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How to bring down the temperature quickly without pills
How to bring down the temperature quickly without pills

Video: How to bring down the temperature quickly without pills

Video: How to bring down the temperature quickly without pills
Video: How to Reduce a Fever Naturally 2024, April

We are all sick. And the autumn-winter period does not do without colds at all with an increase in temperature to exorbitant rates. Polluted ecology and weak immunity are to blame. Therefore, one does not want to take medicinal chemical preparations once again.


So how can you bring down the temperature at home quickly without pills? The centuries-old practice has left us a lot of recipes and methods, described and passed from mouth to mouth, on how to deal with high temperatures. Let's consider several options.


Wet rubdown

Dissolve vinegar in cool water. Taste, the solution should be sour. Dampen a towel or sheet. Squeeze lightly and wrap yourself in it. As the fabric dries, the temperature will decrease.

A similar procedure can be carried out several times until the final adjustment of the temperature norm.


Warm drink

So at high temperatures dehydration is observed, then an abundant warm drink will help you replenish the lack of moisture in the body. Drink a lot. Tea with lemon, chamomile decoction, honey with hot milk, compote, after all.

Another great way that will answer the question of how to bring down the temperature at home quickly and without pills is a banal enema.

You need cool (not cold!) Water and a medicine pear. The body is freed from feces at temperature and loses precious moisture. This is where you will help your body replenish water balance, at the same time remove the decay products of microbes from your intestines.

The method is effective enough quickly, one procedure is enough. Ideally, combine it with the same plentiful drink.


Using compresses and cool baths

In order to bring down the temperature quickly and without pills, you can use the good old and undeservedly forgotten compress. Wet a small terry towel in cold water, squeeze lightly and place on the forehead, in the armpits, in the groin and popliteal region.

Change to cold towels as they warm up. The temperature drops within half an hour.

Cool baths are also a good option for those who do not know how to bring down the temperature at home quickly without pills. Fill the tub with cool but not cold water and sit in it until you get bored. You can add a solution of sea salt or a decoction of chamomile or yarrow.

The procedure can be carried out innumerable times. Such baths are excellent at lowering the temperature. And don't forget to drink, all the time.

To do this, choose a drink that is more comfortable for you from the listed ones and drink. Lemon tea has not harmed anyone, except for allergy sufferers.


Herbal medicine in the fight against temperature

Decoctions of various herbs perfectly relieve the temperature. For this purpose, the most suitable are:

  • sage;
  • yarrow;
  • chamomile.

They need to be brewed in porcelain, glass dishes in a water bath. To do this, take 2-3 tablespoons of finely chopped herbs (you can mix herbs), pour a glass of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. You can use a thermos.

Pour the herb with boiling water in a thermos for an hour. Then, for drinking, this broth must be filtered and diluted 1: 3 with warm water. You can add honey if you have no allergic reactions.


In addition to the above herbs, a decoction of which will help at a temperature, you can use:

  • raspberries;
  • Linden blossom;
  • cranberries;
  • blackberries;
  • mother and stepmother;
  • plantain;
  • linden or hazel bark;
  • poplar buds;
  • pine buds (tincture).

With such a list, you will not be left helpless even if you are far from civilization.


The problem is how to bring down the temperature at home quickly and without pills will immediately disappear. The only thing is to take care of the availability of medicinal raw materials in advance. Moreover, it is easy to store it, and easy to use.

All herbs are brewed according to the same principle:

  • 2-3 tablespoons of crushed raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water;
  • kept in a water bath for 8-10 minutes;
  • strained and diluted in the proportion of one part of the broth to three parts of water.

But with tinctures from the bark and kidneys, you will have to tinker. One of the many advantages is that they will always be at hand later:

  1. First, 1 kg of pine buds and 0.5 kg of raspberry roots must be laid in layers in a three-liter jar, pouring honey and sprinkling with sugar (500 g of honey and 1 kg of sugar are required).
  2. After that, add 1 glass of boiled hot water and let it brew for 24 hours. Then it should be steamed in a water bath for 6-7 hours, constantly making sure that the water does not boil away (you can add a little boiling water).
  3. Then we insist the broth in a dark place for another two days. Then we squeeze the juice from this raw material, filter it and pour it into a container made of dark glass. Take this remedy 1 tablespoon before meals.

This product can be stored for a long time. It helps especially well with influenza and viral diseases. The medicine relieves fever, chills, aching joints. Therefore, it is not a sin to prepare such a remedy, being healthy and keeping it for future use.

Raspberries, blackberries, cranberries can be dried or frozen. They perfectly regulate temperature and raise immunity to colds. Therefore, preparation for future use will not be a waste of time either.

Even just drinking tea with a raspberry aroma in winter will be, by the way, not only for immunity, but also for mood.


At high temperatures, lemon has proven itself well. And if you mix it with honey and ginger, you get an energy mixture. It will help not only to reduce the high temperature, but also to overcome the viruses that have overcome your body.
