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Properties of the pomegranate stone and to whom it suits according to the sign of the zodiac
Properties of the pomegranate stone and to whom it suits according to the sign of the zodiac

Video: Properties of the pomegranate stone and to whom it suits according to the sign of the zodiac

Video: Properties of the pomegranate stone and to whom it suits according to the sign of the zodiac
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After reading the article, you will learn about the pomegranate stone, its properties, who is suitable for the zodiac sign and how to wear it correctly, and you can also see a variety of photos.

Varieties of pomegranate

For a long time, everyone was sure that garnet has only a red color, but mineralogists have established that there are other shades of the mineral in nature that look beautiful and are used by jewelers to make expensive jewelry.

  1. Pyrope. The stone is red with a bloody tint.
  2. Almandine. Purple with a red tint, the most common garnet.
  3. Uvarovite. Has a beautiful green color and higher hardness.
  4. Spessartine. A stone that can be pink, orange-red, rarely yellow.
  5. Grossular. The name itself comes from the word "gooseberry", the mineral has a bright apple color.
  6. Shorlomite. This species is rich in titanium and has a brown-black color.

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Properties of pomegranate

Even in ancient times, people were convinced that the pomegranate stone gives them strength of mind, activity, health. The stone has a powerful healing energy, especially for untreated samples.

Pomegranate is prized for its medicinal properties. He can:

  • stop bleeding resulting from injury;
  • quickly restore blood cells;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • to cure some lung diseases, such as bronchitis, tuberculosis, elegant jewelry in the form of a pendant on a silver chain will help in this;
  • relieve headaches and migraines, for this it is enough to wear a ring with a stone on the middle finger.

If we consider contraindications, then so far no restrictions on the use or wearing of garnet jewelry have been found.


Magical properties

Natural pomegranate, preserving information from the bowels of the earth, is a strong amulet that helps energetic people.

With the help of black crystals, magicians summon spirits and thus have the ability to communicate with the afterlife.

The pomegranate stone is the patron saint of all lovers. Since ancient times, people believed that he was able to help find the love of all life. If the former fervor of love has cooled down, then wearing the mineral will help revive love and improve relationships.


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If a man wanted to show the sincerity and loyalty of love, then even in ancient times he presented jewelry with a pomegranate to his chosen one.

If a person is looking for patronage from a pomegranate, then he should have a reference point in life, and there should be no hesitation on the way to it. Absent-mindedness of thoughts leads the talisman to confusion - throwing from side to side will begin, and maybe illness.

Pomegranate also enhances the positive qualities of a person and helps to defeat negative traits, enhances his charisma and helps in gaining power over people.


This stone is often used as a talisman by people of creative professions, as it helps to find sources of inspiration.

For women, the pomegranate stone prolongs youth, preserves beauty, increases their sexuality, which means it helps to feel more confident in relationships with the opposite sex.

The role of a talisman is not suitable for everyone. Different types and properties of a pomegranate stone correspond to different elements, we will find out who it suits according to the sign of the zodiac.

If a person is active, he is used to achieving everything himself, he is energetic and young at heart, regardless of age, then the pomegranate is definitely a suitable stone. Otherwise, it is better to use jewelry with other stones.


Who is suitable for the sign of the zodiac

Varieties of red pomegranate stone are responsible for the element of fire, so their properties are suitable for such signs of the zodiac as Leo, Sagittarius and Capricorn. For these signs, he will be the perfect talisman.

The signs of the water elements are unlikely to be able to make friends with the mineral, although Scorpio is an exception to the rule.


The pomegranate stone has magical properties, but who it suits according to the sign of the zodiac can be found in the table.

Zodiac sign Compatibility
Aries +
Twins +
Cancer +
a lion ++
Virgo +
scales +
Scorpion +++
Sagittarius ++
Capricorn +++
Aquarius +
Fishes +

"+++" - perfect

"+" - can be worn

"-" - categorically does not fit


The Capricorn stone pomegranate energizes and helps direct it to unleash abilities and climb the career ladder. It helps closed natures to become more sociable in order to make new, useful acquaintances. For women, the pomegranate talisman will bring good luck in love.

For Scorpios, as well as for Capricorns, garnet is the ideal stone for developing leadership and building a career. In addition, Scorpios are naturally prone to jealousy and insecurity, and he helps them build relationships without resentment and violent feelings.

For dreamy Aquarians, friendship with a pomegranate does not bear fruit. Purposeful representatives of this sign, using the help of a talisman, will be able to establish relationships with different people and get rid of natural impermanence.


For Sagittarius, the mineral will become an assistant in gaining life wisdom and warn against troubles.

The amulet will help the changeable representatives of Gemini to gain constancy and nourish them with energy.

He will help Libra make a choice, feed on fiery energy to gain confidence in the correctness of the decision.


For Virgos who have achieved compatibility with the mineral, life will sparkle with new colors and be filled with vivid emotions.

Taurus, even with all their love for this natural stone, is categorically not recommended to have garnets with garnets in their arsenal of jewelry. Mutual love will never be.


How To Wear Jewelry With Pomegranate

When buying products with pomegranate, you should take into account some of the subtleties and properties of the stone in order to understand who it suits according to the zodiac sign, and how to wear it correctly. Listen to the voice of your heart, if the stone fits, it will definitely respond.

  1. It is better to buy garnet jewelry in clear sunny weather.
  2. You should not buy a worn jewelry, as the garnet tends to accumulate the energy of previous owners.
  3. In the case of inherited jewelry, it must be cleaned by placing it under running water for a day.

It is desirable that the stone is in contact with the skin and receives its heat, then its electrons, being in constant motion, will perform their task.

  1. A ring with a green garnet, worn on the thumb, develops thinking and logic.
  2. A ring worn on the index finger helps to unleash creativity in yourself.
  3. A ring with a black garnet on the middle finger helps in business.
  4. A ring with any garnet color on the ring finger enhances the feeling of love.
  5. A ring with a yellow stone on the little finger indicates an extraordinary personality.

All pomegranate minerals, regardless of color, provide peace in the family, take care of the health of household members, become a talisman of love and passion.



  1. Different types of pomegranates develop different potentials.
  2. The stone is not suitable for everyone.
  3. Pomegranate can cause negative reactions.
  4. The stone must be worn correctly.
