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Breakfast: pros and cons
Breakfast: pros and cons

Video: Breakfast: pros and cons

Video: Breakfast: pros and cons
Video: Pros and Cons of Owning a Bed & Breakfast - My Point of View Video 2024, April

Experts differ on whether to eat breakfast.

What are the supporters and opponents of early eating based on? And what is better to eat for breakfast?


123RF / Kamil Zabłocki

People used to not have breakfast

An old saying goes: "Getting up at six o'clock, having dinner at ten, going to bed at ten means lengthening your life ten times by ten." Once upon a time, the first meal was at about 10-11 o'clock in the morning, nevertheless, it was called lunch. Do not be surprised, because before people got up at sunrise, at 5-6 o'clock in the morning. By ten they had time to work and get hungry. So this is really lunch.

Humanity acquired the habit of having breakfast only in the 19th century, when the general welfare of the people increased. Lunch and dinner times moved further, and the diet gradually became what we know today, namely breakfast upon waking, lunch in the middle of the day and dinner in the evening.

Arguments for"

Proponents of hearty breakfasts claim that after a whole night of sleep when a person has not eaten anything, he needs vitamins and nutrients. In addition, they believe that after rest, the body assimilates food much better.


123RF / Dean Drobot

In reality, there is no real hunger after a night of sleep - after all, you were resting, and not working. And if a person eats in the morning, it is more likely out of habit or as a "preventive measure" so as not to start feeling hungry a little later.

There are also studies showing that people who refuse breakfast are overweight.

Arguments against"

Supporters of two meals a day are sure that a fat person does not want to eat breakfast, because this is a defensive reaction of his body. During the night, the digestive system barely has time to cope with the food of yesterday, and in the morning the cleaning system turns on - you need to get rid of all the waste that remained after the digestion of food. And therefore the body gives a signal that there is no need to eat breakfast. In this regard, it is the congestion of the digestive system in obese people that leads to the fact that a person does not want to eat in the morning. And not vice versa, lack of breakfast leads to fatness.

It turns out that the researchers noticed a pattern, but they misinterpreted it. Try to find experiments that would prove the following: when fat people start eating breakfast every day, they lose weight. Even if you manage to find something similar, undoubtedly, the reason for losing weight will be a decrease in calories in food consumed throughout the day, so be sure to pay attention to the research environment.

What should be breakfast?

There are many arguments, but perhaps the best advisor is your own body.

Don't force yourself to eat in the morning if you don't want to.

But if you are used to having breakfast and are not ready to refuse it, consider the following:

When you first wake up, your digestive system is not ready to assimilate food. Therefore, after waking up, the first thing to do is to run to the kitchen. Do you brush your teeth in the morning? Your stomach and intestines also need hygiene. Drink 1-2 glasses of water. If the stomach allows, then add lemon juice to the water. This will cleanse your digestive system of waste from yesterday's food. In addition, this procedure will start the bowels and prepare the stomach to digest food. You can have breakfast in half an hour


123RF / Evgeny Atamanenko
