Naomi Campbell wants 3,000 horny men right away
Naomi Campbell wants 3,000 horny men right away

Video: Naomi Campbell wants 3,000 horny men right away

Video: Naomi Campbell wants 3,000 horny men right away
Video: Female celebrities always get away with sexual misconduct 2024, September

Black swan Naomi Campbell (Naomi Campbell) not without difficulty escaped from the crowd of three thousand horny men. There was an incident in Italy where Naomi is involved in a mobile phone advertising campaign.

According to the Italian agency Ansa, Naomi was spotted during a photo shoot on a public beach in Sardinia. According to the plot, she hides the phone in a miniature bikini swimsuit, and, of course, this production aroused great interest in the souls of hot Italians, who began to flock to the filming location, hoot, make unambiguous gestures and voice their desires.

After some time, when the crowd loomed, Naomi's guards had to call the police. The police managed to push back the crowd and fence off the model and the photographer with an iron fence. Until that time, the only thing that stopped the Italians was a huge black dog, with which Naomi starred in commercials.

After the photo session, the police, not without difficulty, led Campbell through the crowd of excited men to the car. No harm done. That is, Naomi was not raped by the Italians together, and she, accordingly, did not bite or scratch them, fighting off harassment.

Who knows how a model would behave in another country, because it has long been no secret to anyone that, according to numerous studies, Italians do not get pleasure in bed and because of this they consider their marriage to be unhappy. Italian men do not seduce women for sex. The process of seduction itself gives them great pleasure. The survey has shown that 70% of men get more pleasure precisely from the tricks that make women cuddle and give up. Finding himself in bed with the seduced woman, the Italian rather sluggishly asserts his rights and, with his unexpected indifference, plunges the lady into despair.
