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Why can a lost tooth dream?
Why can a lost tooth dream?

Video: Why can a lost tooth dream?

Video: Why can a lost tooth dream?

There are enough plots of unpleasant dreams, for example, why dream of a lost tooth without blood for a woman? Surely such a dream does not bode well. We will find out what interpretation various dream books offer.

From popular beliefs to modern interpretations

People have since ancient times associated teeth with relatives and relatives. And dreams of missing teeth were associated with unpleasant events in life. According to legend, if you had a dream that a tooth fell out without blood, wait for the illness of someone close to you. The front upper tooth (like all the others on the upper side) is associated with the father, so it was believed that misfortune could happen to him or his relatives. The lower row of teeth is associated with the mother, respectively, and dreams about the lower teeth should be interpreted with an eye to their own mother or maternal relatives.

Seeing a bloody tooth in a dream was considered a bad omen and foreshadowed the death of a loved one.


In modern dream books, a different interpretation of sleep is used, more harmless. So, in Loff's dream book it is indicated that such dreams can tell about a person's shyness in front of other people. Perhaps you are ashamed to appear in an unfavorable light in front of others? Loff also believes that missing teeth indicate your subconscious fear for family and friends.

There is another interpretation related to the work of the subconscious. She points to dental problems in real life, toothache, fear of going to the dentist who is sleeping.


Numerologists do give a very original interpretation of teeth that fell out in a dream. Normally, a person should have 32 teeth, and this number symbolizes competition. If a tooth falls out in a dream, it means that there is one less competitor. This decryption can relate to both personal life and work. For businessmen, seeing all their teeth fall out is a bad omen. This can mean bankruptcy and business failure. This is what, according to numerologists, lost teeth can dream of without blood and pain.

An interesting interpretation of sleep, in which teeth fall out without blood, and at the same time new ones grow in place of the fallen one. Such a dream means the spiritual growth of the sleeping person, his craving for knowledge and a change in views on the usual way of life.


A rather curious interpretation is found for men. A dream in which you felt that a tooth fell out, but you cannot spit it out in any way, may mean that you are not raising your child, but you do not even know about it.

Carious teeth falling out one by one can be dreamed of by a workaholic who has forgotten about rest and sleep. This is a signal that it is time to take a break from work and recuperate.

Why else can a lost tooth dream without blood and pain for women? If, after it fell out, you managed to quickly return it to its place, this indicates a difficult relationship with relatives. Think about whether something can be done to restore the lost world?


It was also noticed that dreams with lost teeth, when you carefully examine them, often dream on the eve of some important events: graduation from college, divorce, before a wedding, etc.

An interesting interpretation can be found in oriental dream books. So, if a molar fell out along with the root and you are carefully examining it, it's time to prepare for the addition to the family.

The four front teeth symbolize children, sisters or brothers. Perhaps a dream predicts that they will face some kind of trouble or health problems.

For a woman, a missing front tooth can mean difficulties on the personal front and in the professional sphere, as well as the very fear that all these problems will actually happen.


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Freud's interpretation

Sigmund Freud, of course, had a sexual connotation in deciphering dreams associated with teeth. It didn't matter to him which of the teeth, front or back, fell out. He believed that in any case, such a dream was due to suppressed erotic desires.

Loss of teeth according to Freud also indicates an excessive craving for self-gratification, which replaces full-fledged intimate communication with the opposite sex.


Interpretation according to Vanga

Why dream of a lost tooth without blood for a woman according to Vanga? You need to remember what the tooth looked like in a dream, this will help you understand what to expect:

  • a milk tooth fell out - to tangible changes in life;
  • healthy - to well-being;
  • the tooth staggered and fell out - your position in society, at work is very ambiguous;
  • the front has fallen out - you need to be more careful with the children, take care of them;
  • lost a tooth with yellowness - damage to reputation;
  • a crooked tooth fell out - make the wrong choice.

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Miller's interpretation

Miller associated all problems with teeth in a dream with a deterioration in the state of health in reality (the sleeping person or his loved ones). Also, in his opinion, such dreams warned of impending problems in business, difficulties. The more lost teeth there were in a dream, the more large-scale troubles you need to prepare for.


Interpretation according to Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Researchers of ancient predictions, writers, spouses Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, believe that lost teeth can really signal impending troubles. But if the loss of teeth is painless, this is a good sign. Perhaps you refuse to solve some current problem and it will be for your good.

Teeth that fall out one after the other may indicate that you are in for a streak of bad luck. You need to act very carefully to avoid additional problems.

Interpretation according to Nostradamus

Lost teeth that were seen at night can be a warning for those who have set an important goal for themselves. Sleep indicates that passivity and inaction will prevent the sleeper from fulfilling his plans.


According to the dream book of Nostradamus, looking at an empty hole after a tooth fell out is a loss of vitality. The body is exhausted and is giving you a signal.

Whether you believe the dream book is up to you, but in any case, it is better to listen to the predictions.
