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What mice can mean in a dream for a woman
What mice can mean in a dream for a woman

Video: What mice can mean in a dream for a woman

Video: What mice can mean in a dream for a woman
Video: What does mice dreams mean? - Dream Meaning 2024, April

Why does a woman dream of many little mice in a dream? Many people ask this question, because such a vision can hardly be called pleasant, most often it is associated with something bad. We will find out what this dream can mean and understand the details.

Miller's dream book

Why a woman dreams of many mice in a dream is described in many dream books. For example, Miller associated this vision with household chores, duplicity of friends and acquaintances. If a girl killed a mouse in a dream, then you will win in the fight against ill-wishers.


If the mouse ran away, then do not hope for a good outcome in the battle with competitors.

If a young girl dreamed of a mouse, then, according to Miller's dream book, intrigues are woven around her. Soon, the essence of the ill-wishers will be revealed. Time will tell who is the real friend and who is the enemy.


Was the mouse sitting on the dress? Expect a big scandal in which you play a key role.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

The seer knew the answer to the question of why a woman dreams of many little mice in a dream. What to expect in the future? According to Vanga's dream book, mice dream of an invasion of pests. Therefore, a good harvest this year should not be expected.


If the animal is near you, then expect the prices of essential products to rise. A mouse squeak suggests that measures need to be taken to combat pests, otherwise they will soon multiply. Sleeping mice warn moms that they have nothing to worry about. Their kids are all right.

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Mouse color

In a dream, you should pay attention to the details. So, the color of the animal can speak volumes. Let's figure out why a woman dreams of many gray, white, black mice in a dream:

  1. White. Such a dream indicates that a person will appear in your environment in the near future who will spread rumors and gossip about you. You will be able to find out who weaves intrigues.
  2. Gray mouse. Associated with routine, boredom and routine. No change is expected.
  3. Black animal. Expect minor troubles. You will cope with difficulties, but you will spend a lot of time and effort on it.
  4. Ginger mice. Associated with a person who has long pretended to be a friend. He is waiting for the right moment to strike. Therefore, be careful in communication and do not talk about your plans, problems and personal life.

What was the mouse

The meaning of sleep largely depends on the appearance of the animal.

Remember what she looked like:

  1. Small. If in a dream there are many little mice that run, this means trouble and trouble. You will spend a lot of time and effort to resolve them.
  2. Dead mice. Nothing good is predicted. Sleep is associated with monetary losses, financial problems. You will spend a lot on family needs. This will cause difficulties.
  3. Many gray live mice. The appearance of ill-wishers in your life. Also, a vision means that soon you will be reminded of old grievances, which will bring a lot of suffering and anxiety into your life.
  4. Big mouse. A huge animal in a dream symbolizes for a woman an inner fear of competitors and ill-wishers. You are very afraid of losing this battle.

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The dreamer's actions

What mice can mean in a dream - a detailed interpretation will also depend on the actions of the dreamer.

So, remember what you did:

  1. They killed the mouse. This is a good sign that promises good luck. You will be able to expose the hater and deal with him by his own methods.
  2. They caught the animal. Look forward to matchmaking, weddings in the near future. The same dream means that you will be happy.
  3. Caught a mouse? Expect bad news. This vision is associated with problems because of your love of fun.
  4. Trying to catch up and crush mice. You are already exhausted and worn out. You no longer have the strength to fight and prove your case. The reason is the actions of competitors and enemies.
  5. Run after the mice around the house and try to catch them. This dream suggests that it’s enough to sit too long. It's time to take action. Also, this dream characterizes the arrival of parents, matchmaking.
  6. Caught a mouse without wanting to. This is not a very good sign. This means you will find yourself in an awkward situation.
  7. Eat your mouse. This is a good omen. You will get rid of competitors and enemies.
  8. Feed the animals. Close people and relatives will help to resolve the unpleasant situation.

Mouse actions

If the mouse has bitten you, then beware of conflicts. Any little thing can cause a major scandal. Also, this vision means that someone from the inner circle is plotting against you.

Do mice run away from you in fear? It is a victory over enemies and problems. The ill-wishers never stand a chance.


If the animals swim and do not drown, this means that the opponent is much stronger than you. Stay quiet and don't show yourself for a while.

Is the mouse caught in a mousetrap? Competitors have set up nets and are waiting for you to hit them.

If animals enter the house through cracks, reconsider your attitude towards the people around you. Someone is trying with all their might to harm you.

For a detailed interpretation, see the video:


Other mouse actions:

  1. The mouse runs over you. This is bad. A sign that you will find yourself in the center of gossip and intrigue.
  2. Climbed on your head. Expect minor annoyances that are not worth paying attention to.
  3. Mouse on the ship. Expect illness and discomfort.
  4. The animal communicates with you. You need to listen to what she has to say. This may help in the future.
  5. The mouse sits in a jar or in a mousetrap. This means defeating enemies and competitors.
  6. The animal is caught by a cat. This is a good sign characterizing the end of all troubles. It is important that in a dream the cat does not let the animal go free. If this happens, you will find yourself in an awkward situation.
  7. The mouse stole food from you. The interpretation of dreams in different dream books is almost the same. Wait for the intrigues of the hypocrite.
