends., otherwise you will spend the new year in disagreement.
  4. It is customary to help all people in need with clothing, money or food. It is believed that the Lord observes the actions and will "repay" everyone for their actions. When giving alms, you can say in your mind: “I give from a pure heart, I leave nothing for myself. I help the poor with all my heart during the bright holiday of Christmas. " If you provide truly gratuitous help from a pure heart, without intent to receive much greater wealth in return, your dreams of financial well-being will surely come true.
  5. At home, in the evening, light as many candles as possible. white, red, pink, emerald, silver and golden colors. This will allow the blessing of the Lord to penetrate into the house and fill the whole next year with bright colors.
  6. After the feast, proceeding in a calm atmosphere and without alcohol, festivities are accepted, in particular, caroling … Be sure to put on interesting costumes and put on a little show.

The owners wish all the best, and they, in return, present gifts. The richer they are, the more successful the year will be.


Signs of Christmas Eve

There are many signs on the Holy evening:

  1. If a free guy sneezes at the holiday table, he will be lucky. Girl - very soon the groom will appear in the house and preparations for the wedding will begin.
  2. Anyone who is late for the evening meal will have to spend the whole year away from home.
  3. If a lonely person comes to visit without an invitation, it means that the family will live the whole next year in happiness, prosperity and joy.
  4. You need to treat yourself to kutya with one spoon, from a common bowl. Then the whole family will live in peace and harmony.
  5. You need to wear smart and light clothes to ward off mourning events.
  6. A thick layer of snow and deeply frozen ground - to a rich harvest of cereals. A huge number of stars in the sky - to the abundance of berries and mushrooms.

If you are wondering what date Catholic Christmas Eve will be in 2019, then it is December 24th. The fact is that Christmas is celebrated on December 25th. The difference in dates is explained by the fact that the Orthodox and Catholic churches use two calendars - Julian and Gregorian, respectively.


Epiphany eve: traditions and customs

The Epiphany is one of the most important Orthodox events. But with no less trepidation, people relate to the eve of the holiday - Epiphany. If you are wondering what date it is celebrated, we answer - January 18.

The traditions of the holiday are rooted in antiquity. The Epiphany ends with Christmastide and "terrible evenings", during which otherworldly forces roam freely among the living.


It is believed that on January 18, evil spirits become especially strong, so many rituals are designed to close the door between the worlds:

  1. To drive evil forces out of the house, they thoroughly sweep and mop the floors. In the old days, they believed that devils could hide in the garbage. Corners, doorways and window openings are fumigated with incense and sprinkled with holy water.
  2. On Epiphany, snow is collected, which, according to beliefs, is capable of healing diseases. If a girl rubs her face with it, the skin will become white, radiant ruddy, minor defects will disappear.
  3. You can swim in the ice-hole not only on Epiphany, but also on Christmas Eve. So all sins are washed away, a person can be cleansed and rejuvenated. It is necessary to immerse yourself in ice-cold water three times, reading "Our Father".
  4. On the night of Epiphany, you need to put a bowl of water or collected snow on the table. Exactly at midnight, the liquid can stir up. If this happens, you should quickly make your most cherished wish. It will definitely come true.
  5. On Christmas Eve, you must go to the temple. After the evening liturgy, the great consecration of the water takes place. Sprinkle it all over the corners of the apartment and drink a few small spoons after prayer.

Signs associated with the eve of the great holiday:

  • A girl who wants to leave her father's house and build her own family must throw a ring on the floor. If it rolls to the exit, you can prepare for marriage.
  • On Christmas Eve, you need to eat an apple. An even number of seeds inside is a harbinger of love, an odd number is loneliness.
  • A blizzard promises a rich harvest. If the snow cap has bent the branches of the trees, it will be a good year for beekeepers. Blowing strong southerly winds warn that it is worth preparing for a thunderstorm summer with rains.
  • On the eve of Epiphany one must not cry, otherwise the new year will pass in tears. The child who was christened on this day will be happy all his life.

What is cooking

On Christmas Eve in 2019, it is customary to serve 12 meatless dishes on the table to ensure prosperity for the near future. Moreover, each dish has its own special meaning:

  1. Kutia - compulsory ceremonial food. It is made from wheat, grated poppy, walnuts, honey, uzvar with dried apricots, raisins. The recipe may vary slightly depending on the family's preferences and tastes. It is believed that starting a meal with kutya, we take care of the souls of deceased relatives, making it easier for them to exist in the other world. In addition, the dish is designed to attract the forces of good into the house, which will ensure prosperity and well-being, bestow good health.
  2. Bread - a symbol of a rich harvest, a comfortable life. It's best if you bake it yourself. During the process, symbols can be put inside the roll that protect against evil, bring good luck and happiness: garlic, peas, coins.
  3. Borsch - personifies the daily bustle and strengthening of the spirit. The alternative is cabbage, which stands for simplicity and reliability.
  4. Vegetable cabbage rolls - a sign of the Lord's love for man.
  5. Vinaigrette or lean fur coatas a symbol of a rich harvest.
  6. A fish - is considered the personification of Christianity and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
  7. Pancakes - the embodiment of the sun, true faith in the light of the Lord.
  8. Porridge … Preparing for procreation.
  9. Pies … They give health and happiness to every household.
  10. Vareniki - a symbol of wealth.
  11. Pampushki. They represent the belief in the eternal immortality of the soul.
  12. Uzvar - means life, cleansing from filth and sin.

