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"Queen of Swords" in the Tarot and the meaning of the card
"Queen of Swords" in the Tarot and the meaning of the card

Video: "Queen of Swords" in the Tarot and the meaning of the card

Video: Queen of Swords in 5 Minutes 2024, April

The "Queen of Swords" in Tarot is a lady seated on a throne and dressed in chic clothes that indicate her high birth. All interpreters and those who use cards for professional activities have only one moment in which they reach unanimity. This card is one of the most mysterious. Many keys cited for understanding this arcana are contradictory - some interpret the Lady of Swords as a black widow, others as loneliness and pride.

Sacred meaning

The ambiguous lasso "Queen of Swords" in the Tarot (meaning and interpretation changed over time) can predict different events, depending on the details of the image in different decks. Her appearance is interpreted ambiguously, depends on the environment, but she always denotes an intelligent woman, full of knowledge, thoughts and ideas, endowed with real, mystical or mysterious power.


This is indicated by many small details in the traditional image, but they are not always clear to those who resort to fortune-telling without having sufficient knowledge of the symbolism and sacred meanings of esotericism:

  1. The sword of steel in the hands of the Queen is double-edged and dangerous (salvation or death), depending on the method and situation when it is used. These are constant conflicts, but they occur either with those who defend their rights, or with those who are inclined to conquer them by any means.
  2. If we are talking about relationships, then this is either a qualitatively new level, or their cardinal termination.
  3. “Lady of Swords” in the unambiguous interpretation is a woman who has crossed the threshold of maturity, but it can also be a girl, only wise and endowed with knowledge, cunning, the ability to intrigue and achieve what she wants.
  4. The Queen may be a sign of the need to end an onerous and useless relationship (the sword is not accidental), but never a break in family ties, although they say that kindness and mercy are not peculiar to this Queen.
  5. Its appearance is a signal that it is time to start moving forward, but it never calls for abandoning moral prohibitions and generally accepted rules.

The only one of all the Queens in the Tarot cards, she does not look detached, does not abstract from the creatures depicted nearby, does not look like an unearthly creature located against the background of the sky. Her profile is strict and full of will, she is addressed to her subjects and indifferent to the rest. She commands them, demands obedience from them.


The gesture of the hand, addressed to those who listen and obey, looks equally ambiguous in meaning. It requires obedience and attention, silence, concentration and concentration. Clouds at the feet of the Lady are considered to be in the background for a reason. This, according to some interpreters, means that the heavens and everything that is on them is subject to it. Others, less radical scholars, argue that she has some kind of one power - real, political, love or kinship, and this allows her to control her own small universe.

The meaning and interpretation of the "Queen of Swords" Tarot cannot be subjected to one-sided interpretation. An important role belongs to the position (upright or inverted) and the environment: what happened next to it, how it relates, how favorable is such a combination in a narrow and global sense.


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Direct position

Whatever cards the "Lady of Swords" is next to, the upright position is definitely more favorable in relation to the subject than the inverted one. Depending on the nature of fortune-telling, the time of day and even the pressing issue for which it was undertaken, a card in an upright position means:

  • a woman who is not very close, endowed with one or several instruments of power, with whom it is difficult to be friends, but it is better not to spoil the relationship;
  • this is not always an elderly woman, but she is influential and wealthy, can provide help or give valuable advice;
  • it is useless to build illusions about it, it will only help to achieve your own goals;
  • you can use unexpected support to the maximum, but you need to keep your distance and always stay alert, otherwise nothing good will come from the unexpected location of the "Lady".

In combination with the senior lasso, even a direct position rarely promises good - "Jester" and "Empress" promise childlessness or sterility, voluntary renunciation of motherhood. "Emperor", like "Tower" - a quick divorce, and "Justice" - division of property by court, "Fortune" - unfavorable changes, and only "Sun" portends the imminent acquisition of a kindred spirit and personal happiness.


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Inverted position

If we are talking about existing relationships, love or friendship, then the interpretation is unambiguous, it speaks of lies and betrayal, and if there is a senior lasso "Lovers" nearby, then they will definitely end soon, and not the most joyful one.

Deception and betrayal are indicated by "Luna", "The Hanged Man", "Temperance", "Hermit" - to imminent loneliness, and even "Fortune" promises not joyful, but sad changes. In the opposite position, the "Queen of Swords" indicates the following circumstances:

  • a possible mistake, upcoming or already being made;
  • lack of meaning in current activities, their futility and futility;
  • indifference, probable depression and, as a result, stupid things being done;
  • causing harm to others in fruitless attempts to take revenge on their offenders.

As a card of the day, "The Queen of Swords Tarot" does not have the most favorable meaning and interpretation. It means the onset of a moment of change, making a cardinal decision, making the right step.


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A man promises a meeting with an intelligent woman, whose advice is worth listening to. If a person has already made a decision and intends to start implementing it, "The Lady of Swords" is a warning about the need not to go beyond, even getting rid of addiction. The desire to gain freedom from circumstances or another person does not mean going against society, spoiling relations with others.

An important point is the loss of this lasso in a situation where the main problem is business activity and business success. She promises difficult negotiations and conflicts, requires concentration and determination.

It will be difficult for a person to listen to his intuition, to show kindness and understanding, but this must be done, regardless of the difficulties and character traits. Then, although through thorns, and not an easy way, it will be possible to achieve success. The advice of the card in this case is to keep within the framework and follow the rules, but still move forward, showing will and wisdom.

The arrangement with the cards of one's suit is interpreted in approximately the same way, especially in the vicinity of the "Ace", which directly indicates the need for decisive advancement. Small suited neighbors will remind you of the inevitable separation and natural loneliness, but they cannot be avoided, protecting their interests in any area of real life.



  1. The "queen of swords" Tarot is capable of predicting different events. It all depends on the neighborhood and position.
  2. The "lady of swords" has a certain power, which gives her the ability to govern a specific community.
  3. The Lady of Swords can be upright or upside-down. The first is more favorable, while the second speaks of the emergence of obstacles and difficulties.
