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When to plant potatoes in 2022 according to the lunar calendar
When to plant potatoes in 2022 according to the lunar calendar

Video: When to plant potatoes in 2022 according to the lunar calendar

Video: When to plant potatoes in 2022 according to the lunar calendar
Video: Agrohoroscope for planting potatoes in April 2022 2024, April

It is possible to plant potatoes in 2022 according to the lunar calendar in order to determine the optimal time when it is better to do this. It is important to take into account not only the recommendations by day, but also the terms by region.

What is the optimal time for planting potatoes with tubers or seeds?

The lunar calendar is very convenient to navigate when it is desirable to plant potatoes. In 2022, its list of auspicious dates is given.

The lunar calendar can be considered the best tool, as it provides valuable tips for summer residents. With it, you can determine when is the best time to plant potatoes with tubers or seeds.


When choosing numbers for planting potatoes, the lunar calendar estimates not only the phase of the moon, but also its passage through certain zodiacal constellations.

There are several climatic zones on the territory of our country, and this must be taken into account when planting potatoes, as well as other crops. Care must be taken to nurture issues to ensure normal growth and development at every stage after seedling emergence. To make small sprouts turn into full-fledged plants, look at the table of days favorable for planting.

Month Auspicious days
April 1 to 5, 8 to 11 and 28 to 30
May 1 and 2, 5 to 10 and 27 to 29
June 2-9 numbers

It is difficult to say exactly when it is better to plant potatoes in 2022 according to the lunar calendar, not knowing in which region the summer resident lives. Climatic conditions and other nuances can vary significantly.

Gardening experts are of the opinion that garden work is best done during the period when the moon is in the growing or waning phase. Only periods of new moon and full moon are considered unsuitable for these actions. The period of waning night light is optimal for potatoes, because during this period you can plant root crops, water them and perform other care work. Hilling, top dressing are allowed.


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Moon phases

On the growing moon, the movement of sap inside the plants is accelerated, which makes this period favorable for planting plants that bear fruit on the ground. When the satellite of the Earth decreases, the juice from the tops of the plants goes to the roots, so this period of the cycle will be successful for root crops.

Optimal in every sense for potatoes is the waning phase, since the vitality of the culture at this time is concentrated in the roots.

New moon and full moon days are not suitable for garden work, since the movement of sap inside the plants slows down or even stops.


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Regional data

Before choosing strictly defined dates for planting potatoes, do not forget to take into account the climatic features of your region. In Crimea and Krasnodar, for example, the third decade of March and early April are best suited for this. As for the Moscow region, a similar period here starts from the end of April, at 20-25, it is ideal to start planting work. In cooler northern regions, you can start planting no earlier than May, because the soil will not have time to warm up properly.

Planting should be planned when the potatoes are not threatened by potential frost. This is the period when the soil managed to warm up to + 10 ° С to a depth of approximately 10 cm.

Some inexperienced gardeners are reinsured and begin planting work at a time when the first foliage is already visible near the birch. It is also considered to be a good way to determine if it is worth planting potatoes in a particular region right now.



  1. Many gardeners and gardeners believe that when choosing the optimal dates for planting potatoes, it is better to focus on the lunar calendar.
  2. It is believed that a good harvest is obtained if you plant seeds and tuberous potatoes during the waning or rising of the moon.
  3. You should not choose the time of the new moon or full moon for this event.
  4. On the other hand, it is also important to take into account the climate of the region where the summer resident is staying.
