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How to put things in order in love, soul, career before the New Year
How to put things in order in love, soul, career before the New Year

Video: How to put things in order in love, soul, career before the New Year

Video: How to put things in order in love, soul, career before the New Year

Everyone knows the tradition of cleaning an apartment or house before the New Year. Only few people think about the fact that order should be established not only in their home, but also at work, in the soul and relationships. To outline goals for career development, gain courage and end a relationship that has long outlived itself, make peace with your beloved friend and make an old dream come true - all this must be done before the holiday in order to enter a new year with a clear conscience, live it with dignity, brightly and looking with confidence in tomorrow.

Everyone loves to make wishes on New Year's Eve and look forward to their fulfillment, but many forget that it is necessary to prepare space for this magical process, remove possible obstacles to making dreams come true and, as they say, “clean up karma”. But such an important event as the transition to the next time period of life, and even fanned by mystical beliefs and all sorts of speculations, generously nurtured over the centuries by our ancestors, requires an integrated approach.


Let's say no to the melancholy

It doesn't matter if you are in a relationship or are temporarily in splendid loneliness, it is worth taking a closer look at the love side of your life, analyzing the past year and assessing the prospects for the future.

If the fairy-tale prince has not yet met on your way, you should not indulge in despondency. Use your free time to explore your inner woman, fill with knowledge, be honest with yourself, and prioritize exactly what feels right to you. If your ideas about happiness and its components differ from those accepted in society, do not rush to radically revise your system of values. Remember that each of us is unique, especially for the female half of humanity, which means that what suits everyone can cause a strong internal conflict within you. After you honestly admit to yourself what you expect from a potential chosen one, and sent a corresponding request to the Universe, you can with peace of mind start thinking about an image for a New Year's party. The monkey is famous for its love of jokes and surprises - perhaps it is during a magnificent celebration that you will meet someone who will take its rightful place in your heart for more than one year. It is nice to know that you will meet him fully armed and invite him into your space of love, thought out, carefully and competently prepared as a result of persistent joint work with your inner “I”.

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It also happens that the outgoing year seems to pass mostly under the sign of love, but its final chords turn out to be extremely sad. What to do when a bright feeling loses its strength, and the prospect of celebrating the New Year without a couple nullifies any feeling of a holiday? Of course, a love drama is an extremely difficult lesson, but it should also be passed with dignity and learned regularly. You should not completely shift the blame for what happened on the shoulders of the second half. Remember that in any conflict there are always two sides, which means that responsibility will have to be shared honestly. Instead of mindlessly indulging in an irrepressible desire to feel sorry for yourself, honestly answer the following questions:

  • What do you think is the cause of relationship problems?
  • Are you ready to admit to yourself that your chosen one, most likely, has always been who he is now, and it is with such a person that you decided to build a relationship?
  • Can you accept him with all his flaws, as if you were told that he will never be different again?
  • Have you made mistakes (allowed yourself inappropriate actions and statements, clearly "crossing the line"), being in this relationship?
  • Are you ready to change? Get the knowledge you need to build truly harmonious relationships and work on yourself?
  • If your union expects an obvious, not the most rosy ending, can you accept it, let go of the failed partner, sincerely forgive yourself and him, wishing him happiness in later life and thanking him for the experience?

Be honest with yourself, no matter how much you want to take wishful thinking - this will allow you to give an adequate assessment of the relationship, and your partner, and yourself.

Regardless of whether your couple's life hangs in the balance or you have already broken up with your man, if you answered yes to these questions, you are no longer a loser. The desire to work on yourself, the ability to feel gratitude for the moments of happiness shared together and the lack of desire to put yourself at the forefront when misunderstandings begin to loom on the horizon are clear evidence of your spiritual growth, and it is he who is responsible for order in the affairs of the heart.

Be honest with yourself, no matter how much you want to take wishful thinking - this will allow you to give an adequate assessment of the relationship, and your partner, and yourself. From these positions, it will be possible to assess the prospects of your union, outline goals for self-improvement or prepare the ground for a new meeting - your work will be an invaluable contribution to maintaining order in the space of love for many years.

The soul in the new year should not cry

If you intend to get serious about putting things in order with your partner on the eve of the holiday, do not think that the lion's share of problems will disappear, as if by magic, from your life. Indeed, in addition to your beloved, there are a huge number of people in your environment: parents, friends, colleagues - all of them should also be dealt with. And if you remember that in addition to interpersonal conflicts, we are often accompanied by internal conflicts, then it may seem that work is an endless land.

If the relationship with the parents is far from ideal, this is the most that neither is the reason to delve deeper into the problem and the essence of the relationship.

