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What is the dream of the ex-husband, whom they broke up with many years ago
What is the dream of the ex-husband, whom they broke up with many years ago

Video: What is the dream of the ex-husband, whom they broke up with many years ago

Video: What is the dream of the ex-husband, whom they broke up with many years ago
Video: #44 Ex Husband - Dream Meaning & Interpretation 2024, April

Dream books contain a lot of interesting and useful information. What is the dream of the ex-husband, whom they broke up with many years ago? Such a dream cannot always be unambiguously interpreted. The meaning will depend on the circumstances and actions in another reality.

How I dreamed - the first step to decryption

Psychologists and somnologists are sure that the accuracy of sleep depends on the period from the time of separation of the spouses. The less time separates from this event, the more accurate and plausible the given signs. The answers to the question of what the ex-husband dreams of, with whom they parted many years ago, are variable.


You can list several situations in which this dream has a certain meaning:

  • She often dreams, but in passing, without taking part in the event outline - the dreamer's affairs are confused and need to be streamlined.
  • Appeared unexpectedly, in a strange situation - there is a new case ahead of which the woman is afraid (not necessarily negative, but rather simply responsible).
  • Kisses in a dream with an ex-spouse mean that not all feelings for him have already faded and decayed.
  • Having been with another woman, clearly demonstrating a new love relationship - there are still questions and riddles in the old connection.
  • Quite young, as it was preserved in photographs or in memories, one needs to gradually abandon the past and begin a new stage of life.
  • I dreamed of a drunk - in reality he is sick or experiencing a strong shock in emotional terms.
  • A strong quarrel or fight means a quick resumption of the relationship, and kisses with him indicate that the dreamer still has tender feelings for him.

Some dream books indicate that a dreaming ex-spouse means dissatisfaction with the current partner or the way of life that a woman leads after a divorce. If in a dream there is a former and a current husband at the same time, a rethinking and reassessment of priorities is necessary, an awareness of the fact that you cannot return the past, you need to live in the present and think about the future.

Interpretation options

The approach to decoding largely depends on the author of the dream book, where the dreamer will look for what her ex-husband is dreaming of, with whom she parted many years ago. Some of them are composed by extraordinary, famous people who have their own approach and vision of the world.



  • In Freud's dream book, this vision can be explained by sexual dissatisfaction, a desire to find a new partner or change an existing one.
  • According to Nostradamus's dream book, seeing an ex-spouse is an alarming sign, because it means that someone is doing unseemly deeds through sorcerers or psychics, trying to force a woman to go against her beliefs and beliefs.
  • Miller's dream book, familiar to the layman, sees no reason for alarm - its author is sure that this is precisely the emotional stability, the complete disappearance of feelings that once were.
  • The modern dream book offers several versions to choose from, which also depend on the situation in the dream. Swearing with the ex is a signal to optimize the current relationship, which you need to think about, and to see him in a flourishing state - to the appearance of a new partner in life. But it may also be a call for help from a once loved one.

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Vanga's dream book also interprets this vision ambiguously. It says that a harmonious love relationship with a former spouse, seen in a dream, is a clear confirmation of inner freedom from previous emotions, it's time to start a new stage in life.

Important ingredients

In search of the correct interpretation, you should not look through all the dream books - sometimes you can get confused in interpretations from different authors. For example, a 21st century dream book believes that a quarrel with an ex-spouse means getting rich quickly, getting money and even winning the lottery. Chu-Gong, answering what the ex-husband is dreaming of, with whom he parted many years ago, also assures of the onset of financial well-being, meeting good people who will help the cherished dream come true.

You can also find assurances that if he dreamed naked, this is a warning of danger, crying - can provide the necessary support, sad - means that parting in the past was final and the man will never return.


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It is imperative to pay attention to the night on which day of the week a strange dream dreamed:

  • Tuesday - portends obstacles and difficulties in reality that need to be overcome;
  • Wednesday - to new and pleasant acquaintances;
  • Thursday - you can find out the true meaning only through careful analysis;
  • Friday - to new problems that will be difficult to solve;
  • Saturday - the dream is indicative and does not give specific answers;
  • Sunday, with a negative connotation - to bad changes in life.

Psychologists give an unambiguous interpretation of a dream with an ex-spouse. They are sure that the subconscious pushes the image of a person who was once close and loved so much that this dream testifies to the incompleteness of the relationship, the desire to resolve the situation by continuation or final rupture.

You should not tune in to the negative in advance. If you cannot interpret a dream with the help of dream books, you can always seek advice from a psychic or astrologer, simulate the viewed scenario on the website and get an accurate answer.



The content of sleep is not always interpreted unambiguously, much depends on the accompanying circumstances:

  1. The appearance and condition of the protagonist.
  2. The situation the main characters are in.
  3. What day of the week was the night with this dream.
  4. How long ago there was a breakup with her ex-husband.
