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Alexander Pryanikov about new hair
Alexander Pryanikov about new hair

Video: Alexander Pryanikov about new hair

Video: Alexander Pryanikov about new hair
Video: Александр Пряников 2024, September

The long-awaited finale loomed on the path of Alexander Pryanikov's transformation. However, this does not mean that the coordinators have folded their hands and are only planning the final photo session. Before we release the final report, we need to tell you about one more important event - Alexander Pryanikov finally began to have new hair in the areas of bald patches. Find out firsthand how the showman reacted to this!


Over the past few years, I've been watching a very unpleasant process develop - I'm balding! Yes, earlier these intelligent bald patches added a certain amount of charm to my image. But the more I look at myself in the frame, the more upset I am with the ongoing transformations.


If I were Gosha Kutsenko or Dmitry Nagiyev, of course, I would have resigned myself and would not do anything. After all, they are much better with a bald head than with hair. But in my situation, a smooth skull is no longer solid.


When I was invited to participate in the "Beauty for a Million" project, I knew that any wishes for a change in appearance are possible. Of course, the first thing I started talking about was hair.


My request was heard, the doctors at the Reneo clinic took up hair transplantation, and the operation, according to their estimates, was a success. Now I just had to wait, since the first results should have appeared no earlier than in 4-5 months. Yes, and these results will not be so impressive yet - just fluff.


However, I was looking forward to it too, listening to the agonizing "tick-tock" in my head … A month passed, the second, the sixth, and the gun was not visible. Frustrated, I let go of the problem and moved on. But then, at one fine moment, while vacationing in France, I casually looked in the mirror and could not believe my eyes: there were almost no bald patches, the fluff made its way through the skin and almost completely hid them. Joy and relief - that's what I experienced in those minutes!


When I came to Reneo for another examination, the doctors said that so far only 30-40% of the expected volume of transplanted hair had appeared. Following them, the rest will begin to grow. And these will eventually become thicker and gain volume.


To stimulate growth, I was given a course of special procedures. By the way, it is a very indicative fact that the drugs used by the doctors were developed here - in the Reneo laboratory with the participation of the head physician of the clinic Nagaytseva Yulia Vasilievna. This is a powerful indicator of the professionalism of the local specialists, do you think?


The procedures themselves took place in several stages: application of the product to the scalp, light massage, 10 minutes under the cap, once more head massage, but already intensive, and finally, laser stimulation of blood circulation.


Personally, all these manipulations instill in me the confidence that soon I will forget about the receding hairline forever. At least, even the result that is now is quite satisfactory to me. If in the future I have problems with my hair, I know exactly who will help me solve them!

More interesting photo and video materials about the participants can be seen on the project's Instagram


comment by the trichologist surgeon:

Half a year has passed since the hair transplant operation was carried out to Alexander Pryanikov. Let me remind you that the hair was transplanted from the back of the head to correct the growth line on the forehead.

Initially, I warned the project participant that to evaluate the final result, you need to wait about 10-12 months. However, we can observe the intermediate result already now. At the next consultation, I noted that, indeed, single new hairs appeared in the transplant area, a clear contour of their growth line is visible. In other words, it took Alexander six months to move from the category of balding to the category of a man with a haircut. Let me remind you that this was our goal.

Over the next 5-6 months, the process of new hair growth will be more active. Moreover, those hairs that have already appeared will gradually become thicker, their pigmentation will increase. At the next consultation, I think Alexander and I will see the final result, and he will enter the New Year already differently.

Buyanov Vasily Vasilievich, hair transplant surgeon, plastic surgeon, candidate of medical sciences


dermatovenerologist-trichologist comment:

Alexander Pryanikov came to our clinic six months ago with a complaint of thinning hair, hair loss and peeling of the scalp. We have approached these problems in a comprehensive manner. Therefore, before performing hair transplantation, we started by preparing the scalp. We carried out several peeling sessions with a lotion that has a calming effect, and then performed a transplant.

Six months after the operation, the result is visible, and it is very good. In the next six months, we expect the effect to increase. To speed up the growth of new hair, Alexander will be additionally prescribed therapy with special lotions. We will evaluate the result of the therapeutic treatment in six months.

At the moment, however, Alexander still has a flaky scalp problem. After diagnosing, we came to the conclusion that we are dealing with seborrheic dermatitis. Alas, this disease is chronic and cannot be completely cured. Moreover, Alexandra accompanies enough factors that aggravate this problem: high loads, constant flights.

At this stage, we prescribed a therapy for him with peeling and the use of anti-seborrheic lotions. This should reduce relapse rates and help achieve remission.

Julia Nagaitseva, dermatovenerologist, trichologist, chief physician of the clinic

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You can see the results of the transformations of the previous participants here

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RENEO CLINIC Hair Restoration and Aesthetic Medicine Clinic

Previous issues:

"Beauty for a Million": Meet Sasha Pryanikov!

Alexander Pryanikov: "Many men are addicted to THIS"

Gingerbread went for Hollywood

Gingerbread is preparing for a hair transplant

Alexander Pryanikov had hair transplanted

Alexander Pryanikov on cosmetology. Part 2

Alexander Pryanikov at the dentist. Stage two

Alexander Pryanikov tried botox for the first time

Heroes of the "Beauty for a Million" project visited a nutritionist

Alexander Pryanikov tried his hand at CrossFit
