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Why dream of eating potatoes in a dream
Why dream of eating potatoes in a dream

Potatoes are one of the most popular root vegetables in the food mentality of Russians. And in order to correctly interpret and find out why you dream of eating potatoes, you need to remember its color, type and condition: boiled, fried, mashed potatoes, with meat, in uniform, fries.

There are mashed potatoes in a dream and in their uniform

You can find out why you dream of eating boiled potatoes in a dream from the Eastern Dream Book, in which such a dream is a good sign. So, if you eat mashed potatoes, and at the same time it is very tasty, then you should wait for the welcome guests.


If in a dream there are potatoes in their uniforms, then you will receive a tempting job offer, which at first glance may seem unpromising. If the potatoes are boiled, and even with butter, then this is a good success in business, but provided that all decisions made are thoughtful and balanced.

French fries in a dream

The answer to the dream in which the dreamer eats French fries will depend on who dreamed of such a vision - a man or a girl.


If a man eats fried potatoes in a dream, then big changes await him. For example, a sure move up the career ladder. But he should be on the lookout so as not to "oversleep" a high position.

If an unmarried girl had such a dream, then perhaps in the near future she will marry. And, according to Loff's dream book, the husband will be from a wealthy family.

Potatoes with meat

You can find an interpretation of why you dream of eating potatoes with meat in different dream books. If you look into Miller's dream book, then such a dream means a solution to life's problems, but not without the help of relatives.


According to Vanga's dream book, such a dream means not only resolving conflicts, but also improving relations. Eating potatoes with meat means finding love and arranging your personal life.

But the modern dream book solves such a dream a little differently, and here vegetables are associated with internal energy. Therefore, if you have a dream with potatoes, then it means a surge of vigor and strength.

Potatoes with mushrooms

If you dream of eating potatoes with mushrooms, then it can be a successful start to the day or an early party with friends, which will have to spend a lot of money, more than planned.


If you dreamed of such a dish in a dream, then the dreamer leads a rather modest lifestyle, but he always greets his friends and acquaintances warmly.

Potatoes with fish

The interpretation of the dream, in which the dreamer eats potatoes with fish, is not in the dream books. But you can guess such a vision if you know why you dream of eating fried potatoes and fried fish in a dream.


Fried potatoes in a dream - for good, successful completion of affairs and good luck. Fried fish is also a good sign, it can mean getting the desired news, and if the fish is large, then profit.

In any case, if you eat potatoes with fish in a dream and at the same time get real pleasure, then such a dream cannot portend trouble.

Raw potatoes

You can find out why you dream of eating raw potatoes from the English dream book. And here the interpretation of a dream depends on the emotions of the dreamer himself.

For example, if he does not like eating raw potatoes, and the crunchy starch on his teeth only annoys him, then he should not get involved in any scams, he can lose his reputation.


If, on the contrary, you like eating raw potatoes, then you should not worry about your authority, the reputation is impeccable.

Pies with potato filling

A pie stuffed with potatoes is a sign of painstaking but very interesting work. If you dream that you are baking a pie with potato filling and at the same time added fish, then no one should talk about your plans until they are implemented.

If in a dream you decided to fry pies with potatoes, then remember if there were greens in the filling. And if you did, then your hobby will bring you a lot of money.


If you dream of potato pancakes, and even with sour cream, then you can profitably sell your experience and skills. Sleeping with meat-stuffed potatoes, on the other hand, means worrying about your abilities. But don't worry, you are a true master of your craft.

Eating potatoes in a dream is a dream, often associated only with positive events. Even chewing potato peels means getting rid of other people's influence, and eating baked potatoes is a sign of success in the professional field.


  1. Eating potatoes in a dream is a more good sign than a negative one, but it all depends on the form in which it was cooked.
  2. If it seems that the dream is bad, then you should not worry, because the content of terrible dreams rarely coincides with the final meaning.
  3. If in a dream you do not eat, but boil or fry potatoes, then this is for a meeting with friends. And the more aromatic the food turns out, the more pleasant the meeting will be.
  4. Why dream of eating potatoes in a dream - fried, with mushrooms, with fish, with meat, fries. Interpreting dreams from the dream books of Miller, Wanga, Vostochny, Loff and others will help to understand the vision.
