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What kind of men are there?
What kind of men are there?

Video: What kind of men are there?

Video: What kind of men are there?
Video: What Kind Of Man - Florence + The Machine (Audio) 2024, April

Men are all the same. You've probably heard this chauvinistic slogan from at least one woman. How, how, will you listen and begin to imagine that all of them, heartfelt, completely hide their horns and hooves from us, so that later at the most inopportune moment when you become so in love, so (ah!) Defenseless and stop waiting for him how, he suddenly once - and "look, darling, what I have!". Was this so, or was it all clear from the very beginning, you just didn't want to admit it to yourself? Or maybe she didn't know where to look?

In search of an answer to the question: what kind of men are there, I came across one article. It said that all men are divided into three types: male father, male male and male child. "Hmm, - I said to myself, - well, let's see, dear, with whom you happened to meet, sleep and live." I rummaged through my memory, pulling out the shadows of forgotten loved ones, so that I could look at them again, already in the light. It turned out that almost all of them (what a surprise!) Belong to the category of "man-child": names and faces changed, but inside they, like clones, were of the same suit. And how did I manage not to become a man-hater in this kindergarten? By the way, do you want to know who you live with, meet or about whom you yourself are only daydreaming? Then go ahead, let's talk it over together.


This, of course, does not mean that you have to change his diapers or wipe his saliva. His teeth had long since erupted. It is also difficult to recognize based on age, social status or level of financial well-being. Experience (which is "the son of difficult mistakes") shows that a man-child can be both a well-to-do director of a company and a modest unemployed person who shoots money from you for cigarettes and beer. Look into his passport, and you will be surprised to find that he is 30 (40, 50) years old, and he is still there, in an imaginary sandbox, where his mother carefully identified him at an innocent age.

Alina says: "It was simply impossible not to fall in love with him: a handsome man, polite and helpful, and what a romantic … Just the dream of every girl! I once blurted out that I like one of our popular singer. So he is a birthday present for me I threw a party, invited this singer, I don’t know how much he paid him, but that whole evening he sang all my favorite songs to me personally, 15 times each. But when I got sick, he sent money with a driver and a note, like, get well, darling, and I went hunting. And there were many such cases: while everything is okay with me, we are all tip-top, and as soon as I have any problems - forgive me, dear, and a little note through the driver ".

A man-child is very easy to recognize by how he positions himself and how he relates to life. Listen to what he has to say, and you will hear something between bragging and boasting, and most importantly - nothing concrete …

On closer inspection, you will surely find a couple of "rattles" in the storehouse, but he doesn't hide them much, he is proud of them! Depending on the income of your loved one, it can be cars, guns, books, tin soldiers, and sometimes all at once.

He gladly and many times talks about his youth - the age at which a man-child is actually stuck (13-17 years old): about adventures in a pioneer camp, yard companies, teenage parties … He is afraid of responsibility, does not like seriousness, and so more problems. But to have fun, go on a visit, with friends in a tavern or just have fun - I'm always ready. A man-child enthusiastically has sex, but this is more mechanical sex than full-fledged lovemaking: as a rule, he “saves” on foreplay, and if you cannot reach orgasm for a long time, he will be surprised: “Well, you give, and other women straightaway… . We continue to answer the question: what kind of men are there?

Father man

He behaves with you in a rather fatherly, condescending, caring and protective manner. Moreover, the man-father takes care not only of his lady, but at any moment he is ready to come to the rescue of every lady or child who needs his help. With him you feel loved, treated kindly, protected. He even comes up with some kind of "daddy" words: "little", "dear", "my good", "baby" …

Such a man is a real vaccine against complexes and an opportunity to get what was lost in childhood from his own father, to fill in the gaps, so to speak. A father man is very sensitive, he hears any of your requests, feels your mood, but sometimes it seems that he does not really believe in them.

You, of course, may have your own problems, he is even ready to take part in them, as a parent - in children's quarrels in the sandbox or with threes in a diary. When you decide to change jobs, he will definitely check your new employers in order to protect "his girl" from disappointments.

Masha says: "Sex with him was just awesome. But then it turned out that something else is much more pleasant - the way he listens attentively to any nonsense that I carry, the way he strokes my back, saying how good, beautiful and smart I am. As soon as I gave a hint about what I wanted, and it seemed to materialize out of thin air. Live and be happy, in one word. But when we began to live together, it began to bother me. Do not believe? I began to feel mentally retarded when he was in Once again he checked after me, how I closed the front door, whether I salted the soup, whether I had taken the contraceptive pill … He seemed to doubt in advance that I would be able to do something myself."

Yeah! Despite its attractiveness, this option is not for everyone.


This is the golden mean between the first and second types. He is neither a child nor a father, but rather a friend, an equal partner. He will not do your business for you, but will get into problems only if you ask very strongly. A man-man behaves adequately to the situation, he will support and insure you if necessary, but he will not be too worried about you.

In fact, this is a product of our emancipation with you: we fought, fought and, finally, achieved that a man perceives us as his equal. He has no doubt that you are "human too," not just a cook, a laundress, and a factory for the production and raising of human babies.

This type is found more and more in large cities.

Nata says: “I felt comfortable with him, although it was not so easy. my "sweet blunder" was perceived as a concrete minus to me. By the way, when I got used to it and began to take it for granted, I got a taste. Everything is very clear and thought out, rent in half, household chores in half, a separate budget. That is, we threw off what Some general expenses, for food, for example, and everyone else spent everything at their own discretion. Of course, it didn’t come to insanity, if I didn’t have money, of course, no one broke my hands. But this is more the exception than the rule."

Well, an exhaustive answer to the question: what kind of men are there? Did you recognize her man in one of the descriptions? Whoever he is, know that none of the three types are perfect. And it would be more correct to say: each of them is ideal just as much as it suits you! After all, you and I also play similar roles: women are little girls, women are guardians of mothers, women are women. And how many variations and nuances there are in each role! But this is a topic for another conversation …