Christmas Eve is the last day of the Nativity Fast. Therefore, you can only cook dishes from plant ingredients, without animal proteins. Before a meal, you need to lay a snow-white tablecloth on the table, put a head of garlic in the corners, as a talisman against evil spirits.


Previously, a sheaf of straw was placed at the head of the table, scattered across the floor to attract happiness. Households wore recently purchased, unworn things as a symbol of cleansing from sins and entering a new life.

You should also know what to cook on Epiphany Eve. Traditionally, the menu is lean, with kutia serving as the main treat. An odd number of dishes must be prepared: dumplings with mushrooms, pickles, baked potatoes without oil, pancakes, jelly.


Fortune telling on January 6 and 18

Although the church is categorically against Christmas divination, they are an integral part of the holidays. And they are perceived as fun, not demonic action. Therefore, you can also join magical rituals and look into the near future:

  1. On the groom … Prepare a mirror, place two cutlery next to each other, light a candle, turn off the light and say: "The bridegroom-mummer, come to me for supper." Peer into the mirror surface, very soon you will see the image of your future spouse. As soon as you consider, say "Keep me out."
  2. For marriage. Gather a company of friends, prepare the threads of the same length and set them on fire at the same time. Whose thin rope burns faster, that girl will go to the registry office before anyone else. If someone's thread almost immediately went out or burned out less than half, it means that the young lady will either marry late, or remain lonely for life.
  3. To desire. Think about your most cherished dream and call a cat into the room. If he crosses the threshold with his left foot, everything will work out, with the right one, obstacles will arise. You can use another fortune-telling. Take three needles and thread each needle in red, white and black. Then, stick a triangle into the pad so that the tip comes out from the opposite side. Turn over. Ask your friend to make a wish and draw out one of the needles (she should not see the color of the threads). A red hue means that a dream will come true, black - no, white - most likely later, not this year.
  4. For life with a spouse … Collect 4 glasses of clean water. Throw sugar in the first, in the second salt, in the third wedding ring. Ask your friend to change the position of the cups and without looking, take one glass. If you come across sweet water, it means that life with your husband will be harmonious, "honey", happy. A glass of salt promises an unsuccessful marriage with numerous quarrels and scandals. The ring promises a quick marriage. A cup of clean water foreshadows a short-lived relationship that leads nowhere.

Perhaps the most common fortune telling is casting wax … Melt a piece of candle in a tablespoon and quickly pour into a bowl of cold water prepared in advance.

From the figure, you can find out the near future:

  • small drops - to money;
  • stripes promise travel;
  • the silhouette of an angel - for positive changes, but only if you learn to take responsibility and take initiative;
  • tower - for the wedding;
  • home - well-being, happiness, joy;
  • grapes - success;
  • star - career advancement;
  • mushroom - excellent health and good health;
  • a bell with clear outlines - for good news, with crooked, blurred lines - for bad;
  • butterfly - good luck in love, getting rid of heaviness in the soul;
  • a leaf of a tree - you will become a victim of intrigue;
  • trousers - a difficult choice to be made;
  • flowers - to a happy marriage;
  • lock - you should trust your lover more;
  • crown - power and luxury. If you have long ago realized all the responsibility, do not be afraid to accept the offer of a leadership position;
  • egg - changes, the birth of a child;
  • banana - you should keep your mouth shut and not talk about your personal life;
  • stork - happy marriage and completion of the family;
  • the key - it will turn out to achieve all the goals;
  • book - promises to acquire knowledge (admission to a university, refresher courses or a foreign language);
  • horseshoe - to a happy life;
  • ring - marriage;
  • apricot - you are too passionate. Restrain your emotions, otherwise in the near future they will play a cruel joke with you;
  • knife - promises a quick parting with your current lover;
  • heart - promises a new romantic passion;
  • sun - success in any endeavors;
  • the bus is a joyful and auspicious period in life. If the figurine is upside down, pay attention to the relationship with relatives. It's time to resolve all conflicts at the family table;
  • apple - good health, long life.

Before any fortune-telling, take off your shoes, all jewelry and, most importantly, a cross, loose your hair. The room should be quiet, for lighting it is better to light candles. To get truthful answers, do not cross your arms and legs during the rituals.

Christmas Eve is a special period shrouded in mystery, on the eve of a great church holiday. Observe interesting traditions, gather the whole family at a large table and thank God for everything that you have in your life. And also, they say that a wish made on Holy evening or at midnight before Epiphany will certainly come true.
