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What subjects will be in the 8th grade in the 2021-2022 academic years
What subjects will be in the 8th grade in the 2021-2022 academic years

Video: What subjects will be in the 8th grade in the 2021-2022 academic years

Video: What subjects will be in the 8th grade in the 2021-2022 academic years
Video: 8th grade course of study video for the 2021-2022 school year 2024, April

Before entering the 8th grade, it is necessary to prepare in advance that the program will be more difficult than in the 7th grade. All secondary schools in Russia adhere to a single standard of educational programs. It is important to know what basic and additional subjects will be in the 8th grade in 2021-2022. according to the Federal State Educational Standard in Russia, what are their main features.

Who installed the list of items

The new educational standard, or FSES, was established by the Ministry of Education and Science and enshrined in order No. 413 of June 7, 2012. The main list of subjects is formed by the school administration in accordance with this document.


The general education institution has the right to add additional subjects to the list, some of which students can attend at will, but at the same time relying on the school charter.

The FSES is periodically amended and supplemented. The Ministry of Education was supposed to submit the document for consideration in early 2020. But so far there have been no official announcements about the correction of the program, so by the beginning of the 2021-2022 academic year, the standard remains the same.

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What subjects will be in the 8th grade in the 2021-2022 academic years

There will be no global changes in the list of subjects in the 8th grade, for example, such as were in the 6th and 7th grades. Students will have to say goodbye to several disciplines and get to know two new ones.

Practically in all general education schools "Fine Arts" is taught for 7 years, and in the 8th grade it will no longer be. But in some institutions this subject remains for another 1-2 years. This depends on the internal curriculum of the school, since there are no direct recommendations regarding this subject for the 8th grade in the Federal State Educational Standard.

In all Russian schools, without exception, in the 8th grade, pupils will be offered new subjects - "Chemistry" and "Fundamentals of Life Safety".


List of compulsory school disciplines in the 8th grade:

  • Russian language;
  • literature;
  • physical education;
  • foreign language (the same that was studied in the previous class);
  • algebra;
  • geometry;
  • technology;
  • ICT and informatics;
  • music;
  • history;
  • biology;
  • Social Studies;
  • chemistry;
  • geography;
  • physics.

In some secondary schools in the 8th grade, “Music” remains in the list of compulsory subjects for another 1 year. Also, eighth-graders of many schools will study the second "Foreign language", "Native language and literature."

In 8th grade, 37 hours of instruction per week are required. Exceeding or decreasing them is unacceptable.


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Additional subjects and electives

Each educational institution has additional academic disciplines that are established by the pedagogical council. In those schools that are engaged in pre-profile training, the following highly specialized subjects may appear in the 8th grade:

  • astronomy;
  • design;
  • political science;
  • criminal and civil law;
  • psychology and others.

Each school has electives in which the main subjects are taught in depth. These classes are not included in the compulsory school time, so every student can attend them as they wish.


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A sample list of optional activities includes:

  • foreign and domestic contemporary literature;
  • modern lawmaking;
  • additional foreign language;
  • native language;
  • local history;
  • the origins of Russia and many others.

In each educational institution, the list of subjects may differ, since it is not mandatory according to the Federal State Educational Standard and is established by the school administration.

In specialized schools on the basis of a university, in-depth study of some subjects is practiced.



What subjects will be in the 8th grade in the 2021-2022 academic years in each specific school is determined by the management of the institution, based on the Federal State Educational Standard. After that, the list of disciplines is approved by the pedagogical council and is included in the curriculum.
