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Why dream of a suitcase in a dream
Why dream of a suitcase in a dream

Video: Why dream of a suitcase in a dream

Video: Why dream of a suitcase in a dream
Video: DREAM ABOUT LUGGAGE - Biblical Meaning Of Suitcase 2024, April

In real life, we only take out a suitcase when we are going on a trip or preparing to move. Therefore, the appearance of this object in a dream is always surprising. We will find out why a suitcase is dreaming in a dream for a woman and a man.

Dream interpretation

A suitcase is a symbol of travel. If you saw this object in a dream, it means that soon you will have to move, a long road, an expedition or a tourist trip to another country.

However, the meaning of the vision can vary depending on several factors: what was inside the luggage, who had a dream, what were the actions of the dreamer regarding the suitcase. That is why, before proceeding with the interpretation, you need to remember all the details and moments of night vision.


To remember a dream, you need to clear your mind of painful thoughts and experiences. To do this, you can turn on meditation or read a prayer.

Who had a dream: a woman, a man or a child

This dream is a reflection of your subconscious desires. Very often they affect the love sphere. That is why the meaning can change depending on who saw the vision:

  • Why does a woman dream of a suitcase in a dream? Seeing such a dream for a woman means that she is trying to sort out her personal life. Most likely, disagreements appeared in the relationship with the partner. A dream portends a change in the situation for the better: in the near future you will have a heart-to-heart talk or go on a small trip together that will help refresh the relationship.
  • Why does a man dream of a suitcase in a dream. Seeing luggage in a dream means being secretly in love with your colleague or friend. However, you are afraid of these feelings and are embarrassed to admit that you are interested in this person. A suitcase in a dream is a symbol of your insecurity and anxiety. You need to stop worrying and boldly confess your feelings, because, most likely, they are mutual.
  • Why does a child dream of a suitcase in a dream? Such a dream portends a walk with close friends or an interesting trip with classmates.

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For people who have not yet met their fate, such a dream promises a meeting in the near future with an interesting person.

Seeing a lot of suitcases in a dream for men and women symbolizes your lack of confidence in choosing a partner.


Your actions in a dream

A dream in which you accidentally lost your luggage warns that you may be missing out on opportunities. Most likely, in the near future you will be made a lucrative offer at work, and rejection of it will entail negative consequences in all areas of life.

If your dream was about how you forgot your suitcase, then your efforts will not be crowned with success. Chances are, your boss will not notice that you have done much more than expected of you. In addition, other people will brazenly appropriate your ideas and suggestions. In order not to get into such a situation, you need to retire for a while and change the situation.

The vision in which you bought or chose a new suitcase suggests that you need rest. This message is relevant if you are busy at work at the moment. You need to take a vacation and go on a trip with your family.


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The suitcase that you are taking apart foreshadows petty quarrels in the family. If you dream that you are taking apart a suitcase full of things, it means that someone from the environment is trying to set you up. But you can successfully avoid this. Take a closer look at your surroundings, the ill-wisher is hiding there.

What the suitcase looked like

The appearance of luggage plays a key role in the interpretation of sleep. That is why you need to remember in detail what it looked like:

  • A white suitcase in a dream speaks of the dreamer's desire to carry out all his plans. You are very ambitious, so the requirements that you make to reality, unfortunately, often do not correspond to what is happening around. You need to take off your rose-colored glasses and lower your expectations, then you will avoid disappointment.
  • A black suitcase is a harbinger of disappointment, frustration and bad decisions. Unjustified investments or risky deals will be the source of your problems. During this period, you need to be more careful in financial matters than ever.
  • Luggage on wheels indicates that your attention is dispersed. Because of this, you will not be able to find the information you need in time or miss an important point. To solve this problem, you need to start keeping a journal so that valuable ideas are always at hand.
  • If instead of a suitcase you dreamed of hand luggage, then you really want to go on vacation, but some life circumstances do not allow you to fulfill this dream.
  • A leaky suitcase in a dream portends the loss of a large amount. Most likely, you will fall for the bait of scammers or lose money. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, you need to be more careful.

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Don't take your dream too seriously. Remember that sometimes the plot of your dream may not come true.

According to Vanga's dream book, seeing a suitcase means that in the near future you will have a major quarrel with a close friend, during which you will say a lot of unnecessary things.


The dream in which you saw a suitcase very often portends travel. However, this vision can not always be interpreted as favorable. Sometimes a suitcase dreams of financial loss or failure. That is why you need to correctly interpret the dream in order to understand what is happening at the moment and make the right decision.