Fathers and Sons. If your relationship with your parents is far from ideal, there are constant conflicts between you, and reconciliation, as a rule, is delayed - this is the most reason to delve deeper into the problem and the essence of the relationship. Aren't you asking a lot from each other? Whose interests are you leading? Do you think that children owe their parents a priori, or vice versa? Do you have enough knowledge to judge who is right and who is wrong, and to set the right direction for your relationship with your parents? Start small and order will gradually be restored:

  • Be open to new knowledge and be prepared for the fact that many things familiar from childhood will turn out to be wrong. Do not be lazy and master the deepest research of the famous psychologist Anatoly Nekrasov, a book called "Mother's Love". This will make you a real gift for yourself and your parents.
  • Don't run from the problem - solve it.
  • Strive for dialogue with enviable tenacity, even if it seems to you that another attempt will be in vain.
  • Forget resentment - with them you make things worse in the first place to yourself.
  • Remember that parents are an integral part of your life and history, and ignoring the mess in it is the worst possible mistake that can bitterly backfire on your future generations.

If relationships with like-minded people are at stake, sometimes it makes sense to give up your own pride and take a step towards the first.

Friends. If at stake is a relationship with like-minded like-minded people who, as you know, do not roll on the road, sometimes it makes sense to sacrifice your own pride and take a step towards the first. When it comes to the best friend with whom you went through fire, water and copper pipes, all the more you should not take a sin on your soul - moderate your ardor, stock up on a gift and make an unexpected visit. It can be said with a high degree of probability that it will be pleasant for both of you. Of course, this option is appropriate only if you are almost sisters with your friend and, deep down, each of you is sure that this senseless disagreement will come to an end one way or another. Be sure to be extremely honest talk heart to heart:

  • Express your point of view openly and be ready to listen to your friend.
  • Try to drown out emotions and reasonably analyze the situation that has become a stumbling block.
  • Say that your friend is dear to you, but at the same time there are things that cause a storm of negative feelings in you.
  • Together, think about what steps to take and what rules to follow to avoid repeating the unpleasant situation in the future.
  • Hug and allow yourself tears of joy - congratulations, you've just found a friend again!

Vent. It also happens that there are no obvious problems in life, but the soul continues to miss something. Do you have an outlet? A place where you can go and meditate on the "high"? An activity that brings you real pleasure and allows you to be in a state when all troubles, temporary problems and obsessive life questions cease to exist for you? Believe me, the presence of something in a sense sacred and extremely important for you is necessary to relieve psychological stress, achieve peace and peace of mind, especially in the conditions of modern life. For example, it can be a hobby, spiritual mentor, religion, some kind of seminars or courses, music or art. Pay due attention to this issue. It is especially relevant on the eve of the New Year, when we make plans for the future, but think little about where we will take strength and inspiration for their implementation. The eve of the holiday is a magical period when the positively charged energy of the entire universe manifests itself with the greatest strength, intuition works well, there is simply no better time to open new facets of your inner “I”. Listen - the reward will not be long in coming!

“I can do anything! I can do anything!"

Analyzing the success in the professional field in the past year, many are faced with typical problems that are characteristic of the overwhelming majority. Remaining unresolved, they "flow" from year to year, becoming more and more like a snowball, while irritation and dissatisfaction with yourself accumulate in you. Meanwhile, the pre-New Year's time is the most successful period of the year for solving them. Despite the desire to somehow complete work before the holidays and the stress caused by this, the bosses are still in a positive mood, happily looking forward to the long Christmas holidays.

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"It seems to me that I stayed too long in one place!" - you can often hear from a pretty good, but, apparently, shy specialist. Do not be shy! Feel free to head to your boss's office and, generously spicing up your opening speech with Happy New Year greetings, get to the heart of the matter. Before asking for a promotion, remember to remind how long you have been in your current position, highlight your strengths, and outline your vision of how you could be useful in your new position. Even if you get rejected, you will have an understanding of how and where to build your career further.

Turning to management with a request about a salary increase, you should adhere to approximately the same sequence in your speech. Feel free to talk about the amount of work you are doing in detail - managers are often far from such details. The only thing - it is not worth mentioning that you have to stay late at the workplace. In this case, the interlocutor may think that you have problems with self-organization.

Even if you get rejected, you will have an understanding of how and where to build your career further.

The last working day of the year ends with dancing on the table every time - are you so happy knowing that there is a long vacation ahead? You slam the laptop lid with a bang, flying out of your office like a bullet, and the end of your little New Year's holiday is always marked by a deep depression? Think is such a job needed, from the very thought of which it becomes sickening. After putting things in order at home, we throw out the excess. Maybe it's time to get rid of your unloved work?

You yourself will be surprised how easy and pleasant it will be to meet the New Year and celebrate your favorite holiday, being in peace from the realization that the most important things are done, everything is in order, old grievances are forgotten, and conflicts are settled. Go for it! And Happy New Year!
