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When to harvest onions planted before winter in 2020
When to harvest onions planted before winter in 2020

Video: When to harvest onions planted before winter in 2020

Video: When to harvest onions planted before winter in 2020
Video: UK Allotment 2020 ~ Winter Onion Bed ~ Prepping And Planting Out!! 2024, April

By adhering to the rules of when to remove onions that are planted before winter in 2020, you can save them perfectly.

Onion signs of ripeness and harvest

Growing a good harvest of onions is not as difficult as many gardeners think. But with the apparent simplicity of cultivation, certain factors must be taken into account in order for the crop to please.

First of all, the onion variety belongs to them, since the harvest of the early varieties is harvested long before the later ones are harvested. You also need to pay attention to favorable and unfavorable days for planting and harvesting onions in 2020, depending on weather conditions and the lunar calendar.


The degree of ripeness of the onion is determined by its aboveground part, when it turns yellow and lays down on the garden bed. The color of the bulbs turns golden.

You need to pull the bulb out of the ground and estimate its size. If the vegetable is large enough, you can check maturity using other criteria. The part where the bulb meets the feather becomes soft and thinner.


Harvesting onions will be very easy if the vegetable was grown in light soil. It is necessary to carefully pull the bulbs out of the ground, being careful not to damage the tops, and carefully shake off the soil.

If the onion is grown on heavy clay soils, it is more convenient to dig it out with a pitchfork, sticking them into the ground 15 cm from the heads. It is advisable to pre-loosen the bed, then cleaning is much easier.

There is no need to pull the bulbs out of the ground by the stem, as the upper part is easily damaged, which will significantly reduce the shelf life of the vegetable. At least two weeks before harvesting, watering onions must be stopped, otherwise the roots may rot.

If the weather is dry and frost is not expected, onions can be laid out right in the garden for a day or two to dry. If it is raining or frosty outside, the onions are transferred to a well-ventilated and protected area.


An excellent option would be a garage or a covered gazebo or veranda. Onions should be laid out in 1 layer very carefully, trying not to cause any damage, and leave until the neck is completely dry.

When the bulbs need to be turned over during drying, it is advisable not to knock them on hard surfaces, as this can cause damage. The bulbs will start to rot and the shelf life will be reduced.

As the onions dry, the necks and husks gradually shrink. When they are completely dry, you need to take scissors and cut off the roots of the bulbs, being careful not to hurt the bottom.

The feather is cut off, a tail of 2.5 cm is left. Then you need to sort out the onion, choose not completely dry, broken and damaged heads, which will be used for food in the first place.


Auspicious days for collecting onions

When to harvest onions that were planted before winter, you should know in order to preserve them well, because it directly depends on weather conditions.

It is best to harvest onions in the morning on a hot, dry day, so that you have time to dry them properly. Do not forget that favorable days according to the lunar calendar in 2020 for harvesting green and onions do not coincide, since the "roots" are harvested on a waning moon, and "tops" - on a growing one.

Month Dates
May 3, 12, 25, 26
June 1, 2, 18, 26, 27, 29
July 2, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30
August 24, 28, 29

The weather conditions in the regions of the Russian Federation are very different, so the timing of planting onions before winter is different. The timing of harvesting onions, like other root crops, can be shifted by one or two decades, it depends on the climatic zone:

  1. In the Urals, due to very cold winters, exclusively frost-resistant varieties are used. Onions are planted before winter in late September - early October, so that it can take root, but not sprout. It is better not to delay the landing, as in the Urals the snow may fall already in October.
  2. In Siberian regions, few risk planting onions before winter due to severe frosts. However, you can get an excellent harvest of onions here, if you choose the right variety and planting dates, as well as cover the onions well in winter. If there is a high risk of error in the planting time, it is better to do it in the spring.
  3. In Central Russia, onions are usually planted from 5 to 20 October. Since the climate in this region and the Moscow region is more favorable, onions winters well in frosts below 15 degrees and heavy snowfalls.
  4. In the south of Russia and in Ukraine, it is advisable to plant onions, like all root crops, from October 20 to November 15.
  5. In Belarus, the Leningrad, Pskov regions, as well as in regions with a similar climate, onions are planted before winter from October to November 10, so that about a month remains before frost.

The table below introduces the timing of harvesting onions, depending on the region.

Territory Period
Ukraine, southern Russia end of july
Belarus, middle band of the Russian Federation early days of August
Ural, northern regions of the Russian Federation mid august

Winter onions usually do not give large fruits, so they try to plant them to get early greens. There is a high probability that he will go into the arrow and will not gain mass into the bulbs.


What influences onion ripening time?

It is important to know when to harvest onions in 2020, so as not to miss the moment when they are already dry, or not to dig up early. The ripening period of the onion, regardless of its type, is greatly influenced by the planting season, as well as the way it was planted - by seeds, seedlings, sets.

Spring onions planted in early spring should be dug out later than planted before winter. The climate is of great importance, therefore, in the Middle Lane and in the southern regions, the same variety is harvested more than at the same time - the difference is a month.



Ripening of turnip onions directly depends on the humidity and temperature of the air, as well as the composition of the soil. In hot, dry weather, the period can be shortened by 2-3 weeks. If the summer is damp, the feather does not stay for a long time, so harvesting is delayed by a month. Onion heads ripen two weeks later, but have more weight if the soil is well fertilized.


This variety is not afraid of short-term cold snaps, so you do not need to dig it up early. The leek is harvested in October. The difference from a turnip onion is that you do not need to wait for the feather to turn yellow.



Ready to clean up when the feather is down. This type of onion, planted before winter, is harvested in mid-July. Shallots of medium late varieties are stored from the end of July to the end of the first decade of August. It is worth knowing in advance when to harvest in 2020, so as not to delay the deadline.

Onion sets

It is grown from seeds, so the heads are small. It is harvested starting in mid-July, as soon as the feather turns yellow. The bulbs are small and difficult to find if the feather is covered.


Tips from experienced vegetable growers for harvesting onions

Onions harvested in dry weather are much better suited for storage. It is undesirable to pull and pull the onion by the feather; you need to use a pitchfork or a shovel. Onions are sensitive to mechanical stress. In no case should you bang your heads against each other, as well as throw them.

The feather is not cut off immediately after harvesting, since the onion needs to dry, lie down for at least a week, so that the feather gives off all the nutrients to the heads, and the neck is dry. By this time, the bow is “dressed” in a strong husk.


The lunar calendar must be used only in a specific year for which it was calculated. The main thing is not to forget, when calculating the time of harvesting, to take into account the climatic features of your area, precipitation, as well as the weather forecast.

Harvesting in 2020 should be done only in dry weather, which will allow onions to retain their beneficial properties and excellent taste. It is worth knowing in advance when to remove onions that were planted before winter in order to have time to collect them on time.



  1. Before harvesting onions, it is important to make sure it is time to do it on time, because in each climatic zone they are different.
  2. It is also worth considering the collection dates according to the lunar calendar.
  3. To preserve the onion heads, you need to dig them up correctly.
