Ksenia Borodina did not like how girls now meet men
Ksenia Borodina did not like how girls now meet men

Video: Ksenia Borodina did not like how girls now meet men

Video: Ksenia Borodina did not like how girls now meet men
Video: Ксения Бородина впервые показала свою в маму в таком виде.... 2024, September

Ksenia Kimovna is sure that because of the easy-going ladies, the men have lost the hunter's instinct.


TV presenter of the reality show "House 2" Ksenia Borodina often communicates with subscribers and touches on the topic of interpersonal relations. Recently, they all relate to communication between men and women.

Judging by the statements, the star is negatively disposed towards women who easily agree to spend a night with a man, regardless of whether he is free or is in a relationship with someone. Borodina stated that such behavior is not the norm. Women should know their own worth.

After the divorce, the celebrity's opinion has not changed. On the contrary, she began to react even more emotionally to the behavior of young beauties. The TV presenter gave an example. Ksenia said that she and her friend and a young man left a nightclub. At this time, one of the girls passing by pinched Borodina's companion by the buttock. According to the star, not only she was taken aback, but also the man himself.


In her instagram, Borodina asked if there are so few men in all of Russia that girls come to Moscow and start looking for them in such an ugly way.

Ksenia recalled - in this case, the girls give a sign that they are easily accessible and there is no need to achieve them. As a result, men have now become lazy, like cats eating sour cream. Because of this behavior of the girls, they have lost their hunting instinct and do not want to seek anyone.

Netizens are divided. Some supported the celebrity, others were surprised at such statements. According to skeptics, Borodin has been leading a project that morally corrupts young people for more than 10 years. Escorts and webcam models have repeatedly come to them on the clearing, who openly talked about their occupation.

It turns out that the star supports this behavior, since he agrees to analyze their situations, communicates with them, and later even takes their side.

There were also those who saw offense in such reasoning. Adherents of this opinion, wrote that the TV presenter should have her own personal life, so as not to follow others and not condemn them. Such commentators are sure that Borodina's marriage broke up due to the betrayal of her husband, who found himself easy entertainment.
