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Fortune telling on the betrayal of a husband or a loved one
Fortune telling on the betrayal of a husband or a loved one

Video: Fortune telling on the betrayal of a husband or a loved one

Video: Fortune telling on the betrayal of a husband or a loved one
Video: «Малый расклад» Ленорман на отношения.Практический пример 2024, April

Fortune-telling about her husband's betrayal will allow not only to find out whether the betrayal occurred in principle, but also to realize the reasons for the event itself, their own mistakes and mistakes that could push the beloved man into a relationship with another woman.

Timing and key rules for the ritual of fidelity

Each mystical process should have its own time. If a lady seeks to find out about the interest of her beloved man in other women, then you need to guess on the waning moon. If you learn about loyalty and love - on the growing, but on the betrayal of your second half, it is better to guess at the full moon and at night.



  1. It is recommended to conduct fortune-telling in complete solitude.
  2. You can not guess after a quarrel with a loved one or in a bad mood.
  3. If the result of fortune-telling is positive, then you need to try to ask for forgiveness from your other half, repenting and expressing the warmest feelings.
  4. Under no circumstances should you disclose to your husband the secret that a ritual for treason was carried out.

To believe or not to believe in the outcome of fortune-telling is everyone's personal business. It is likely that her husband's betrayal is exclusively the wife's fantasy, but with a positive outcome of the ritual, the emotional state of any woman will definitely become more stable.


Divination by tarot cards

Fortune telling for treason on Tarot cards is one of the oldest and most proven methods used by the fair sex. As a rule, this type of fortune-telling is the most honest and impartial, and the answers it gives are as close to reality as possible. Fortune-telling on Tarot cards, you can find out:

  1. About the past, present and future.
  2. About the emotional and mental state of the partner.
  3. About the very fact of betrayal (spiritual or physical).
  4. About how a husband, in principle, reacts to other women.
  5. The reason why the companion entered the path of sin.
  6. Exodus.

Carrying out the ritual of fortune telling on your own, it is extremely important to be careful and know the exact interpretation of the cards, take into account their position - normal or inverted. To carry out the most accessible ritual at home, you will need only five cards from the general deck. The advantage of fortune telling is that in addition to the existing problems in the love triangle, you can learn about how to make the outcome of all events positive.

When laying out the Tarot cards for betrayal of her husband, close attention will need to be paid to the Major Arcana that have fallen out, the interpretation of which will sound as follows:

  1. The dropped out card "Strength" means that the situation that has developed in the marriage will find a solution, will not repeat itself in the future, and relations in the family will improve.
  2. The drawn inverted card "Wheel of Fortune" symbolizes systematic betrayal on the part of the partner. However, it is likely that in the future the relationship will still improve, the main thing is that both spouses want it.
  3. The card "Moderation" in an inverted form indicates that there was no betrayal in principle, but there is rivalry, envy and temptation. There is a chance that the spouse will really be carried away by another woman, but it will not come to physical betrayal.
  4. The "Moon" card that fell out is a fact of unconfirmed betrayal, only it also suggests that family relations are so strained that they can collapse on their own.
  5. The "Four Pentacles" card says that it is best for spouses to part for a while, so that the relationship over time flares up with renewed vigor and passion.
  6. The dropped "Star" symbolizes a secret romantic relationship between a husband and another woman.
  7. The outstretched Tower card is the fact that divorce in the family is inevitable due to the presence of a third person in the relationship.
  8. The "Jester" card indicates a betrayal of her husband, but it will not entail any serious consequences.

Fortune-telling on the Tarot cards, one should ask not only the question of the fact of treason, but also why it, in principle, could arise.

Fortune telling on paper

Fortune-telling on the betrayal of a loved one on paper should be carried out in stages:

  1. Take a long paper strip. On one side, write your name, and in the center - your husband, on the opposite side, draw a cross.
  2. Say the phrase: "You roll, ring, to where your beloved's heart is forever" and let the wedding ring roll so that it rolls on the sheet.
  3. If the decoration stops on the name of the fortuneteller, this means that there was no betrayal; on him - that the spouse is incredibly selfish; on the cross - his heart belongs to another woman; and if, in principle, it rolls off the paper, then this suggests that at the moment there is no treason, but there are thoughts of going to the side in the spouse's head.

This type of fortune telling is one of the simplest, the main thing is clear thoughts and a question formulated in the head.


Interesting! Tarot card "Star" and its meaning

Divination with candles

This is one of the most accurate fortune-telling. It is recommended to hold it on a full moon, on a day whose date will be a multiple of two. This requires two miniature wax or paraffin wax candles.

To carry out the ritual, it is necessary to set the candles ten centimeters apart and light them from one match. Then mentally give your name to one candle, and the other - the name of your spouse. All that remains to be done is to observe the behavior of the candles.

The result of this accurate and truthful divination should be interpreted as follows:

  1. An extinguished husband's candle is an unfavorable sign, indicating that his feelings have long since died out. It is possible that this is what led to the betrayal.
  2. An extinguished candle, named after the fortuneteller, symbolizes the fact that a woman has stopped loving her husband and remains with him only out of habit or because of children.
  3. Evenly and calmly burning candles are a sign of mutual love and respect. The lady definitely should not doubt the loyalty of the second half.
  4. If the flame of one candle is greater than the other, then the answer is clear - this person loves more.
  5. A sparkling one or two candles at once indicate that you should pay attention to those around you. Among them there are envious people, it is likely that the woman who plans to take her husband away from the family.

Church candles used during the ritual will help cleanse the life together from the evil eye and damage.

Fortune-telling about the betrayal of a loved one should answer not only the key question about the fact of betrayal, which any woman could simply think of for herself, but also tell about the reasons that prompted her, in principle, to think about performing such a ritual.



  1. Fortune telling on Tarot cards is one of the most impartial and truthful options for fortune telling. The main thing is to pay attention to the Major Arcana.
  2. It is imperative to guess alone.
  3. For divination for treason at home, a sheet of paper and a pen will be enough.
  4. Fortune telling on candles is one of the most accurate, and church candles used during the ritual can protect the family from the evil eye and damage.
